Got to meet Cliff

As for the "Just bring $2600" comment. It doesn't work that way. If it's $2,600, some people will not make the trip. If it IS $2,200, they'll make the trip. That's what this is all about.

I think it would be foolish to make a trip anywhere to buy anything without having the ability to pay the list price for the item. That's assuming you are making the trip to actually purchase something.
Thanks 6L6C. It's good to know I'm not the only one. I feel a little frustrated each time I see someone else coming forward saying they just picked one up at the factory.

Their lack of response to our emails is either a passive refusal or a sign that they're just flooded with emails about all sorts of things, most of all the new wait list. I think there's an equal chance for both of those possibilities right now.

If the wait list doesn't move in a week or two, I'll try calling directly and giving it one more shot.
I don't see it as bragging .they are telling you how to get the product now if you cant wait .
Spend a day driving to new hampshire and back ..take a train a plane whatever.
I think its an alternative if you just cant wait ..

I personally think its fine and obviously whatever Cliff sells factory to a person is his business .What do you suppose TM is paying .$2199 to sell it to you at $2199 that would make very little sense
and just think... This thread started out saying that he met Cliff and he was a really nice guy. Now look where its gone! lol. wow!
Why can't people get along....Fractal is working hard and I'm sure they don't need this criticism...especially the boss....some things in life may not seem fair...but that's the end if you get your new black box tomorrow or in a couple months, your not going to die. Those of us who want one will get one eventually.

On a side note, these frustrated feelings people are showing over a piece of music equipment is sad compared to the lack thereof with bigger issues on our planet...THINGS THAT ACTUALLY if you feel the need to vent because you feel cheated in some way, do it towards something else because nobody on this forum that matters wants to hear all this negativity.
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The consumer should, in that case, ask the seller. What a concept!!

Sorry, but didn't Cliff say NOT to send emails inquiring after availability etc. but to just wait? This kind of implies that you shouldn't, hence the relative merit of the price query.
Why oh Why do people have a go at cliff? Do they expect to be given stuff at cost?


The fact that the initial release price of the AFX2 was pretty much the same as the Ultra was UNBELIEVABLY GOOD. You get 2 DSPs, which cost more that $200 each for a start. Then theres all the new hardware, the 3 years of work that went into it, the new G2 sims etc etc etc.

Secondly, there hasnt really been a price hyke. If you get o the list, you get it for the inital release price anyway. the new fullr etail price is around where I would have expected it to be to start with.

There is the state of the $, given as many componants wont be US sourced - so costs are rising (we had the same thing in the UK 3 years ago - the Axe price nearly doubled in 6 months !!!). He has more overheads IF you want you AFX2s in any qualtity as he has to employ more people to assemble them.

Be warned - cliff may well learn from this - and next time the release price will be high to start with !!!!

Be honest, if he'd said at the start that the AFX2 would be the price its now listed at - and also kept the Ultras going at their last price how many would have complained? the fact that he discontinued what he thought to be a "fully matured" product, in order to develop the new line shows hes not money orientated. the fact that he initially set a price practically the same as the old gen models - but has had to raise that rice, just shows production costs are higher than expected (for whatever reason) - and the fact that he didnt just say "new price is *** due to unforseen costs" - which as the AFX2s hadnt actually reached sale point at the time he was perfectly entitled to do, BUT has honoured the initial price with anyone who ordered when hed released that price, again shows hes not money obsessed.

If you dont like Cliffs pricing policy - go and get something else and stop giving the guy a hard time. I know from speakng to Tom that they do not make a lot of money - there pretty much STILL only taking enough out of the company to survive. Cliffs not mega rich - its a passion. the alternative to changing the price may well be Fractal going bankrupt. Which is preferable.

Sorry for the rant BUT, all this "Fractal stabbing us in the back" REALLY pisses me off - and this from a UK soldier with a family, who is having to sell a lot of stuff even to get a sniff at the AFX2. be thankfull for what you CAN have iof you choose.
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