Mesa 4x12 cabs mic'd with 8 mics, 87 impulses. Near/far.


I borrowed my friend's Mesa 4x12 and a couple expensive mics to make some more impulses. Still wasn't able to NOT use minimum phase, but oh well - Cliff used it in the built-in cabs I hear.

Dynamic mics are in 6-8 positions, condensor mics were at 3-4 different distances, including in the shower facing the corner haha.

Mics used:
1) Sennheiser MD421
2) Sennheiser E609
3) Blue Baby Bottle
4) Blue Bluebird
5) Shure Beta 87C
6) AKG C-414
7) Cascade Fathead 2
8) Oktava MK-319 fully modded by

I really don't like most of the off-axis impulses this time, but maybe someone will, so they're included. If you have any feedback, let me know! It's split into 2 files below because it's too big.



  • Mesa
    195.5 KB · Views: 287
  • Mesa
    195.1 KB · Views: 299
Hell yeah,,,Thanks Brian ;)

some of these sound really good. I was dicking around and loading them in,I came across one that sounded real good with the preset I was playing around with,,then got to playing and forgot which one it is :evil: damnit :lol: now I just gotta figure out which one in case I lose it.

moshwitz said:
Hell yeah,,,Thanks Brian ;)

some of these sound really good. I was dicking around and loading them in,I came across one that sounded real good with the preset I was playing around with,,then got to playing and forgot which one it is :evil: damnit :lol: now I just gotta figure out which one in case I lose it.

Lol, I hate it when that happens! I try to keep notes on ones I really like for later!

I quite like the Blue mics too! Especially the Baby Bottle. I like that 87C too!

You're all welcome!
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