Axe Fx II - Amp in the Room ?? I hear wood - SeeD

Just popping in, and arm-chair quarterbacking, but: on first sounding I thought, 'It Grrrrrrrrs'. I don't think the original tone needs a thing. The resonator block engaged makes it various degrees of muffled. (I know, me saying this.) At the very least, it seems like some eq-ing to keep the resonance from being over-bearing, and perhaps some presence brought out, is in store. You might end up near where you started beforehand. Or there may be a narrow range of usable difference.

Then this came to mind: are we supposed to be hearing a direct amp tone, or are you mic-ing your monitors?.....I'm a little confused. Also, your hard strumming over-shadows the amp sound....

Hi,in the video i made there was a part that i forgot to mute the video cam. That is way you here my guitar strings (my mistake)
Yes,this is a recording tone. To me this is a way to get more of the amp in the room sound. (i like it with headphones)

Yes we need to tweek the preset. This is the hole idea of this tread :) And share the presets people make

love it...was just about to open up a thread about to improve the sound through my headphones...and then this here! :D
That's why I use a couple of Montarbo W17A (active): 600watt each... 2ways ... 1.4 horns and 15" woofer... in my livingroom!!! :eagerness: you can't get more "amp in the room" sound!!! (well.... aehmmm... actually... "Woodstock in the room" :lol )
It's the perfect way for coocking a good and real live sound!
But for the recording session and for auditioning IRs... nothing better of my NF monitors KRK VXT8 (well... not so NF!!! 80watt each 10" cones!!! wow!!!)

After I read this I took a look at some active PA speakers. They actually have a few that are small, powerful, and relatively lightweight. I think you are correct, that should give adequate volume for the "amp in the room sound".

Still for about $200 each I could get a couple of guitar cabs. I already have plenty of stereo power amps. It's a $400 expense for 2 guitar cabinets vs. over $1000 easily for some decent PA speakers, maybe $1500. It's also getting hard to find passive versions of some PA speakers. So much for all my expensive power amps. I don't really want to have to buy plate amps with my PA speakers if I get some. The ones I have are 80's vintage monsters with 18" woofers and big CD horns, too big for the house. I now find myself switching back and forth between FRFR monitoring in stereo and playing through a cabinet. I think there's something to be said for each. One thing that sounds great is a hybrid system using the AXE to create the amp sound and sending that to the cabinet, and put nothing but effects (reverb, delays, etc.) through the FRFR system. This keeps the reverb and delays from smearing the direct sound since it's coming from a different direction and speaker, and the effects don't overload the monitors.

If economics were not involved I would opt for a very powerful high quality powered PA system like you for home use. For recording I'm sticking with FRFR and IRs. I'm done with microphones and I don't play live.
So would folks see this mostly for use as a recording technique w/ dry IRs? Seems like it would cause a live tone to get lost in the mix potentially? I can definitely hear the difference and want to try it on my set up at home to see what it sounds like.
Had a look/listen to your video. Interesting for sure. For me it reminded me very much of the sound of tweaking the 'speaker size' parameter, is that parameter still hanging in there or has it been omitted from any of the latest FWs?

(not sure which FW I am on at the moment, were a few weeks back I played/was near my AxeII and probably even longer since I last touched that very parameter...)
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