Search results for query: Global blocks

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  1. S

    Wish Global Effect Block-Combos which act as a virtual block

    Hi guys, At the last we discussed a feature which would really help me to create nice sounds with different combinations of amp/cabs and more like it is with a switched Pedalboard .. If the whole effect chain aka combination of blocks would be storable at a global level and be...
  2. R

    Wish Global block functionality for Output blocks

    I am using individual presets per songs which are all based on the same template to have a consistent basic sound for all songs - differences in those presets are mainly due to different fx blocks and their settings, which are song specific. to facilitate maintenance of all those presets, I am...
  3. I

    Wish Link Global Function for all Blocks

    Hey Guys, would be nice to have the Global Link Function for all Blocks (in my Case especially for the Mixer Block).
  4. Liquid22

    Not a Bug Global Bocks with different Block-No

    Hi there ! Is it by purpose? With global settings, is there a differentiation in between same Block-Types? With PEQs I can't make them on "Port" 8 between PEQ2 ChA in one Preset and PEQ3 ChA in another preset. I was thinking that the BlockType-Number in a Preset is not relevant for making a...
  5. marklumsley

    Wish Global Blocks on FM3 Still Wishful Thinking?

    ...that the FM3 would never get this luxury. BUT... now that it has become a reality, I now wonder if the possibility of working on global blocks for the FM3 is back on the table, maybe? If not, could someone hopefully give me the inside scoop on why it can't be done (without getting too...
  6. J

    No Global Block in FM3, How to do?

    Hi everyone! We know that FM3 doesn't have the Global Block feature. So, how do you do to overcome this situation on stage? I mean, for me is always necersarry adjut tone on stage, but I use one preset for each song. With no Global Bloack feature, it is impossible to adjust one drive block...
  7. Tremonti

    Implemented Global Performance Page - controls move when moving block....FRUSTRATING!

    There needs to be a lock on these when moving for performance page. ALWAYS freaking mess with the settings of the block I am simply wanting to move block. Annoying AF.
  8. S

    Wish Global Blocks and Seamless Scene Switching

    I wish I wish I wish
  9. Tremonti

    No global blocks on FM9 deal breaker for Axe III user

    I have the Axe II and the FM3. I had the FM9 but lack of global blocks was a deal breaker for me with the FM9. I did not expect the FM3 to have it, but the FM9 I thought it would and should. Also the lack of mk II with larger screens is also crushing my will to go back to a FM9. FM3 has...
  10. Rain

    Wish Global Output Block options...?

    This would be useful in my situation when we're playing large venues....
  11. Parkinthepark

    Global Blocks, Channels, and Performance Pages for Guitar Compensation

    ...of good suggestions, but all of them seem to be limited to the Scene level, I'm not seeing a solution that would work across Presets. Global blocks will carry over individual control parameters and bypass state across presets, but channel assignment does not, so it looks like I'm stuck...
  12. FarleyUK

    Bug? Global blocks - not loading correctly

    I'm on the latest 22.01 FW, and I've noticed an issue when trying to 'link to and load from' a global block. I have ensured that the block type matches the global block, and that I am recalling the correct global block number - however, everything gets set to it's minimum value. 2 examples; I...
  13. W

    Using the Global Mix feature for Parallel blocks

    (I blame Leon here :tonguewink: ;)) - so we all know we can use the Global Mix feature for Mix on FX and Reverb and following Leon's vid this week its been a bit of a revelation at gigs as its a feature I'd never really used. However, here's the sticky bit....I tend to use Parallel FX (Reverb...
  14. A

    Is it possible to set up a global pitch block?

    ...manually un-bypass the pitch block and save the preset from the front panel between songs and I'm hoping for a more elegant solution. I have experimented with global blocks but I can't seem to figure it out, the bypass/active state does not appear to carry over between presets. Thanks in advance
  15. M

    Is there a plan to add global preset blocks to FM9 (turbo or otherwise)?

