Mfc switches, best usage...


I am positive that there is already a thread about these switches ( 1+2, 3+4) on the back of the and I probably browsed right over it, but I'm curious who's doing what with em... I made a custom box for them months ago above my Mfc and current only use one of them for a Crystals effect. The others are auto wah, tuner, and nada... I have the auto wah and tuner on the Mfc now and just can't find much of a use for them..

I use two for volume increment-decrement with auto-save. That allows me to adjust scenes volume on the fly when rehearsing or playing live.
Using a couple for momentary switches is cool. You set them up for lots of cool thing like a delay hold until you release the pedal, auto flange type effect, where the flange sweeps when you hold the switch down but stops when releasing. Anything where you just want something to happen until you release the pedal.
I use them for things that don't need a led light indicator. Mine are set up for Volume Increase, Volume Decrease, Amp X/Y, Scene 1/2 Toggle.
Some good ideas! Thanks!!
Yea, no LED indicator is a bummer for me.. I guess I'm leaning towards using them for some spaced-out effects that I can drop from time to time. Vol inc/dec kind of screwed up my patch for later use, x/y states is a possibility but that's what I use scenes for I guess...
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