User Amp Models

One of the things I've been working on is "User Amp Models". A computer utility allows you to enter the various parameters and then you download the amp model to a "User Amp Slot".

Really cool !

One question : if a block had no parameter, nothing to tweak, nothing to choose, could this make the Axe FX II save CPU usage ? For example an amp block has a lot of parameters which is cool but this kind of block is heavy to run too. When I'm playing, giging, it's not time to tweak anymore, I just concentrate on my playing.

Among the "various parameters" Cliff announced, one could be "set your parameters once and for all, no tweakage later". It could be a solution to have more blocks in the same preset or to lighten some presets.

If this idea made sense, it could be generalized to an entire preset (no block to tweak).
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Very interesting. Thank you very much gpz.

Javajunkie, can you tell us more about these User Amp Models. Thanks.

The Bias approach is the way to go IMO. It is much more functional and understandable for the average user - it is really GUI driven. The revalver approach approach look like a schematic. You can adjust values in the schematic on many things.
I am particularly interested in this and I think a lot of people will be too. I have several questions :

1/ Will this "computer utility" be integrated to Axe Edit or will it be a standalone program ?

2/ What kind of possibilities will users have ?
-Possibility to build an amp block with a preamp chosen from the list of all modelised heads in the Axe Fx II + a power amp chosen from the same list ? For instance, will users have the possibility to build an amp block with a Mesa Boogie Mark IIC+ preamp with a Marshall power amp ?
-Possibility to build a power amp alone ? A preamp alone ?
-Possibility to have an effect loop between preamp and power amp sections ?
-Other possibilities ?

3/ Will this be available for all Axe FX II or XL only ?

4/ Will this be available for FW 16 ?

Thank you very much.

4/ Maybe for FW 16.03 :ambivalence:
Confused...a little.

Right now, we can take a Marshall preamp, pair it with a Recto poweramp stack, change the tubes to El84's, tinker with bias, lower voltage, pick the type of current it runs on, and navigate and tweak 1000 different parameters that the original amp DOESNT' have, and to top it off, put it through a 6' speaker.

I mean it sounds like a cool idea, but aren't we already kind of doing this now? The only real change I see here is maybe a cool GUI (wait, we already 'kind' of have that,) and a user slot for the amps (we 'kind' of have 384 of those (Axe II..))

I guess I don't see the benefit...outside of some 'drag and drop' kind of pretty GUI pictures (which, again, I admit would be cool.)

Confused...a little.

Right now, we can take a Marshall preamp, pair it with a Recto poweramp stack, change the tubes to El84's, tinker with bias, lower voltage, pick the type of current it runs on, and navigate and tweak 1000 different parameters that the original amp DOESNT' have, and to top it off, put it through a 6' speaker.

I mean it sounds like a cool idea, but aren't we already kind of doing this now? The only real change I see here is maybe a cool GUI (wait, we already 'kind' of have that,) and a user slot for the amps (we 'kind' of have 384 of those (Axe II..))

I guess I don't see the benefit...outside of some 'drag and drop' kind of pretty GUI pictures (which, again, I admit would be cool.)


No you can't, and you have been here long enough to know better.
Confused...a little.

Right now, we can take a Marshall preamp, pair it with a Recto poweramp stack, change the tubes to El84's, tinker with bias, lower voltage, pick the type of current it runs on, and navigate and tweak 1000 different parameters that the original amp DOESNT' have, and to top it off, put it through a 6' speaker.

I mean it sounds like a cool idea, but aren't we already kind of doing this now? The only real change I see here is maybe a cool GUI (wait, we already 'kind' of have that,) and a user slot for the amps (we 'kind' of have 384 of those (Axe II..))

I guess I don't see the benefit...outside of some 'drag and drop' kind of pretty GUI pictures (which, again, I admit would be cool.)


I think you are referring to the tone stack. That is in the preamp section and is basically the tone knob controls. It is not changing the poweramp parameters.
Yes, I misspoke as I was on the fly at work.

Yes, not POWERAMP stack, but TONE STACK. Apologies. Not sure focusing on this (one of eight) was the point...

And I'm legitimately asking WHAT IS THE BENEFIT that makes this so much more efficacious than what we have now? Just a cool, more intuitive app? And aren't we flirting with the 'no poweramp only' rule here.

Maybe I'm late to the party, but there's huge speculation and expectation on something that may or may not see the light of day.

If we had insight into the end of this sentence from Fractal: "I'm tinkering with...", heads would explode, countless threads asking 'when am I going to get this?' and indignation when those research/speculative projects did not pan out for one reason or another.

So again: What is so different in this approach that we don't already have?
No you can't, and you have been here long enough to know better.

Damn, got my hopes up for a second there! I'm new to the unit so I'm still discovering what it can do.

Certainly would be a cool option to have, apparently thats how the FAS Brootalz came to be... front end of an SLO and back end of an ENGL Savage.
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