    This question is really aimed more at @Admin M@ or other fractal representatives in the know. I'm asking not when but if global blocks are planned or even possible for the FM series. I love my AXEIII and FM9 (and FM3 too) but for me the FM9 is the only practical solution for the types of live...
  16. J

    Wish Backup/Restore Global Blocks only

    I'm trying to keep presets, including global blocks, in sync in between two Axe III. However they are used in different environments (Studio vs Live) so settings, i/o, and midi config will differ. At the moment, this makes it a terrible mess to update globals. Either I have to reconfigurate...
  17. M

    Global block? chain. Is there a way to do this for all presets (instead of adding the block manually as I audition each preset)? I understand global blocks (I think), but I don't believe that is what I am looking for. :) Basically, I want to use the FC12 to audition presets/scenes with headphones...
  18. Duncan Rigby

    Wish Global Channel increment from FC external switch for all blocks in a scene

    Assign an external FC switch to increment the channel (A,B,C,D,A:) in all blocks in a scene.
  19. jimmynorrisjr

    Wish Global blocks?

    I really get a lot of use from the global blocks in my Af3. It sure would be great to have them on my fm9. One day, maybe?
  20. N

    Can Global Blocks be viewed?

    I have made use of Global Blocks in batches of presets, but I have lost track of which instances of Global Block I have used for particular Blocks, and what is in them. I am hesitant to save any more because I might overwrite an existing instance, and change the presets in which they are used...
  21. Tremonti

    Global Blocks on FM9 is so needed

    Seriously. It would make things so much easier for those that like changes all patches all at once.
  22. yek

    WISH: Alternative to global blocks

    I proposed this idea before, and still think it's a handy alternative solution to the missing "Global Blocks" feature on the FM9 and other processors. Every Block would have this additional parameter: Link To Preset (...) This establishes a link between the block in the current preset and the...
  23. Tremonti

    Can you name Global Blocks yet???

    This makes this very cool tool....a chore. Let me break out my Captain Crunch decoder ring to see what is what.....
  24. Tremonti

    WISH: Global Blocks on FM9 would be appreciated.

    I loved this on the Axe Fx III. Hopefully this is something they can do in future. Playing out this weekend just made me realize how great that feature is.
  25. Tremonti

    Global Blocks being main thing miss with FM9 vs Axe Fx III.

    I wish I could change one, change all. That is about it. Not sure if can be FW update?? Maybe lacking CPU power or something?????
  26. MrPond

    Wish Global blocks

    Any new thoughts about global blocks? The original thread was closed as 'read' and for one year, we haven't heard anything about it. I think it's still very much on the table - one song = one preset does require time if you have...
  27. youngnebula

    [solved] Global Blocks not updating as intended.

    Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I feel that global blocks are bugged. Axe-Edit 1.12.02 FW: 20.00 I have a "master" preset with the main block settings. On those blocks I set the global by clicking Link > 1 On my other presets, I pull up the same type of block and click Link-to and...
  28. P

    Global Blocks Substitute

    I was watching a tutorial on Global Blocks for AxefxIII and I was saddened to find they don't exist in the FM9. Such a powerful option for live players that have presets for each song, but similar setups in each preset (I use the onboard metronome to a separate output that runs to the bands...
  29. Shaw

    Global Blocks Question

    Apologies if this info exists somewhere and I missed it, but I’ve read the manual and watched some YT videos without finding the answer… Question: If I have a preset that uses a Global Block on the amps (let’s say for example Global Block 8 for Amp 1), and I send that preset to a friend to use…...
  30. L

    Wish Pitch Block: VG-99/SY 1000 style Preset User Scales (programmable within Custom Shifter) instead of Global User Scales.

    I'd love to see an addition to the Pitch block that would allow the user to trigger harmonies not based on scales but on the actual note being played. The VG-99 has a really powerful Harmonist effect that allows you to do just for example, if you play an A, it will give you any two...
  31. tfodor

    A Thought: Setlists really make sense with Global Blocks!!

