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  1. javajunkie

    Out2 latency?

    A way to compensate for whatever this is w/o using a delay block is to use a compressor set to 1:1 ratio. Use the look ahead parameter as a micro delay.
  2. javajunkie

    External drive/delay pedals?

    Currently I am using SUF Classic Violet Rams Head, MXR Classic Fuzz, Timeline, Mobius, Big Sky, POG 2, and an Eclipse. I route them with a Liquid Router and an RJM Effects Gizmo.
  3. javajunkie

    Out2 latency?

    Doesn't the motor drive in the cab block add additional latency? do you have motor drive in the cab sim on?
  4. javajunkie

    Are Amp Makers Adapting To Cliff's Techniques?

    I think he said he opened that up a traced all the components. IIRC he stated it is very time consuming.
  5. javajunkie

    Looks like formant shift isn't far off!

    Yep, the formant block is already an option in the Axe-fx.
  6. javajunkie

    Update Amps All Presets vs. Deselect - Reselect method

    He did not say that 16.01 removes the need for manually resetting amps, as far I know. He just stated that resetting wasn't necessary in 16.01. Not all the presets use default values. They probably got reset to default, when you selected update all amps.
  7. javajunkie

    Any ideas on Boss OC3-like Octaver modelling?

    I had it working w/ the xover. It wasn't the greatest but it only triggered the pitch on the low notes, high notes were unaffected.
  8. javajunkie

    16.1 Flanger block - automated delay time = cracling

    I'm not getting this. what are your settings?
  9. javajunkie

    Any ideas on Boss OC3-like Octaver modelling?

    you can use a crossover block followed by a pitch block. Set the crossover left and right high levels all the way down. tune xover freq where you want the pitch to cut out. Place a pitch block after. Try a classic whammy an oct down. set pitch source to local. I thought it worked better with...
  10. javajunkie

    16.01 Tubescreamers rule!

    I actually like them better than my analog man modded ts808. The bb preamp is REALLY close to my real one.
  11. javajunkie

    Can AxeFx Mimic the VCO sweep function of a Lexicon Prime Time Digital Delay?

    And you can have the feedback positive or negative is a dual delay line.
  12. javajunkie

    Can AxeFx Mimic the VCO sweep function of a Lexicon Prime Time Digital Delay?

    You don't need a second delay blocks for this, there is a phase reverse parameter in the delay block that can be set to Left, Right, None, or Both.
  13. javajunkie

    humbuster cable with audio switcher

    Humbusters only work on out 1 and 2 1/4". The will work between the Axe-fx 1/4" outs and an unbalanced input. It will only solve ground loop problems between the devices it is connected to. If you are getting hum between the switchblade and amp without the Axe-fx connected, it will not help...
  14. javajunkie

    Sound engineer has issues with AXE--suggestions?

    Funny, the airport actually worked better than anything else I tried with the studiolive (using 5ghz).
  15. javajunkie

    Anyone doing this? (low cut HBs?)

    I use the low cut freq parameter on the amp block when needed. It is applied before the amp modeling so it does the same thing. I do not need modify for humbuckers on all models though, just tweak it a bit on few.
  16. javajunkie

    I've been ignoring this problem for a while. Please help me!

    what OS version are you using?
  17. javajunkie

    Drive block Sample Rate wierdness.

    What that is saying is different. That is saying at a mix of 100% there is still some clean signal coming through. The opposite of what you are talking about.
  18. javajunkie

    User Amp Models

    The Bias approach is the way to go IMO. It is much more functional and understandable for the average user - it is really GUI driven. The revalver approach approach look like a schematic. You can adjust values in the schematic on many things.
  19. javajunkie

    User Amp Models

    It is much, much more granular now.
  20. javajunkie

    New IR sets?

    It is hard to say with out knowing what they are.
  21. javajunkie

    Midi Command for "Store Preset" Yet?

    Yes, the vol inc/dec works by raising the presets scene main level +/- 1db then saving the preset.
  22. javajunkie

    Drive block Sample Rate wierdness.

    Kind of a separate issue from the sample rate being post mix though.
  23. javajunkie

    Recording other instruments/singing with a condenser mic?

    You condensor mic is not a digital device. It won'y work. Moreover, most condenser mics require power (either battery or phantom power). Use a mic preamp (you'll probably need phantom power) in to the rear input 1 L of the Axe-fx. Set the input 1 left select to rear.
  24. javajunkie

    crackling noise when moving Output 1 knob

    Accord to Cliff, in order to achieve the Unity gain functions, the Axe-Fx II uses digital potentiometers to adjust the output levels. These actually contain hundreds of tiny resistors and switches. As such, some noise may be generated while adjusting the knobs.
  25. javajunkie

    Input sensitivity changes over time?

