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  • Before: Nov 4, 2011
  • Users: 6L6C
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  1. 6L6C

    Atomic FR Tweeter

    I had the same issue with mine (mine are passive BTW) there is a wiring harness with 4 wires coming of the speaker's, the connector is most likely not sitting correct on the board, just re-seat it.
  2. 6L6C

    Power Amps

    That would be a wise move from my experience.
  3. 6L6C

    Mike Kostrzyński / Made Of Hate and MATRIX GT800FX

    Bottom line hook it up to what ever floats your boat. Sound's fantastic with either my Mesa 2x12 Recto or my Atomic's FRFR speakers. Hey Paul! Curious? Why are you bringing the Axe Fx’s front input to the back of the rack? I see the cable going across the top. John
  4. 6L6C

    Mike Kostrzyński / Made Of Hate and MATRIX GT800FX

    I can know were you are coming from Mike, have had mine for about two months. My crappy I-phone photo. :mrgreen John
  5. 6L6C

    Saving AxeFX-Presets with individual tracks with Garageband

    Ahh I'm not the only one.
  6. 6L6C

    My attempt at "Dumble" sound--Talk to Your Daughter

    I think the tone fit the piece. Great playing & programming, not drowning in delay and reverb. Refreshing!
  7. 6L6C


    It is, but at least to me is a great choice! Just because there is so much Boss out there, weather you own them or not, everybody (for the most part) is pretty familiar with them. But your right it is ironic!! Great looking labels BTW
  8. 6L6C

    Dweezil at L.A. Amp Show (Premiere Guitar)

    Yeah totally agree! I like them, I have Stomplables right now the artwork is great but sometimes its to much in your face when you look down. My Stomplables are also fading a bit, just thinking of going to Kick Tags, a set that's a bit more plain than what I currently have. Maybe something like...
  9. 6L6C

    Dweezil at L.A. Amp Show (Premiere Guitar)

    I dont recognize the tags on the MFC does anyone know who's they are?? If memory serves me correctly at the NY amp show they were using Kick Tags ( - Kick-ass labels for Kick-ass midi controllers!! ) John
  10. 6L6C

    Powering Up the MFC

    Basically Start-up: Axe Fx ON then power amp or powered monitors Shutting down: Power amp OFF then Axe Fx OFF As for the MFC does not really matter which one comes up first Axe Fx or MFC They will see each other As for the power supply. You have an Axe Fx II? Get a Ethernet cable, if so...
  11. 6L6C

    Amazing!!! Without Axe!!!

    Very impressive! Beside coming up with the chord melodies and the precis performance. He plays with as ton of feel!!
  12. 6L6C

    Best MFC-101 Alternative -Since they are out of stock

    Forgot the other half of your question: To my knowledge beside the Gordius, it's either the MFC or Liquid Foot Keep something in mind about the Liquid Foot, there have been times were firmware for the Axe Fx was upgraded and Liquid Foot was not to quick to upgrade there firmware so people were...
  13. 6L6C

    Best MFC-101 Alternative -Since they are out of stock

    No the All Access will not display the Axe Fx tuner or titles. It will display titles but only with another piece of Rocktron gear like the Intellifex
  14. 6L6C

    Axe FX II ate my soundcard driver?!?

    I wont be in front of machine for a few days (away) but I can run Sonar X1 and Axe Edit at the same time. If memory serves me correctly I don't allow Sonar to use the midi ports tied to the Axe Fx (on the Axe Fx) and can open Axe Edit with no problems. I post settings when I get home.
  15. 6L6C

    AXE FX II firmware update problem

    To answer that question, open Axe Edit go to settings and go to audio/midi settings. You will see this screen (attached) make sure your midi ports are set correctly as you can see mine is not attached to anything right now and of course you can change the buffer settings from here if needed. John
  16. 6L6C

    AXE FX II firmware update problem

    Yeah but his issue is loading the new firmware. If he has to load it through an interface like a Midi-sport so be it, just to get it running. As for MidiOX even if the AF II is running USB the MidiOX program will treat it as another midi port
  17. 6L6C

    AXE FX II firmware update problem

    Have you tried MIDIOX? Or do you have, or can you barrow a different midi interface from a friend? What interface are you using now? In Axe Edit have you tried increasing the midi buffer size? Bump it up to 512 to try to upgrade the firmware if that works return back to 256 for everyday use.
  18. 6L6C