    Friendly reminder to make sure you check out Global Blocks when setting up setlists. For my use cases, since I'm changing my workflow a bit to dance between different presets (songs) now, having a global access to my amp, reverb mix, delay mix, and boost volume has become super important to keep...
  32. Megahertzz

    Wish [Global blocks Functionality] Option to have "Set in multiple presets" save multiple parameter changes.

    In version 1.05.02 Parameter Batch Set functionality was added in lieu of global blocks. Currently you can save changes to one parameter by right click+shift on the parameter you want to save to multiple presets. I would like to extend this functionality to have the ability to save all changes...
  33. G

    Multiband Compressor and Global Blocks

    I'm trying to set up a Global Block for the Multiband Compressor, and the Global Block option isn't showing up in Axe Edit the way it does for all other block types. Is this a glitch or am I doing something wrong?
  34. F

    Turn Pitch Block On\Off Globally

    Hi. I have an Axe FX II XL+. I want to be able to switch between standard and Eb tuning during a gig by using the pitch block. All rigs that have pitch block should be affected the same globally. For example, If I'm in Rig1 and turn on the pitch block, that block should be left in an "on"...
  35. joshualynnbarton

    Fm3 locking blocks to be global

    Hey guys, so I came from the kemper world, I remember one of my favorite things about that unit was when I found the perfect amp to go with my guitar I would use a function called “Lock“ and it would be the default amp for every preset globally, until I unlocked it. Does fm3 have a function like...
  36. Smittefar

    How to fix broken Global Block compressor

    ...with my Global Block compressor. Notice the compression control; it switches value between the two presets - This is exactly what Global Blocks should prevent. I had just updated the "Kom Tilbage nu" preset, where the compression control is 4.01, but then I went to the "Walking on...
  37. Marcel

    Wish 16+ Global Blocks

    ...based on a main "kitchen sink" preset but each with small variations. I'm able to make broad changes across all of them by leveraging Global Blocks but unfortunately there's only 8 global blocks so I prioritize them based on most likely to change across all presets (i.e. amp, cabinet, input...
  38. qjawz

    Global blocks

    Is there a possibility of adding global blocks in the future? @FractalAudio @Admin M@
  39. Olivier Trempe

    [solved] Global Setting for Enhancer Block bypass

    When playing through my FRFR speaker, I don't want an Enhancer block in my signal chain. However, when playing through my headphones alone or rehearsing "silent" with the band, I would love to have the Enhancer block activated to get a wider and fuller sound in my headphones. If I could just...
  40. Megahertzz

    [Nevermind, already implemented] Global blocks workaround with FM3 Edit.

    Seeing as Global blocks seems to be out of the question for the FM3, I would like to suggest another way of attaining some of the global block functionality: Through FM3 Edit, make it so that changes in a block in one preset, can be saved to the same block in multiple presets at the same time...
  41. Anand Mahangoe

    Why no 'Global Blocks" ? Technical limitations or something else ? PLEASE PLEASE

    Hi all, I have a FM3 and the only reason why I would buy the FM9 would be if it had "Global Blocks" is the only thing what I miss since the AXE III and NO , I won't go back because the AXE III Overkill and Form factor of the FM3 is something I love and don't need more buttons and CPU and...
  42. S

    Lost all Global Block settings

    Just booted up my Axe-Fx III to find out that all of my Global Blocks have somehow been erased (???). Every parameter of every effect as been reset to zero, except for any parameters tied to a controller. I've tried rebooting, refreshing, and loading a couple Global Blocks into a different...
  43. J

    Wish Global Blocks for Inputs 2-4 parallel; I use one for guitar and one for vocals. A few days ago, beginning to set up the vocal fx chain, I found there's no global blocks option for inputs 2-4. IMO the global presets for input blocks are (or would be) the most useful global blocks of them all. It helps to set up and...
  44. unFILTERed

    Wish Global Block feature for Ring Modulator and Vocoder is missing!

