Update Amps All Presets vs. Deselect - Reselect method


So I just updated to 15.07 firmware. I was on 14 before that. I noticed in the release notes for 15 that it says the "Update Amps All Presets" function will reset all advanced parameters in each amp block to default values. It also says "It is recommended that any existing presets have the amp block reset to ensure that the appropriate parameter values are loaded. This is achieved by deselecting the amp type and then reselecting it, i.e. if the amp type is Deluxe Verb the amp block would be reset by selecting a different model, e.g. Dirty Shirley, and then reselecting Deluxe Verb. This will reset various internal parameters and certain user parameters."

So my question is if I want to have all of my presets, both factory ones and ones I've made (I've only made a few) be up to date with the most current improvements in the latest firmware, do I need to just hit "Update Amps All Presets" in the utility menu or do I need to go through every single preset and deselect the amp type and then reselect it. All I want is to be up to date with the latest and greatest on every single preset. The difference that I'm seeing is that one (the "Update Amps All Presets") deals with advanced parameters and resetting them to default values, while the other (deselect-reselect method) deals with resetting various internal parameters and certain user parameters. It is just a difference of parameters, but I just don't know which one to do, or do I need to do them both? I'm more than willing to do both if I need to so that my Axe-Fx can run with what Cliff and the team feel are the best settings and sounds.

Seriously, thanks for the help anyone that can answer here. This is all a bit confusing for a doofus like me, but I'm determined to understand what I can.
To get the improvements, you do not need to do anything. That comes with the firmware update.

To reset the amp blocks advanced parameters to their default settings with out changing the master volume, presence, depth, various switches use the Update All Amps. Use the switch to another amp and back to basically start from scratch with only the tone a drive left alone (and a few other parameters).

Basically, if you don't want to mess with your preset too much but want the advanced parameters set where they would be with new firmware (if they changed at all), then use the Update Amps All presets.
Well...I want all of Fractal's new default settings and not just the advanced parameters so I guess I'll go the deselect - reselect route. I'm not really attached to anything I've created so if the sound changes a bit so be it.
when firmware 16.00 beta was released, this question and answer was posted:

“Do we need to reset our amps? I would assume we would since its a major release, but just checking.”
Cliff: “Nope. The firmware detects if the preset was built on a previous version and updates automatically.”

does this mean that the functions described above are no longer valid or necessary? meaning that once you update to firmware 16.00+, advanced parameters are reset? this can't be right.

i guess i'm asking for clarification of what cliff meant by "updates automatically." what updates exactly?

Don't make me confused, I have only installed the new firmware this time because of Cliffs Note before, mm Perhaps I should try to Update all amps then, I want just all new fw default settings on the amp in my preset..
I had done Update amps all prsts and reselected the amp in my preset, i don't know why but it made a great difference with the same simple settings I use on the Basic page, sounds awesome after that, I have to say I wasn't that happy with 16 and my 5153 Red before these updating steps.
when firmware 16.00 beta was released, this question and answer was posted:

“Do we need to reset our amps? I would assume we would since its a major release, but just checking.”
Cliff: “Nope. The firmware detects if the preset was built on a previous version and updates automatically.”

does this mean that the functions described above are no longer valid or necessary? meaning that once you update to firmware 16.00+, advanced parameters are reset? this can't be right.

i guess i'm asking for clarification of what cliff meant by "updates automatically." what updates exactly?


any definitive answer for this please? does FW16+ "reset the amp block" automatically? does that mean it changes settings in presets automatically?
The Firmware 16.0 does not detect the previous Firmwares. I had to reselect the Amps and copy my Settings from the library - thats my experience......:icon_question:

But maybe - if FW 16 is on the Axe - the FW´s in the following will be updated automatically?
Anything new with this topic ?

Is Hubi right, only firmware >16 will be auto-updated ?

Pls let us know :loyal:
I see there is no official comment so far, my experience with FW 16 is , it was like on 15 already.

Update Amps All Prsts: updates Amps(almost all Amp Parameters, not Output Level, MV, Pres,Depth,Bright,BMT,Input Drive, GEQ) in all presets to the new parameter values of the new firmware.

Update Amps Defaults, updates the Amp in the actual preset to the new parameter values of the new firmware.

I tested a bit and assume when loaded the firmware to the Axe-fx II it updates automatically the Amps new Hidden Parameter Values and modeling, so it alters the amp tone already to the new fw algorythms,

but to get the full new Amp sound what FAS tweaked with the Advanced Parameters for the FW you have to do "Update Amps Defaults" for a single Preset or "Update Amps all Prsts" for all your presets. To get also the default Presence,Depth,MV, Boost,Cut,FAT,Bright switch,Dynamic Pres and Depth, MV Trim values re-select the Amp.