    Best MFC-101 Alternative -Since they are out of stock

    Yep! I forgot, nice catch. :mrgreen John
  19. 6L6C

    Carvin DCM200L vs Matrix GT800FX

    Power wise for sure! I did however do the comparison at bedroom levels we could have had a conversation while I was playing. There again no studies for the government. I didn’t get a grant. :-P:-P And I’m going to make an assumption here (I could be wrong) The 1540L is one of the big...
  20. 6L6C

    Best MFC-101 Alternative -Since they are out of stock

    Both Ground Pro and All Access are good controllers I prefer the All Access and still have mine, although I will probably sell it in the future. Feature wise they are fairly similar but the All Access has more switches so more variety per bank (no matter what bank style you choose). Both are...
  21. 6L6C

    Do you run your Axe-FX II in stereo when performing live?

    If playing with another guitar player (mono) Venue as stated above, there is nothing like being in the audience and having one half of a ping pong delay dominating because you are standing on the side. (Mono/stereo depending on environment) Basement, backyard something were the band is tight...
  22. 6L6C

    Integrating Triaxis into Axe FX

    4 Cable method Guitar to front of Axe Fx Output 2 of Axe Fx to front of Tri Axis Output of Tri Axis to Input 2 of Axe Fx Output 1 of Axe Fx to power amp of choice This will allow effects before or after the preamp, when you want to pull in the Tri Axis just assign a loop block to that...
  23. 6L6C

    Carvin DCM200L vs Matrix GT800FX

    The 200L is actually class AB, the 1000, 2004 and the new HD1500 are all class D. Somewhere the Matrix is different it is based on MOSFET designs and have not come across anything that suggest the Carvin is. That could be part of it, both amps do sound good, if I did not like the Matrix there...
  24. 6L6C

    Carvin DCM200L vs Matrix GT800FX

    A few guys are interested in Carvin vs Matrix so here we go. (Carvin DCM200L vs Matrix GT800FX) Little background been playing since 1977 have had a fair amount of gear through the years, also built racks for a few people (mostly friends) processor and midi programming that sort of thing. Have...
  25. 6L6C

    Tone Merchants and Matrix GT800FX

    Just got the GT800 there will be a changing of the guard tonight and give you my first impressions of Matrix vs Carvin tomorrow night. Thomas-Hawk, jerosta, Wanted to give you guys an update and let you know I did not forget John
  26. 6L6C

    Interested in EVM12L's - what are my options?

    yeah really starts to nose dive a little after 5K
  27. 6L6C

    What not to do when playing an AxeII...

    ooopp's Looks like nothing tore, got lucky
  28. 6L6C

    Interested in EVM12L's - what are my options?

    Found this John
  29. 6L6C

    Tone Merchants and Matrix GT800FX

    Got my tracking info, I will have it Wedensday
  30. 6L6C

    Tone Merchants and Matrix GT800FX

    I’m sure you will love it! Been doing the FRFR route (Atomic but still want to try other products as the wallet allows me) for about a year now and getting good results especially with the AF II. But have also been craving a cabinet I have Mesa 2x12 Recto loaded with “Guitar Warehouse Speakers”...
  31. 6L6C

    Tone Merchants and Matrix GT800FX

    Better call them, to find out. Ordered mine August 10th and was told they were placing there order with Matrix at the end of that week. Matrix already had twenty ready, and Tone Merchants was not sure how many to order out of the twenty, if not the whole twenty. Why they were waiting is: they...
  32. 6L6C

    Tone Merchants and Matrix GT800FX

    yep mine was shipped yesterday also
  33. 6L6C

    Matrix GT800FX and Atomic anyone?

    Glad to hear this, I ordered a GT800FX through Tone Merchants a few weeks ago and as you can see in my signature have the Atomic's already.
  34. 6L6C

  35. 6L6C

    If you want to review a product and throw it on YouTube or a forum fine. But to dedicate a whole site to it is just plain strange to me, what the hell is the motivation for that????????? And to use “fractalaudio” in the domain just plain weird.
  36. 6L6C

    Clean, clean, clean!

    Real Nice! Glad to see this, so many people are just interested in the high gain stuff and I think material like this, really shows off the AF II's power. Playing is really good! Like stated above very relaxed. Laid back but in the pocket. John
  37. 6L6C

    4x12 guitar cab works for me at present....