    as stated in the subject...would be great, in my case especially if Ring Mod had the Global Block feature.
  45. J

    Global blocks

    Trying to work out what seems to be a global block issue. When I change the mix level on my delay on one patch it seems to change the level on another patch. Each linked patch seems to give me an option to unlink each time I load the patch but it remains linked when I later return to the patch...
  46. Denny99

    Global Blocks

    Since we can't have Setlist and Song modes on FC-12/6 and FM3 (at least not in the foreseeable future), is there any chance that Global Blocks make it in the next FW releases? Since many FM3/Axe-FX III users copy their presets to make a set list when they need a preset for each song, it would be...
  47. Baz The Axeman

    Wish Global Block Channel Lock

    ...remain on when you come back to that first scene. However my Wish is as follows: Can you please add some kind of switch setting to the Global Blocks that allows for the Channel to be locked so it doesn't change when changing Scenes and Presets. Or add 2 switches so then can be locked for...
  48. madbanjoman

    Closed Global Amp block Output Mode and Speaker impedance curve

    For those of us that run into a guitar cabinet instead of an FRFR, it would be nice if we had the option to globally set and override these two settings that are in the amp block: Output Mode Speaker Impedance Curve That way we wouldn't have to edit every patch individually
  49. Smittefar

    Manual controller vs. Global Blocks

    I work a lot with global blocks - I love the consistency they give me across my many song-specific presets. On the other hand they can also make you feel very locked in. But then I was thinking, that I could tie a manual controller to the "input gain" on my delay block. That would allow me to...
  50. JTI

    Different modifiers per channel? Or are they global to that block per preset?

    Am I understanding this correctly? If I copy a block from one channel to another; the modifiers carry over to the copied block and I can't change them? Trying to do some "fun" stuff with the mixer block and I want an expression pedal to control the individual gain levels on a couple of scenes...
  51. Jan Geerts

    Wish Meters Output Block on Global Control page

    Depth, gain and eq are easily changed on that page, but I's really love the output meters there too. Also the possibility to have this screen as default
  52. Poparad

    Closed Global blocks

    ...the II is to have similar patches back to back but with differing effects. For the elements that stay the same (amp, cab, etc), I use global blocks so if I can tweak it easily without needing to copy edits between several presets. I just read that the FM3 doesn't have global blocks and...
  53. ethomas1013

    Wish Global Blocks

    Would love to see global block supports for the FM3
  54. bshaw92

    Global Blocks?

    Was searching but it was on my phone so not sure if there is anything but nothing showed on my search. Can I use the global blocks like the AX3? Since I have similar settings on different presets with only the amp and cab changing i liked making edits and it changing all my presets.
  55. Tremonti

    Please allow naming of global blocks. Pretty please.

    Impossible to remember the global block links without naming them. This is a no brainer IMO, but has yet to gain any traction. Like wah block and have Global link 1 be "Lead Wah" etc..... Make using these across the platform a hell of a lot easier. As is I cannot even see if it is a link that...
  56. sebastos08

    modifiers settings not saved in global blocks?

    Hi All, i try to do some global blocks: in vol/pan volume parameter and wha control parameter to set a dedicated xp pedal on my fc6 to relink them in several presets. it's seems that the modifiers settings are not saved into the global blocks when you reload them. am i wrong??
  57. Ratbun

    Global blocks not quite what i need?

    ...then after a gig I rethink these settings a bit. Now I want them in all my other presets. But the modifier settings don't stick with global blocks. So the best i can come up with is to save the Vol/pan block in the block library and then re-enter it into each of my presets. Global blocks...
  58. edo

    Global blocks?

