Axe Fx II - Amp in the Room ?? I hear wood - SeeD


Fractal Fanatic
Edit : Made a new preset v.2

Soooooo,here we go again,haha

I might have found a cool thing in the axe fx II,that to me sounds like a "amp in the room"
I start playing at 3.20.
Here you can listen for yourself ?? ;)

If some of the "pro" users could comment on this.. it would be sweet !
As i do not know for shure what i am doing here...

I made a preset. Take it for a spin. And if you tweek it and it sounds good,or better.. or you might have some "new info" on this. Plz Share :)

I will bump..bump..and bump.


  • Amp In The Room SeeD ).syx
    6.3 KB · Views: 167
  • Amp In The Room SeeD ) v2.syx
    6.3 KB · Views: 52
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- Radley, 4/2009: Does anyone know how to use the resonator block to accomplish a similar effect as the GT8/GT10 resonators? The Boss effect is less 'processed-sounding' and basically uses only one resonator at a time to achieve some very realistic Cab resonances which can be adjusted stronger or weaker.
> JJ: the Resonator is designed for more extreme sounds similar to what you can do with Eventide stuff (comb filtering). It can be used for your purpose, but that was not its design intent. Don't let the similar names fool you. Set the levels down on all but one resonator, choose resonant freq and amount of feedback. Manual mode and I'm going to guess put the filter location in front.
> Radley: After some major experimenting, I can report that the resonators can be used in a similar fashion as the Boss counterparts, but the sound achieved is somewhat different - there is always a stronger regeneration (feedback) quality with the Axe-Fx resonators, even with a zero feedback setting. Not sure why that would be but regardless, I was able to add some very interesting resonances to the standard IR Cabs using only one or two resonators at a time. If you want to experiment with them, I would recommend turning the levels of all but one resonator to 0, so you can hear exactly how a single unit sounds/responds like before adding more.

-, 6/2009: So when do you use resonators - and with what parameters?
> Radley: A typical Cab has numerous resonances & peaks - the low (fundamental) resonances usually range from 70 to 400 and the rest can be anywhere between 500 to 5K. The frequencies you select depend on what type of tone you need. The effect is different than EQ because of the regeneration factor, which is basically controlled feedback of the selected frequencies.
> JJ: You can use the resonators for comb filtering effects, sitar effects (working on that so far flanger is easier), there are a few presets that use the resonator 335-comb delays, 368 - modulation mayhem, 371 - rotary comb delays, et. al.
> Radley: You can use the resonators to add some extra low end punch to a smaller Cab (75 to 120) or make almost any combination sound more 'Voxy' by using a resonator somewhere between 400 & 1K. They can also help to add a more 'ambient' sound to the Cabs.
This sounds interesting!
I used to love the resonators on my old gt8.
This definitely calls for experimentation!
Thanks for the tip.
It would also be cool to hear from folks who use the resonators more often.
I'm curious about this effect!
I hope some people can make something cool with this. I have never had a boss unit
you can do a similar thing by using the low res freq in the speaker section of the amp block. Select the freq and turn up the low resonance. In the new firmware you can really crank up the low resonance. You can fine tune it by lowering or raising the Q.

If it is a more comb filtering effect you are going for, using 2 cabs and tweaking the delay parameter on one can yield some great comb filtering when called for.
I tried this with a couple of my 15.07 patches through my CLR
not good even using the settings you showed in the video I got a boxy sound.
I'll try it again with your patch when I update to 16
I played around with this a little today. I have found that I like a 360 hz resonance for some rounding out of the sound. I have also found that if use a 500-600 hz resonant frequency that it replaces the need for a "fletcher munson peq bump". I am liking a lighter mix (25-35%) I definitely see the advantage to putting the resonator block in parallel to the regular signal path and judiciously using the mix to blend in the amount of "knock", "wood", "awesome", "bump" etc. desired.

Great idea SEED. I swear the AXE FX is a fantastic unit with great support from it's parent company but the user community is also a huge benefit.

Cheers fellas!!
Great tip, and I predict I will spend many hours tweeking/playing around with this! I can imagine this will work especially great on recordigs (vs live sound that is).
I tired something interesting after watching your video with the resonator block.
Type: Chordal
Mstr Freg: 0.995
Frequency: 107.5 or 83.07
Chord Type: Dom.7
All the filters at whatever they were when you first launch the block at default.

With high gain amps and cabs, it's the shizzle. Nice find. I have to woodshed more with this.
you can do a similar thing by using the low res freq in the speaker section of the amp block. Select the freq and turn up the low resonance. In the new firmware you can really crank up the low resonance. You can fine tune it by lowering or raising the Q.

If it is a more comb filtering effect you are going for, using 2 cabs and tweaking the delay parameter on one can yield some great comb filtering when called for.

Hi thanks for info.
I was not going for comb filter.. but i guess it`s a bit the same. But this makes the sound "bigger" and i here some "wood" . And i guess it takes up less cpu then 2 cabs.
I was wondering if this could maby (if people like this) maby cliff could make the cab block.. incorperate this into the cab block.. (ahh,my english suuucks) sorry
it might be worth experimenting with the speaker resonance as yek suggested, but also using the room reverb in the cab block. it might give you a similar effect, but perhaps more natural sounding. i think we can assume that any cab resonances would already be captured in the IR, assuming the sweep was done at a decent enough volume to excite them....?
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