    I hear you Pete! I went FRFR to have the maximum flexibility, but it is different. A little more time needs to be spent with your presets that is for sure. That feel, you are talking about yeah it is a bit different. Putting sound aside for a moment, there is a difference between as 4x12 cab...
  38. 6L6C

    12.4.1 Axe-FX Default Bank Menu Missing! Help..

    Very cool! I love when things come together
  39. 6L6C

    12.4.1 Axe-FX Default Bank Menu Missing! Help..

    Found it: Download the latest manual and compare to your current one, there are some changes It looks like this feature was ditched since you can now just keep banking up and select all 384 presets. As opposed to the past when it was 128 presets at a time.
  40. 6L6C

    12.4.1 Axe-FX Default Bank Menu Missing! Help..

    Don’t panic it’s not your MFC. I never used the feature before, but in a “FAILED” attempt :oops :oops to help you I went to my MFC same exact thing. I’ll look into it tonight or tomorrow. By then someone will probably chime in or you will find the what’s up yourself. If you find it before me...
  41. 6L6C

    Just got my Axe Fx 2! Awesome tones!

    I'm only a few towns away (Lindenhurst) I'll be there.
  42. 6L6C

    Matrix alternatives?

    Will do Thomas I was hoping to have unit this week but it does not look like that is going to happen, "hopefully next week". But then again I said "hopefully next week" last week. But I'll let you know when I do get it.
  43. 6L6C

    Just got my Axe Fx 2! Awesome tones!

    Hey Carl Congratulations! On the AF II I was hanging with Sal T. & Steve S. last week, Steve was telling me that you were going crazy waiting for the AF II. He read some of the text you sent him (funny stuff!) Amazing what gear does to us when we have to wait. Been there several times So how...
  44. 6L6C

    Matrix alternatives?

    Keep in mind the DCM’s 1000L, 2004L and also the HD1500 are Class D amps, I never had any experience with either but so many people seem to steer clear of class D amp’s (at least for our purposes) that I felt it worth mentioning. I do find the Atomics a little restricting volume wise but for...
  45. 6L6C

    Matrix alternatives?

    Crate Power Block, not horrible but not my choice (near the bottom of the barrel) SLA-2 Allot of people likes these and I don’t know why, to me dark and dull. It might be allot of people are running them with real cabs, where I had run mine with FRFR cabs. Don’t know buts that’s my experience...
  46. 6L6C

    Rack Tuner

    Axe tuner is great but I also use a TC Electronics PolyTune the only reason I do this is the polytune can reference all 6 strings at the same time. Find it very handy with a floating trem. Makes things go quicker.
  47. 6L6C

    I Just ate a piece of " Humble Pie"

    Discovering by accident or not. You discovered it. And it made your day !! Cool story with a excellent, ending!!!
  48. 6L6C

    Wah Sounds A Little Off

    Cliff I notice you have been participating allot the past few days. Didn’t you just come back from a vacation? My point! Don’t get burnt out again. John
  49. 6L6C

    An Interesting Interview With Phil Collen

    Well by the look of his rack I don’t expect to see an AF in there any time soon, if he has something he likes he does not appear to look elsewhere. Some of that gear is older than some of the forum members. And that’s cool nothing wrong with that he is not a tech guy (or claims to be) in that...
  50. 6L6C

    Steward World 1.2

    Thanks for the response guys! Long story short, ordered the GT800 from Tone Merchants last week, they were currently not stocked at the time but mine is bought and paid for. So when they place their order and get the delivery, mine is in that first batch. Hoping for next week but most likely...
  51. 6L6C

    I really miss this place

    Me too!! Love shasha 's cynicism and rants. But always in a good way nothing ever mean spirited or anything like that. But he is right, I find myself constantly checking the forum even with my Iphone, which can be a bit hard to read a long thread.
  52. 6L6C

    Matrix GT800FX at Tone Merchants website

    Whole thing was 739.00 out the door.
  53. 6L6C

    Matrix GT800FX at Tone Merchants website

    Ordered mine last week, hoping to have it in the next two weeks or so.
  54. 6L6C

    Ultra matrix Mesa boogie thiele 112

    Doesn't surprise me, the Thiele is a monster in a fairly small package. So I assume you be getting two of them???
  55. 6L6C

    Atomic 50 watt Tube Upgrade

    Off the top of my head (if memory serves me ) you can adjust of the bias of the mono block, so yeah go for it, fire up the ohm meter!
  56. 6L6C

    Steward World 1.2

    Hey all Considering a Steward World 1.2, any thoughts??? From current and past owners, also if have had a Steward amp what others have you tried?? Thanks John
  57. 6L6C

    to buy or not to buy........

