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  • Hey my friend. Can you please send me these nice Metallica Tone Matching presets? I searching for the Clean Tone Nothing Else Matters and the Black Album heavy Tone. Please help me. It would be so cool to use these presets. Im a new Axe FX 2 user \m/
    Hi Jon,
    I'm interrested in buying you giant pack (firsts albums of Metallica) for my II XL+. About the payment... do I have to transfer the money with paypal "between friends"? or as a payment for a goodie? Sorry if my english is not very good, I hope you understand what I mean...
    Hey Jon. I just saw your posts of the Metallica Tone presets for the Axe FX. I do not have this however, so would it be possible for you to create/make them to REAPER FX? Would love to use your presets on my computer!
    Hey Jon I converted the metallica presets to the axe fx II and zipped them from fractool just want to make sure you are cool if I share the zip file
    It is amazing what you have been doing with the AXE, I would like to use yours Metallica tonematching tones with my AX8 but I cannot do because the tonemaching restriction in AX8, I would like to know if you can convert all of them in IR and that way all AXE user can use your tones, I think you can sell a packets of Metal Tones for all of us, I will be the first one to buy your tones.
    Hi Jon, Yesterday I've purchased CLA expansion for SSD4, I'm very impressed from your mixes, please can you send me at this mail cubase song of your instructional video "Mixing rock drums with the Steven Slate Drums CLA pack & Slate Digital"
    Thanks very much
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