    Any word on global blocks yet? That’s crucial for me, at least for amp & cab blocks..
  59. Karl Houseknecht

    Global block restore to another unit (I'm a doofus)

    On 12.02. I had backed up the Global Blocks, System Config, FC settings through Fractal Bot on my home unit. Restored them into my church unit. And while the Global Blocks for amp and cab were assigned to the patches, the settings on those amps (BMTP, Gain, volume) and cabs (high and low...
  60. Mutha Goose

    Restoring a preset with a global block

    I LOVE the Global Blocks, especially for the amps. I often make many copies of the same preset with different FX compliments or scenes. This way, when I adjust the amp in 1 preset, all of the presets get updated too. Before I begin tweaking, I always create a backup. This way I can always go...
  61. SRDELE

    Can you turn off EQ block across all user made presets with global control?

    I have been using two RCF SMA12 speakers an love how the sound. The band I am in is going to be using a second rehearsal room soon. I am going to give the HEADRUSH frfr112 a go. I want to add a EQ block at the end of my preset to dial them in. Figure EQ block off with the RCF speakers, on whit...
  62. kit dunborg

    Link a single channel to global blocks?

    Hi there, long time axe II user, just switched to the III and I love it! I have a question though: When saving an amp within the global blocks all 4 channels are saved as far as I understand. Same thing if I safe within the block library. I am setting up the axe for live playing and what I...
  63. orion32773

    Can't believe I haven't been using Global Blocks!

    If you haven't used global blocks you need to! I looked over this feature for months and finally started using it. Might be old news to some of you but new for others! Have a great weekend. ;-)
  64. Tremonti

    Unable to name Global Blocks?

    This is maddening to me on a daily basis. Very difficult to learn what you have assigned to those, especially when changing them around and the such. Can we please see this resolved? I think myself and a lot of others would truly love this and wonder why it has not been addressed a long time...
  65. sebastos08

    Implemented Global blocks: unlink when exporting presets

    Hi all, and especially Michael, i often export presets to share with the community. my presets are made with a lot of global blocks. i would like to have a check box in the export preset window to add an option to unlink all the global blocks when you export a preset for someone else thanks
  66. Mutha Goose

    Are Global Blocks the answer?

    The set list for one of my cover bands requires a lot of different tunings. I use the virtual capo for this. (for example) so, I'm playing a song with my main preset... once scene for the rhythm, one for the lead, maybe a clean scene for a bridge... One song is down a half step, another in...
  67. moo cow

    Question on recalling Global Library blocks on different channels

    I sat down yesterday to do some housekeeping on the Axe III and decided I wanted to name all the drives by their real names. So I pulled up my Bandmaster preset and went through each drive under the "TYPE" drop down menu in Axe Edit. I choose a drive from the list, i.e, Timothy 1 and adjusted...
  68. Tremonti

    Global block - Way to name these?

    You can name the block library but not the global block? Hard to remember what you've set those to without naming. If can't be done then this is a wish.
  69. M

    Disable Relay per scene? (global relay block for attenuator?)

    Sorry about the thread title. Wasn't sure how to word this. I have an Orange Rockerverb MKIII and it has a really nice switchable Attenuator, which I use as a volume boost for leads, etc. This attenuator is relay controlled. I have set up 7 different scenes that change from clean to dirty...
  70. Chad Beattie

    Wish Add Global option to Mixer block

    Would love to have the global option for mixer block. Many people including myself are ditching small external mixers and using the mixer block instead. However, if wanting to use multiple presets and keep the mixer settings between presets, it’s not currently possible. With global, you could...
  71. DLC86

    HELP: restore global blocks

    I accidentally overwrote my main global amp block, luckily I have a system backup but that's been done on FW7. Fractal-bot says I must ensure the backup was created on the same firmware I currently have on the axe but that's not the case (I'm on 9.00b) Is there any other way to restore the...
  72. P

    [Not a Bug] Global Blocks Not Saving Modifiers

    Only starting using Global Blocks in Firmware 8, but for any block (saved in current version of Axe Edit on a Mac) - when I load and link from a Global block the modifiers aren't pulled across. For instance a LFO assigned to a frequency, control switch to bypass state etc. Is this correct? Thanks
  73. T

    Global output EQ preset workaround? Global Blocks, Scene Revert, or something else?