    I don't understand the statement, pretty much saying the product is not what it has been built up to be. Yet you are complaining you cant get your hands on one??
  58. 6L6C

    NA2CD..New Axe2 Companions Day

    Very nice enjoy!
  59. 6L6C

    USB Audio Questions?

    Just to keep anyone up to date that might be interested, I’m going to try this. Going to assign all in’s and out’s to the AF II, this will also give me my direct monitor so I’ll be good there. When I use the Firebox for an out (for Sonar) to my monitors I give up that direct monitor and have...
  60. 6L6C

    USB Audio Questions?

    OK over coming problems, getting there! I'm going to shut up for now Sean, before I put foot in mouth again.
  61. 6L6C

    USB Audio Questions?

    Issues spoke to soon. S ******** T
  62. 6L6C

    USB Audio Questions?

    Hey Sean Checking the driver mode it is set WDM/KS. Not my choice, when I installed X1 it ran the "Wave Profiler" (audio interface profiler really) and came up with that driver. I still have the choice of other drivers including ASIO, but everything is working the way I want so not going to...
  63. 6L6C

    USB Audio Questions?

    babuka Just to give you a heads up I upgraded to to Sonar X1 today from 8.5 (Producer versions BTW) I no longer need the ASIO4ALL driver. I can select all the in's and out's of both devices. I did not upgrade just because I was being forced to use ASIO4ALL been meaning to do it for as while. And...
  64. 6L6C


    Liked it allot! You got some CHOP's !!
  65. 6L6C

    Carvin DCM series vs Carvin TS100 for axe fx 2

    Quoting myself from another thread I was asked about my Carvin DCM200L
  66. 6L6C

    USB Audio Questions?

    You know mmmh I love recording with DAW’s, I really do! But when I read stuff like this and of course have my own problems I start thinking. Reel to Reel, 16ips, ½ “ tape, 8 tracks. In some ways it was easier, yeah you had limitations and had to plan what to print and what to leave dry and so...
  67. 6L6C

    USB Audio Questions?

    I got everything to work with Windows/Sonar 8.5 Producer and using two interfaces PreSonus Firebox & Axe Fx II. I had to use ASIO4ALL! With it I now have any combination of in's and out's available.
  68. 6L6C

    Axe-Fx II Rig Photos?

    Cool I like that!
  69. 6L6C

    Axe-Fx II Rig Photos?

  70. 6L6C

    Axe-Fx II Rig Photos?

    Updated the sheet! Forgot about it since it has not been on the first page in a while. Was in the right place at the right time. Picked mine up direct
  71. 6L6C

    Axe-Fx II Rig Photos?

    Like it allot but this one you see is a little under powered but is fine for home and playing in a basement or garage. Also have an Art SLA-2, more power still single space, dull sounding don’t care for it at all. Have an Atomic mono black, was using this with a real cabinet, as opposed to the...
  72. 6L6C

    Axe-Fx II Rig Photos?

    Excuse the I Phone photo Not in place yet when the photo was taken, just installing the USB drivers and updating the MFC. Consider this a "changing of the guard"
  73. 6L6C

    Keep ULTRA after purchasing Axe fx 2

    ...know the best place to test any piece of gear is in your environment well as soon as it was fired up, going through my gear, in my house, the Holy S*** factor kicked in. It was much more than I remembered at the amp show. As I said on another forum, the II looks like the Standard/Ultra...
  74. 6L6C

    Keep ULTRA after purchasing Axe fx 2

    Have a Standard my intention was to keep it, but I'm having second thought's.
  75. 6L6C

    Now that the Axe-fx 2 has been released... we probably will never see the Axe-PC

    It doesn't, but what I believe Mr_You is getting at one USB cable and it is part of your computer much like printer, external hard drive, or a audio interface. With the Standard/Ultra would have to cable out to some sort of interface for audio and midi. And still not as flexible as the AF II...
  76. 6L6C


