Passive EQ question


Power User
I'm learning to like the passive EQ in the amp block more. It's not a make or break thing but very helpful.

But I'm trying to figure out how it works. If it is modeled off a Pultec EQP-1A, there may be some parameters that are missing, or that I'm not understanding. That unit has boost and attenuate both on the same fixed-band switch, but they affected slightly different frequencies. So you could tailor a knee to hit just the right spot.

Has Cliff said anything about what passive EQ unit this is modeled from?
He said it's based off of the design of the Manley Massive Passive.

From Cliff:

"It's not a clone of the Manley but rather new filter types based on those old analog circuits. You get that same overshoot characteristic as the Manley/Neve/Pultec etc. Very musical."

When he says those, he means Manley,Neve,Pultec. In other words, just a passive circuit design.
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Yeah, I know it wasn't meant to be an exact model, but just drawing from the technology in the Manley, as well as others. Thanks for the clarification though.
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