Midi Command for "Store Preset" Yet?


I had a thread on this a while back but it didn't really go anywhere. I'm hoping some progress was made between then and now.

Is there any way to send the Axe2 a type of MIDI command (of string of commands) that would instruct it to save the changes made to the current preset a la pressing the "store" then "enter" buttons? If not, is it possible to send a command or commands that would trick the Axe2 into thinking those physical buttons have been depressed?

Why it's important:
So many reasons... but here's one example. I was using a different guitar at my church gig this morning. The amp EQ I had set at home ended up being significantly too bright in the mix at rehearsal. Normally it would a relatively easy fix, but the problem is that on this gig it's required that I run my rack (and the Axe in it) off stage. I tried to fix it after rehearsal, but it was a tricky thing to do across 3 presets and sans band. It didn't end up working out very well.

It would have been great to have a little 4 knob midi controller on my board that I could attach to manual controllers in the Axe and use to modify the amp's tone stack on-the-fly. That can be done easily enough, but, as far as I know, there's no generic save command I could use to store the modifications. As soon as I switched presets, the changes would be gone. Not good. Any reasonable way around this?
oh Wow. So Vol Inc/Dec commands save overall changes to presets rather than changes to Output 1 level only!? I had no idea!

Unfortunately it seems like the roadblock is actually going to be finding a piece of hardware that is small enough to fit in the unused spaces on my pedalboard and sends midi CCs with rotary knobs...
oh Wow. So Vol Inc/Dec commands save overall changes to presets rather than changes to Output 1 level only!? I had no idea!

Unfortunately it seems like the roadblock is actually going to be finding a piece of hardware that is small enough to fit in the unused spaces on my pedalboard and sends midi CCs with rotary knobs...

Yes, the vol inc/dec works by raising the presets scene main level +/- 1db then saving the preset.
Yes, the vol inc/dec works by raising the presets scene main level +/- 1db then saving the preset.

I use it many times when I would like to change the active / non active blocks and save it.
For example I have a lead preset with ton of gain + distortion pedal + chorus and I would like to make it lighter by taking out the chorus + dist pedal and save it to scene 1 so I turn them off and volume incr……….Done! :encouragement:
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