    I liking the tune But I'm really liking all instruments have there own sonic real estate very open sounding recording, like they have not had in a while.
  77. 6L6C

    warranty and 80mm fan mod

    I have had no issues and it's pretty quiet (good for me) Having said that I can appreciate the "mad scientist" syndrome, take some photo's when your done.
  78. 6L6C

    warranty and 80mm fan mod

    Fan - SilenX IXP-34-12 60mm Case Fan Home Depot: #60 washers (plumbing) comes in bags of 10 you will need 8 of them Machine Screws #6-32 x 1-1/4” (fasteners) usually bag of 6 you will need 4
  79. 6L6C

    FRACTAL WORLDWIDE is at it again on Ebay with an AXEFX 2 !!! $3,999

    OK ;);););) Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Good one
  80. 6L6C

    Axe FX II and axe edit?

    Congratulations! Very cool!!
  81. 6L6C

    In the studio with and ultra and a II

    You might, you might not, and like you said different taste. Hey! I can always go back to my Mark IV and Recto cab. I totally agree with you about the wattage thing. And it’s two weeks later and I still have that Mesa TA on my mind, just a great little tone monster.
  82. 6L6C

    In the studio with and ultra and a II

    I can see why Ari likes the Mesa Trans-Atlantic I tried one a few weeks ago while in a Guitar Center by my friend’s house in Conn. Only spent a short time with it but could really got allot of great tones out of it. Had thoughts about getting it myself (I’m a 20+ year Mesa player), although I...
  83. 6L6C

    FRACTAL WORLDWIDE is at it again on Ebay with an AXEFX 2 !!! $3,999

    Always seems the way?? Which of coarse drives you me and most of us nut's
  84. 6L6C

    Got to meet Cliff

    You nailed it my feelings too.
  85. 6L6C

    Got to meet Cliff

    Same here I sent a email but did not get a response so just taking that as a "no" That's OK I'll get one in time.
  86. 6L6C

    Axe FX II and axe edit?

    At the NY amp show a couple of weeks ago, they did have Axe Edit running with the AF II through USB. So they stuff is there I guess they just want to tweak it a bit more before releasing it. Not that I dove into it hard core but Matt showed some of the features of the new Axe Edit, (very cool)
  87. 6L6C

    On The Road with the Axe FX II (2)

    Larry Great to hear when a professional such as yourself gets all worked up over a piece of gear. I got a sample of the AF II last week at the NY Amp Show so I know what your worked up about. I cant wait to hit the "buy it now" button. I have never been so happily and willing to surrender...
  88. 6L6C

    Axe Fx II, It's not Hype (IMO)

    Hey No I did not play through the unit, there were tons of guys there ready and some I think drooling when they heard the guy before them. I was more interested in the changes, were certain controls sit in certain menu’s and so on and just listening to other guys play. I step away for a day...
  89. 6L6C

    Axe Fx II, It's not Hype (IMO)

    Good observation! Yes while I was there people were more interested in the modeling more than anything else nothing was really dove into super deep. Myself I never even played through it , I was going through the editor with Fractal and seeing, what has changed, what has not, what was renamed...
  90. 6L6C

    Axe Fx II, It's not Hype (IMO)

    kenjf What did you think of my idea for a different presentation, I'm just curios. I ask because I do feel the conditions were not optimal. However being a current user of the AF Standard I was hearing things with the new unit that I really like. That said, I cant hit that "send payment" fast...
  91. 6L6C

    Axe Fx II, It's not Hype (IMO)

    Hey Richard; Really not sure I would be lying if I told you it was model XX.
  92. 6L6C

    Axe Fx II, It's not Hype (IMO)

    YES THEY ARE!! Except my Mesa's which run a little on the cool side. I did not even notice till you pointed that out.
  93. 6L6C

    Axe Fx II, It's not Hype (IMO)

    Not really sure there was allot of traffic going in and out of the room, it’s amazing I got that photo without anyone in front of it. The problem with the presentation I felt, someone would sit down with their guitar and start to request settings and to some extent that’s fine (people request...
  94. 6L6C

    Axe Fx II, It's not Hype (IMO)

    Went to the NY Amp Show today (in New Jersey, go figure?) and went with one thing on the agenda, “Axe Fx II”. I like what I’m seeing on YouTube, but as you guys know nothing like being in front of it yourself. Keep in mind had said pretty much right after the announcement of the AF II, that I...
  95. 6L6C

    Hello Standard, my old friend...

    Warrior You either need to update your signature or update the firmware on your Ultra.
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