    ...and simple option, but that is still not an available so I am looking for the next best alternative. I had originally thought using Global Blocks might do the trick, but I no longer think this will get me to where I want (let’s see). I have not used Global Blocks yet and I only have an Axe...
  74. sprint

    Global Blocks Issue / Bug

    I use global blocks a lot in my presets. Most of the blocks in my presets are linked to "G1" Somehow when I restarted my Axe 3 this evening, every block tied to G1 is opening in a state with every control set to 0 (or lowest level). Of course this has obliterated pretty well all my presets...
  75. andyp13

    delete from the Global Performance block

    How do I delete something from the Global Performance block please
  76. Chad Beattie

    Wish Global Mixer option - Either mixer block or Output block for use with perform tab

    I'm working on a multi-instrument setup. Here is the intial routing: Electric Guitar to Input 1. Then through amp/cab/effects to Output 1 (Stereo) Bass to Input 2 - Left (Row 3). Then through amp/cab/effects to Output 2. Amp is using left input Vocal Mic to Input 2 - Right (Row 4). Then...
  77. D

    Global block question

    ...up with external-1 and 2 for controller inputs (mostly wah and volume blocks). Now I want change the souces to FC pedal 1+2. Im using global blocks, but it seems that the source in the modifier is not changed globally, which means that I have to go thru all my presets to fix it. Am I doing...
  78. NMG

    Controllers stored with Global Blocks?

    Hi, Could someone tell if there is a problem here? I have two presets sharing Global Amp Block 1. In one preset the controller is attached to the Saturation control, and the other it is attached to the Boost switch. Arent Controller modifiers linked on global blocks?
  79. axedude

    Combine multiple presets

    ...exact settings I want, create a global block for each Amp block, Cab Block, each Effect block(s). 2) Write down a list of ALL of the Global Blocks in a spreadsheet list so I know which is which (Which Amp, which preset and sound etc.) 3) Create a new BLANK MAIN RIG preset and one by one...
  80. D

    Unlinking global blocks

    How can i unlink global blocks? If i press unlink in the global blocks tab, the global block number remains, when saving that global block number will change trough all patches! I just lost a lot of work this way!!!
  81. unix-guy

    No Global blocks for Input/Output/MUX?

    So I've finally decided to start back into using Global blocks like I did on the Axe Fx II. I created a template preset with my "common" blocks all linked to Global blocks. However, I was wondering why there are no Global blocks for Input/Output/MUX? I can't think of a logical reason to...
  82. axedude

    Presets w/ Multiple Scenes - Global Block confusion

    First, I have read many posts in the forum and the manual about Global Blocks. While I get the overall concept, I still struggle with Scenes and Global Blocks. I realize the naming concept is in the "Wish List" forum, and this is an issue for me too. I know when that becomes a feature it...
  83. B

    Recall global blocks via MIDI (MFC-101, DAW, etc.)

    (New thread for visibility, original post here) Remote global block actions use 2-word sysex messages. For example, "load without linking" Amp 1 Global #1 command for Mark I/II: F0 00 01 74 03 1B 6A 00 00 02 75 F7 F0 00 01 74 03 01 6A 00 6D F7 This is the format. Monitor Axe-Edit's output to...
  84. U

    Global Blocks” in the AX8

    Hi guys, is there a function in the AX8 that allows to mimic the behaviour of the Global Blocks in the AxeII and that can be used directly on the hardware rather than via computer editor? Thanks a lot
  85. HurdyGuigui

    Wish Global blocks for IN/OUT/IRP/MUX/LPR have the global block option. I use them in all my presets, and some time when I make a change I need to scroll to all of my presets to make the same change. That would be much easier with global blocks. Specially IN and OUT, great for having global gate settings and output level.
  86. yyz67

    Wish Show linked Global Block on Layout Screen (like Axe-Edit)

    I know there is limited pixel resolution on the layout screen, but displaying any linked global blocks would be awesome such as AE3 does. Here are a couple mock-ups of how it might look:
  87. ben ifin

    Global "Cabinet Modelling ByPass" -> other than the Cab Block, what else does it bypass?

