Expression pedal to alter gain ?


Hi gang. Could I just ask, I am trying to set up just one patch so that my SP1 expression pedal controls the gain of the amp. Is this posable please and if so could some kind person tell me how please ?

Thank you
Thanks Chris, can I ask when you set it up does it just apply to the patch you out it in.....or does it globally do it to all patches. I only want it on this one patch. Thanks Chris.
Hi Chris I just watched your video. Really well done, I followed it very closely but having a problem....when I go to edit on the MFC and click midi and move 2 along, I then set it no16 as in your video and then I saved it.....and for some reason it's still controlling the volume......where in your video at that point it was not. Would you know why at all ?

Hi Chris I just watched your video. Really well done, I followed it very closely but having a problem....when I go to edit on the MFC and click midi and move 2 along, I then set it no16 as in your video and then I saved it.....and for some reason it's still controlling the volume......where in your video at that point it was not. Would you know why at all ?

can you hop into my chat now? it'll be easier. KKM Chat | Katsu Kuri Media Blog

if you can come to my chat, i'll probably be there most of the day.

but if not, i'm confused by your statement "and move 2 along." what is 2? XP 2 on the mfc? what port is your pedal actually connected to on the mfc?
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matt came to my chat and we discovered that in the preset there was a Volume block with External Control 1 assigned to the Volume parameter. this meant that his expression pedal in XP1 on the MFC which is assigned to CC#016 was controlling External Control 1, which was assigned to Volume.

he said he didn't need to control volume so i suggested deleting the volume block (replace it with a shunt) and use External Control 1 on the Gain parameter in the Amp block instead.
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