Update Amps All Presets vs. Deselect - Reselect method

The post the statement was made in was The 16.01 Public Beta, the question was asked in regards to that since it was a major revision number.
understood, yet the question was still a bit broad and many had the same confusion.

if the question was "do we need to reset our amps to get the new features," then that would have been clearer and i don't think there would have been any confusion with cliff's statement. the firmware updates presets/amp blocks automatically to add the new features (not to change anything that already exists).

glad to clear it up. we had a few theories going on in my chat the other day haha.

thanks sean.
i apologize if i'm reading too much into that comment.

a broad statement was made: "do we need to reset our amps?"

the answer was "no, the firmware updates automatically."

the question is "updates WHAT automatically?"

it seems from java's latest reply above mine, that only NEW advanced parameters are "updated automatically." though this seems very obvious - a new parameter needs to be set to something, so it makes sense that the new parameter would be "updated" to the default. maybe before, a new parameter was introduced at a setting of 0 or something?

the following was written before java's latest reply directly above mine, i'm guessing it has been answered now.

i understand what update the amps all prsts, update amps defaults and "resetting the amp block" functions do.

what i'm trying to clarify is that if you update to firmware 16, does the new firmware change settings like negative feedback, power tube bias, b+ time constant (features LIKE that, which already exist in the amp block, not necessarily those features specifically if they aren't relevant or changed)?

so if i had the negative feedback set to 6.12, but the FW16 default is 2.50, will FW16 automatically change the negative feedback to 2.50?


does FW16 automatically change and default only NEW features added (not present in previous FW)?

Why you don't try what you get on 16 with hit "Update Amp defaults"? Iam not 100% sure with neg. Feedback but assume the fw alone don't change it..
Why you don't try what you get on 16 with hit "Update Amp defaults"? Iam not 100% sure with neg. Feedback but assume the fw alone don't change it..

that's not the question at all. there was never any confusion as to what Update Amp Defaults or the other commands do.

negative feedback was just used as an example.
I think this is a simple summary answer:

Basic user settings (tone, gain, level, etc): Reselect amp to reset
Advanced user settings (things on the advanced tab): Update amps/presets options
Advanced hidden settings (things only Cliff can tweak): automatically updated in the new firmware

(The last one is an assumption on my part)
by default I always make a Update Amps All Prsts.
And when I modify a presets created few month ago, hence with previous FW, I make a Ctl I, to re-init the amp block (with a visual snapshot before Ctl I, to get back to the values if needed). In this way I'm sure not to miss something....
that's not the question at all. there was never any confusion as to what Update Amp Defaults or the other commands do.

negative feedback was just used as an example.

Alright sry man,

you already have the answer, fw update alters the hidden amp algorithm and added new knobs to default.
This is correct.

I just upgraded from 15.03 to 16.01. I had carefully recorded every single amp parameter before upgrading. I did no amp updates and did not reselect the amp. The firmware upgrade changed two values (and added others that were not there in the previous firmware). The values that existed in the previous firmware and that changed for my AC-30TB model:

XFRMR DRV - this was changed to a value of 1.50.
SUPPLY SAG - this changed to 6.00
MAINS IMP (SAG) - this changed to 6.00 (same parameter on a different tab)

So two values changed with the firmware update.

OUTPUT COMP, COMP THRSHLD, POWER AMP HARDNESS, POWER AMP BIAS were all added as new parameters and DYNAMICS TIME was removed.

So why would a firmware update only change the two values above? Is this a mistake? Nothing else except these two values changed. Maybe this was a mistake and the firmware update should not have changed these.
I just upgraded from 15.03 to 16.01. I had carefully recorded every single amp parameter before upgrading. I did no amp updates and did not reselect the amp. The firmware upgrade changed two values (and added others that were not there in the previous firmware). The values that existed in the previous firmware and that changed for my AC-30TB model:

XFRMR DRV - this was changed to a value of 1.50.
SUPPLY SAG - this changed to 6.00
MAINS IMP (SAG) - this changed to 6.00 (same parameter on a different tab)

So two values changed with the firmware update.

OUTPUT COMP, COMP THRSHLD, POWER AMP HARDNESS, POWER AMP BIAS were all added as new parameters and DYNAMICS TIME was removed.

So why would a firmware update only change the two values above? Is this a mistake? Nothing else except these two values changed. Maybe this was a mistake and the firmware update should not have changed these.

I checked another amp model - Double Verb. Same thing. Only two parameters that changed were the same as above but to different values. The XFRMR DRV changed to 1.20 and the SAG changed to 4.00. Strange to me that a firmware update would only change these two values.

It would be great to have a tool that compares all values before and after so we don't have to track each value manually. I use a spreadsheet to do this.
@Axeman: When the underlying algorithms / core are changed, some parameters may need to be adjusted to conform to the new system. This was probably the case for Sag and Transformer Drive when updating from 15 to 16. Other non-affected params are left untouched.
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I've personally just always updated everything when updating firmware. New stuff works best with new stuff. Kinda follows the whole "update" motif.
It's funny how a process to update firmware really hasn't been finalized. Update all amps, switch amp types, advanced page changes, TMB stays the same, blah blah... It's almost like I don't even want to update any more because I'm not sure if I'm applying the new firmware properly. Don't even care, I find myself just playing more rather than tweaking these days.
When the underlying algorithms / core are changed, some parameters may need to be adjusted to conform to the new system.
This was probably the case for Sag and Transformer Drive when updating from 15 to 16. Other non-affected params are left untouched.

Thx Yek, that makes sense. I wish Fractal would tell us exactly which parameters will change with a firmware update so we don't have to go through every single parameter. It takes a lot of time.
It's funny how a process to update firmware really hasn't been finalized. Update all amps, switch amp types, advanced page changes, TMB stays the same, blah blah... It's almost like I don't even want to update any more because I'm not sure if I'm applying the new firmware properly. Don't even care, I find myself just playing more rather than tweaking these days.

It has been finalized. There are 3 methods, each with different options to accommodate what you want.
I just upgraded from 15.03 to 16.01. I had carefully recorded every single amp parameter before upgrading. I did no amp updates and did not reselect the amp. The firmware upgrade changed two values (and added others that were not there in the previous firmware). The values that existed in the previous firmware and that changed for my AC-30TB model:

XFRMR DRV - this was changed to a value of 1.50.
SUPPLY SAG - this changed to 6.00
MAINS IMP (SAG) - this changed to 6.00 (same parameter on a different tab)

So two values changed with the firmware update.

OUTPUT COMP, COMP THRSHLD, POWER AMP HARDNESS, POWER AMP BIAS were all added as new parameters and DYNAMICS TIME was removed.

So why would a firmware update only change the two values above? Is this a mistake? Nothing else except these two values changed. Maybe this was a mistake and the firmware update should not have changed these.

Output comp, comp threshold and poweramp bias were added in 15.0.
Are you sure those values you have are not from before 15, because all those things change in 15, I believe?
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I checked another amp model - Double Verb. Same thing. Only two parameters that changed were the same as above but to different values. The XFRMR DRV changed to 1.20 and the SAG changed to 4.00. Strange to me that a firmware update would only change these two values.

It would be great to have a tool that compares all values before and after so we don't have to track each value manually. I use a spreadsheet to do this.

the values you described are the default on my Axe-fx with 15.06 on it.
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