    It should not sound juicier or any different. The only differerence would be SNR ratio, which would manifest itself as a slightly higher noise floor (most probably inaudible). There is nothing to compensate for. The compensation is done automatically in the axe-fx. As you turn down the input...
  26. javajunkie

    Can your wife cook?

    I do the cooking and dishes.
  27. javajunkie

    Update Amps All Presets vs. Deselect - Reselect method

    the values you described are the default on my Axe-fx with 15.06 on it.
  28. javajunkie

    Update Amps All Presets vs. Deselect - Reselect method

    Output comp, comp threshold and poweramp bias were added in 15.0. Are you sure those values you have are not from before 15, because all those things change in 15, I believe?
  29. javajunkie

    I've been ignoring this problem for a while. Please help me!

    50% is complete normal for that setup. Are you using Axe-edit when you get the glitches?
  30. javajunkie

    Update Amps All Presets vs. Deselect - Reselect method

    The new firmware does not reset those. All my parameters are the same. The post the statement was made in was The 16.01 Public Beta, the question was asked in regards to that since it was a major revision number.
  31. javajunkie

    Update Amps All Presets vs. Deselect - Reselect method

    In this case he did not change any of the advanced parameters. He added a new parameter called Poweramp Hardness. This defaults to medium on older presets (as well as new, I believe). I think too much is being read into this comment: “Do we need to reset our amps? I would assume we would since...
  32. javajunkie

    Input sensitivity changes over time?

    1. Because when you sum left and R, each side gets padded because it presumes the you are plugging signal both in to the left and right which would double the signal when summed (1 + 1 = 2) 2. I would start at the beginning. Reset your system parameters. Adjust Instr 1 so that your hottest...
  33. javajunkie

    Input sensitivity changes over time?

    His problem is likely the input being set to sum l+r
  34. javajunkie

    Input sensitivity changes over time?

    Set set your input mode to left only instead of sum l+R
  35. javajunkie

    Mfc switches, best usage...

    Using a couple for momentary switches is cool. You set them up for lots of cool thing like a delay hold until you release the pedal, auto flange type effect, where the flange sweeps when you hold the switch down but stops when releasing. Anything where you just want something to happen until you...
  36. javajunkie

    Drive Block at 0% Mix still effecting tone?

    boy that went over your head :) I loved Ren and Stimpy.....Don't Wiz on the Electric Fence ! I was illustrating bad timing :)
  37. javajunkie

    NGD: She's purdy

  38. javajunkie

    Sound engineer has issues with AXE--suggestions?

    Absolutely. from the soundmen I've run into around Denver. Most are familiar with splitting the signals and sending them one set and using another for the IEM. With the wireless and ipad, it makes it a dream (unless you get wifi drop outs).
  39. javajunkie


    I compared the Axe-fx BB preamp to my real one. The were REALLY close at the settings I use.
  40. javajunkie

    Drive Block at 0% Mix still effecting tone?

    I don't get it? .....:0)
  41. javajunkie

    Drive Block at 0% Mix still effecting tone?

    Yes the auto impedance detects the first active block and adjust the impedance to its real world analog. Since it is not bypassed, it will set it to what ever the drive type uses (if it is the first active effect).
  42. javajunkie

    Getting rid of ground loop buzz with Axe fx and Elec. Guitar. Good way of fixing it?

    If you did that and it worked, your front input assembly is likely defective.
  43. javajunkie

    Instrument in adjusting

    Right at extreme settings you can go beyond the Axe-fx's ability to compensate. If you set it at minimum it could cause a lower than intended gain (and bad SNR). On the hot side, you could clip the inputs. Just set it so your hottest guitar is just tickling the red when strumming hard and...
  44. javajunkie

    Question For Cliff regarding the Buttery model...

    Cliff has stated in the past it was tuned by ear. He listened to Matchbox Twenty and made and amp that sounds like that. I love the amp. I agree with simeon, I almost always keep the master at 10.
  45. javajunkie

    Drive block Sample Rate wierdness.

