Mike Kostrzyński / Made Of Hate and MATRIX GT800FX


Hey there!

finally, after a few solid hours of playing on Matrix GT800FX it all came straight to this. This is it! I really like a lot about this amp and I even make this little note to describe accurately my feelings and opinions about it. Here it is:

First there was a tube amp. Then it came Axe-Fx. Now the guitar evolution took another step with Matrix GT800FX stereo power amp. Only one, lightweight unit with huge headroom and lots of power to feed your cabinets and speakers – that’s what is the best match for my rig. I’m really happy to use my Matrix and I’m looking forward to tweak it even more and have some fun with it. In my opinion Matrix GT800FX is an ultimate solution for powering modern amp modellers. Definitely a great amp! What I also love in GT800FX is for example solidity of the casing, die-hard combo inputs, low heating and those fancy red lights inside the unit :) This thing just works like a charm! Go for it!


PS. I bet there is more to come :) Also, there is a picture of my actual rig (it's crappy quality due to my dying iPhone).


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I can know were you are coming from Mike, have had mine for about two months.

My crappy I-phone photo. :mrgreen

Nice :) another VHT convert.

I found some 1/2U perforated blanks for my rack:


Here - its a UK site so dont know about US sources - they do international shipping though. Whether thats worth it ???

Pro Audio Stash » Steel Rack Panel » Vented » Rack Panels » 19 Inch Racking

Its really quite neat. The 1/2 at the top gives plenty of extra ventilation for any heat that is generated, the 1/2 u at the bottom gives airflow under the AXE - which is where most of the heat seems to be, and the feet on the Matrix gives a nice couple of mills separation between the units
So the question of the day is, what speaker option do you guys like to utilize with the Matrix? How does it sound with guitar speaker cabs?
So the question of the day is, what speaker option do you guys like to utilize with the Matrix? How does it sound with guitar speaker cabs?
Bottom line hook it up to what ever floats your boat.
Sound's fantastic with either my Mesa 2x12 Recto or my Atomic's FRFR speakers.

Hey Paul!
Curious? Why are you bringing the Axe Fx’s front input to the back of the rack? I see the cable going across the top.
it sounds great with my Mesa 4x12 OS Recto (obviously loaded with Celestion Vintage 30s). In fact my patches have no cabs in the chain, but I'm going to try putting cabs in the signal line. I've heard it may give some nice, unexpectedly fine sound. Plus, I'll try those Redwirez cabs too. Can't wait to tweak :D I found myself more and more into advanced parameters on my Ultra :)
Hey Paul!
Curious? Why are you bringing the Axe Fx’s front input to the back of the rack? I see the cable going across the top.

The Rear of the rack has a 1U perforated blank which has velco loops around it. this holds the power cable and guitar lead for transit 9I also have loops stapled into the real lid that holds the speaker cable and midi cable. the guitar cables feeds to the rear to enable this. it means my rack and all cables are in one 4U case and just get de-velcro'd, and laid out to Front of stage when I set up.

As for speakers - that cab of mine is loaded with a V30 and a G12H aniversary.
How are you getting on with your Zilla cab? I've just had them make me a vertical 2x12 closed back cab with a mono/stereo switch (V30 + Lead 80). Would like to know how you find the EVM12Ls too when you get them...
i do like my Zilla. The Torlex isn't applied the best - I have the edges peeling inside the cab - but nothing a bit of extra glue didn't/wont cure. tonally its really nice and full. Mines a studio so tall (ish) and thin (front to back). I do at times wish Id gone for a fatboy - more because the rack would sit better on top. It has the removable panels so can be run open/closed or 3/4 back. I started at 3/4 and have since gone to closed - more due to the music Im currently playing (heavier). Its also ported so in closed back mode has some nice low end grunt - at least as good as a Marshal 4x12 my mate uses.
I just had a chance to really play my Gt800 at loud volumes last night. It is truly amazing. This amplifier would happily power a PA in a descent sized venue. I also can't say how happy I was carrying the rack with the AXE and Matrix. It was very pleasant to not have to struggle lifting the thing. I had one guitar player asking me where the amp was. He was expecting a combo but I was using wedges. He couldn't get his head around the fact that this little one unit was pumping out so much non clipping volume. I will admit its a bit bizarre getting used to just playing through wedges, but it starts to make more sense the longer I do it.
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