    ......does by-passing the Cabinet Modelling globally also by-pass all the Amp-Block "Speaker" Tab controls and all the Amp-Block "Speaker Drive" Tab controls (?) Ben
  88. Tremonti

    Can we not name Global Blocks?

    Seems odd that it looks as though we can't. Hard to remember what is what and this would be ideal to add with an update. Am I alone in this?
  89. M

    Global wah setting?

    I have two expression pedals. One is set up for global volume control. The other (pedal 2) I want to use as wah. It seems that for each and every preset I use I have to manually set the wah to pedal 2 with auto-engage, off at 95%, medium speed, etc.... Is there no way to set this globally across...
  90. Piing

    When setting globally "Cabinet Modelling" OFF, is the CAB block HI-LO Cut still active?

    At home I play with studio monitors, and at the rehearsal room with a Egnater Tourmaster 4100 amp (connected to the Return of the FX loop) and a Egnater 412A 4x12 cab. Then I disable AMP and CAB modelling. All my presets have HI-LO cut at the CAB block. When Cabinet Modelling is set to OFF, is...
  91. dariosicily

    Wish Global blocks on AX8

    Would be great to have blocks you can save and modify for all presets, changing setting in one step for all across the presets containing such block. :innocent:
  92. deakle

    Global Blocks - link to, load from: which to use?

    Ok, I know I am probably experiencing brain freeze, but I am having difficulty understanding Global Blocks and how to use them. What is confusing to me at least, is linking a block does not load the Global Block data but the Global Block is saved when the preset is saved? Loading from a Global...
  93. GreatGreen

    Wish Split Global Blocks and Axe-Edit Block Library into indiv. channels

    Currently with both Global Blocks and Axe Edit save libraries, we can only save entire blocks at a time. In other words, we can't save and recall single channels of any specific block via Global Blocks or in Axe Edit when using the saved block library. I believe both Global Blocks and the Axe...
  94. HurdyGuigui

    Wish Global block for MBC

    Hello, I like to put a MBC at the end of my effect chain on every preset so that I can control the low end of my tone and be sure that the bass level is consistant throught all my live set. This worked well on axe II with a global MBC that I could adjust depending on the venue. Is it possible...
  95. yek

    A few tips for working with Global Blocks

    ...the Global Block and then save the preset to save them all; you must save "per instance". UNLINKING — To share a preset that contains Global Blocks, you have to either send the System file along with it, or unlink all Global Blocks first. Hardware and software do not provide a method yet to...
  96. E

    Wish Global blocks

    I don't know if this has been already been asked or covered. Can or will global blocks be implemented in the ax8? If so that would be very helpful for me in the way I run my presets. Thanks
  97. Ugly Bunny

    Wish Fletcher-Munson Curve Block or Global Setting - Bedroom to Stage - Same Great Tone!

    We're always told to dial in our tones at gig volume; this is great if you can do that, but, for instance, my band practices through headphones and the only time we're at "gig volume" is at the gig. What if there was a 'smart' EQ block or global setting that you could just turn one dial up, say...
  98. Ernie Echo

    Wish Outputs and Global Blocks

    It would be great to have Global Blocks also for the Output Blocks. Any chance for implementation with future firmware updates?
  99. Bhargav Sarma

    Wish Limiter (Global or per-patch)

    Pretty much a straight-forward wish. I'd love to have a limiter block as a part of the output. I've used Bias FX before and I've always had to follow it up with a Waves L1 limiter. Such a feature would ensure that the signal does not clip on the mixer. I do not know if the current CPU...
  100. Jop vS

    Modifiers in global blocks

    Hi, Sorry if this has been discussed already, did a search and couldn't find anything. Global blocks don't include modifier settings, correct? Would be great for me if they did. Is this something that is yet to be implemented? Example: Created a global whammy block, but decided to change the...
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