    Mix at 0 is not = bypass. The tone controls and as, stated here sample rate parameters, are still in play.
  46. javajunkie

    Axe Fx II - Amp in the Room ?? I hear wood - SeeD

    you can do a similar thing by using the low res freq in the speaker section of the amp block. Select the freq and turn up the low resonance. In the new firmware you can really crank up the low resonance. You can fine tune it by lowering or raising the Q. If it is a more comb filtering effect...
  47. javajunkie

    Handy: increasing Mic level without preamp or mixer

    Just tried it with a Beyerdynamic M160, it seems to work ok. Plenty of level. Does this reduce the dynamic range of the mic though? Nothing is for free and as you bump up the output level by changing the impedance, the voltage will go down.
  48. javajunkie

    Handy: increasing Mic level without preamp or mixer

    I will have to see how well that works. I have a couple laying around
  49. javajunkie

    Presets / amps sound really different on my axe fx to what I hear elsewhere

    Guitar, pickups, monitoring system, playing style/technique. It all matters.
  50. javajunkie

    Drive block Sample Rate wierdness.

    Right the sample rate, eq settings, tone, and level are still effected when the mix is at 0. It is probably placed after the tone controls, that is why it still active when mix is at 0.
  51. javajunkie

    Update Amps All Presets vs. Deselect - Reselect method

    To get the improvements, you do not need to do anything. That comes with the firmware update. To reset the amp blocks advanced parameters to their default settings with out changing the master volume, presence, depth, various switches use the Update All Amps. Use the switch to another amp and...
  52. javajunkie

    Sound engineer has issues with AXE--suggestions?

    Just tell him while usually is not a good idea to run a guitar processor direct to the board; the Axe-fx is not your usual guitar processor :)
  53. javajunkie

    Ok. I'll start Wish list

    It is completely independent from an Axe-fx. It is not an Axe-fx Extension board.
  54. javajunkie

    Sweatshirts and Hoodies

    I refuse to answer until we get a Fractal coffee mug option! :0
  55. javajunkie

    Formant trickery

    That's funny. Lip syncing a talk box :) Brilliant.
  56. javajunkie

    Is there a Clean System file for the XL??

    I think using the Utilty-Preset parameters of ERASE ALL PRESETS – (XL Only) – Completely erases all presets in the unit. ERASE ALL CABS – (XL Only) – Completely erases all user cabs in the unit. Along with the system reset will clean the system.
  57. javajunkie

    Axe-Fx II Firmware 16.00 Public Beta (Update: Beta1 Now Available)

    Yes, it is under the utility-preset menu. Select backup Bank a,b, or c
  58. javajunkie

    Axe-Fx II Firmware 16.00 Public Beta (Update: Beta1 Now Available)

    try and go back to the previous firmware, see if they show up.
  59. javajunkie

    Axe-Fx II Firmware 16.00 Public Beta (Update: Beta1 Now Available)

    Nothing backs up automatically.
  60. javajunkie

    Clean Sound Direct

    You would use a splitter before the input of the amp and send one signal to the board and another to the amp.
  61. javajunkie

    Clean Sound Direct

    You can also use the Air parameter in the cab block to mix in some of the direct signal.
  62. javajunkie

    Jumped Plexi & Music Man JP6

    Sounds great.
  63. javajunkie

    Request: Worship Presets Please

    I couldn't find time for all the screenshots so this is for XL only. I am including my usercab list so that you can see which user cabs I am using. The presets have different drives and delay on scenes, generally it is cleaner to dirtier. Also, the levels may be low for your set up. I have mine...
  64. javajunkie

    Expression pedal to alter gain ?

    Are you connect directly to the axe-fx or using a midi pedal. If so, which midi pedal.
  65. javajunkie

    Passive EQ question

    From Cliff: "It's not a clone of the Manley but rather new filter types based on those old analog circuits. You get that same overshoot characteristic as the Manley/Neve/Pultec etc. Very musical." When he says those, he means Manley,Neve,Pultec. In other words, just a passive circuit design.
  66. javajunkie

    Passive EQ question

    It is not modelled off a specific eq, but a passive design.
  67. javajunkie

    Why was the Sat switch moved to the Advanced tab in the Amp block?

    It is the response to a 'Why did the Chicken Cross the Road?" joke.
  68. javajunkie

    Why can't I use the front and rear input anymore?

    Nothing has changed. what is your input 2 select set at? what kind of routing so you have after the the fx loop? Do you see a signal on the input 2 level meter on the front of the Axe-fx II?
  69. javajunkie

    Raising the volume of an exported tonematch

    Not that I know of.
  70. javajunkie

    Where's Waldo

  71. javajunkie

    EZ Drummer 2 upgrade?

