I think that the next review there will be of having sex with Megan Fox.

It'll be posted just as soon as the reviewer finishes watching "Transformers".
Thats a pretty good site.....but it says this on nearly every page.

Please note that this page is currently being developed and as soon as the Axe-FX II is available for review then this page and all the others on this site will reflect the results.

So he doesn't even have an axe II yet and he has made a site for it?
hmm.. despite all his disclaimers,
This website has been developed as a completely independent site with absolutely no association with so anything you might read on this site is NOT conferred from, contributed by, suggested or even discounted (financially) by Fractal Audio or any of it's dealer network.
he may find himself having to change the sites URL - copyright and tradmark infringement, etc.. LOL
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Maybe a domain name hijack, to sell later on?

Well, anyone wanna claim the domain ""?
It's still available. :mrgreen
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If you want to review a product and throw it on YouTube or a forum fine. But to dedicate a whole site to it is just plain strange to me, what the hell is the motivation for that????????? And to use “fractalaudio” in the domain just plain weird.
So, what did Fractal Audio do to piss this guy off? That's only thing I can think of if the guy has gone through this much trouble to create a site like he has.
Fair enough, write an unbiased review of the AxeFX II, but why would you register the domain, to me he should just add it to his existing website? Ah well, each to their own I guess.

I also enjoy the fact that he mentions the 14 day money back guarantee, says that no other company offer anything like it and then says it's not long enough, that's awesome work right there!

He might get one and really like it, who knows!
I've seen that guy's review of other stuff... yikes. I found his pod HD review to EXCESSIVELY long, rambling, and poorly organized. I look forward to more of the same once (if) he gets an Axe FX. :?
Contact Nominet <drs at> and lodge a complaint asap
About what? While using a URL with someone's else company name in it is in poor taste (and may get you in hot water for other things) it's not illegal to do - AFAIK.
With all the .* URL's available, it's up to the company in question to ensure that they register the .com, .net, .org, .info, .bz, .mobi, .me, ..... etc. domains, so that it's not available for someone else to register.
Off topic, but I remember all the ruckus way back when Will Smith was furious someone had registered " " but I'm pretty sure you can register any domain name you want. Often see domain names up for grabs on ebay for stupid prices. Lately for ipad2 and whatever next must-have gadget is announced you can bet you'll see the same again too !
Yea, as far as I know, it's not illegal, just REAAAAAALY distasteful.

Having said that, I must say that I like how the site is laid out and designed. MUCH better than a lot of sites from large companies even.

So boo for you for registering the domain name mr tony mckenzie, but yay for you having a good looking and well laid out site :eek:
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