Input Drive,Bass, Mid,Treble always stay like you had it.
Would be easier to understand when it be noted in the release notes at least. What comes with the firmware by updating is perfect for hardcore amp tweakers because they get the new sound improvements and don't loose the advanced amp settings!
I see there is no official comment so far, my experience with FW 16 is , it was like on 15 already.

Update Amps All Prsts: updates Amps(almost all Amp Parameters, not Output Level, MV, Pres,Depth,Bright,BMT,Input Drive, GEQ) in all presets to the new parameter values of the new firmware.

Update Amps Defaults, updates the Amp in the actual preset to the new parameter values of the new firmware.

I tested a bit and assume when loaded the firmware to the Axe-fx II it updates automatically the Amps new Hidden Parameter Values and modeling, so it alters the amp tone already to the new fw algorythms,

but to get the full new Amp sound what FAS tweaked with the Advanced Parameters for the FW you have to do "Update Amps Defaults" for a single Preset or "Update Amps all Prsts" for all your presets. To get also the default Presence,Depth,MV, Boost,Cut,FAT,Bright switch,Dynamic Pres and Depth, MV Trim values re-select the Amp.

Input Drive,Bass, Mid,Treble always stay like you had it.

This is correct.
Would be easier to understand when it be noted in the release notes at least. What comes with the firmware by updating is perfect for hardcore amp tweakers because they get the new sound improvements and don't loose the advanced amp settings!

In this case he did not change any of the advanced parameters. He added a new parameter called Poweramp Hardness. This defaults to medium on older presets (as well as new, I believe).

I think too much is being read into this comment:
“Do we need to reset our amps? I would assume we would since its a major release, but just checking.”
Cliff: “Nope. The firmware detects if the preset was built on a previous version and updates automatically.”

I do not believe, not has Cliff stated this is something new added. Only that in this case there is no need need to reset the amps.
The Axe-fx has done this for some time for new parameters that are added.
i apologize if i'm reading too much into that comment.

a broad statement was made: "do we need to reset our amps?"

the answer was "no, the firmware updates automatically."

the question is "updates WHAT automatically?"

it seems from java's latest reply above mine, that only NEW advanced parameters are "updated automatically." though this seems very obvious - a new parameter needs to be set to something, so it makes sense that the new parameter would be "updated" to the default. maybe before, a new parameter was introduced at a setting of 0 or something?

the following was written before java's latest reply directly above mine, i'm guessing it has been answered now.

I tested a bit and assume when loaded the firmware to the Axe-fx II it updates automatically the Amps new Hidden Parameter Values and modeling, so it alters the amp tone already to the new fw algorythms,

i understand what update the amps all prsts, update amps defaults and "resetting the amp block" functions do.

what i'm trying to clarify is that if you update to firmware 16, does the new firmware change settings like negative feedback, power tube bias, b+ time constant (features LIKE that, which already exist in the amp block, not necessarily those features specifically if they aren't relevant or changed)?

so if i had the negative feedback set to 6.12, but the FW16 default is 2.50, will FW16 automatically change the negative feedback to 2.50?


does FW16 automatically change and default only NEW features added (not present in previous FW)?
i apologize if i'm reading too much into that comment.

a broad statement was made: "do we need to reset our amps?"

the answer was "no, the firmware updates automatically."

the question is "updates WHAT automatically?"

it seems from java's latest reply above mine, that only NEW advanced parameters are "updated automatically." though this seems very obvious - a new parameter needs to be set to something, so it makes sense that the new parameter would be "updated" to the default. maybe before, a new parameter was introduced at a setting of 0 or something?

the following was written before java's latest reply directly above mine, i'm guessing it has been answered now.

i understand what update the amps all prsts, update amps defaults and "resetting the amp block" functions do.

what i'm trying to clarify is that if you update to firmware 16, does the new firmware change settings like negative feedback, power tube bias, b+ time constant (features LIKE that, which already exist in the amp block, not necessarily those features specifically if they aren't relevant or changed)?

so if i had the negative feedback set to 6.12, but the FW16 default is 2.50, will FW16 automatically change the negative feedback to 2.50?


does FW16 automatically change and default only NEW features added (not present in previous FW)?

The new firmware does not reset those. All my parameters are the same.

The post the statement was made in was The 16.01 Public Beta, the question was asked in regards to that since it was a major revision number.
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