    I have both. One is quick n dirty premixed (EZ drummer), the other raw drums, lots of options (superior drummer). The new search utility for grooves is worth it for me. Also the dedicated percussion sound and grooves are different than Superior Drummer.
  72. javajunkie

    Need Help Reducing CPU Usage

    You can find tips on cpu reduction here
  73. javajunkie

    Need Help Reducing CPU Usage

    The screen does not fade at high CPU use. The modifiers and display get sluggish. Audio alway takes priority.
  74. javajunkie

    Amp level vs cab level

    ...A cabinet IR is a filter. Distortion is an example of a nonlinear system. Linear systems are associative and commutative. Associative means that a * (b * c) = (a * b) * c. Commutative means that a + b = b + a or a * b = b * a. Therefore you can do cab -> eq (a * b) or eq -> cab (b * a). The...
  75. javajunkie

    Tele sound has what sounds like digital distortion

    make sure it isn't the noise gate. The tele likely has a weaker signal and may be triggering the noise gate differently. Turn the noise gate off, see if it still happens.
  76. javajunkie

    New Guitar on the way

    I just got it today. It sounds fantastic and play like a dream. I love the trem and I usually hate bigsby style trems.
  77. javajunkie

    papaflann presets - XL CPU usage above 95% - no sound only noise

    The XL uses slightly more CPU than prior generation IIs. This can throw patches that were already close to the edge over the top. If your CPU use is over 92% you canb get anything from slow response on controllers, to glitches, to no audio. That preset was not created for the XL.
  78. javajunkie

    Running a boost pedal in front of Axe Fx II (Clipping??)

    The loop does not have a soft limiter, it is really easy for a drive to clip the A/D converters. The front handles drive pedals much better.
  79. javajunkie

    Running a boost pedal in front of Axe Fx II (Clipping??)

    You won't hurt anything, if you don't hear horrible clipping (A/D converters clipping), the the soft limiter is doing its job. It does add its own distortion when pushed hard.
  80. javajunkie

    Expression pedal behaving weird

    Here is some of the history behind that:
  81. javajunkie

    Expression pedal behaving weird

    It is a lot easier to diagnose if you post the preset. What it the pedal plugged into?
  82. javajunkie

    Request: Worship Presets Please

    We never got around to making patches. I'll post XL patches of some stuff today and screenshots. About to start rehearsal now.
  83. javajunkie

    NGD Diamond DBZ

  84. javajunkie

    dizzy ch3- what the heck happened to it?

    He redid the saturation since then I believe (I don't remember if it was before or after the public beta), I just tried it and it seemed to work fine.
  85. javajunkie

    Help with Scenes

    Yes, that is the wa ythe MFC-101 is set by default. Look at page 17 of the MFC-101 manual and set the bank size to 0 if you don't want presets, you would then just use bank up/down to switch presets.
  86. javajunkie

    dizzy ch3- what the heck happened to it?

    Didn't know that. I haven't tried them for a while. I REALLY like the change.
  87. javajunkie

    dizzy ch3- what the heck happened to it?

    The sat switch does work now.
  88. javajunkie

    How to save I/O settings ?

    Do other parameters stick? Like your input levels?
  89. javajunkie

    High gain amp With good note definition.

    If you want note definition, this amp has it.
  90. javajunkie

    Running a pedal in the fx loop ?

    I'm not sure what you are getting at here?
  91. javajunkie

    D00d, s'riously... o_0

    nice. I love the lick at:43
  92. javajunkie

    USB Adapter mode + Roland TD-20 = Evil midi dropout hell

    I just set my TD30 midi out to axe-fx II XL midi in, I went USB MIDI out to EZ drummer 2. No problems here. Windows 8.1 x64 Do you have a MFC footpedal plugged into the ethercon or FASlink? Are you using Axe-edit? What os on the Mac? what app are you listening with?
  93. javajunkie

    using input 1 and output 2 for acoustic

    Basically like this. Turn your send level up in the send turn your mix up on the return. In the example above. the signal would come from input 2, go to reverb, then comp, then send the signal back to the return, the return then passes the signal to the fx loop which send the signal out to...
  94. javajunkie

    New Guitar on the way

    Duesenberg Starplayer TV ;)
  95. javajunkie

    Edge with 2 AxeFX's onstage at Apple now

    ...and I'm sure they are under a NDA ;)
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