I also read that apple and google were buying up domain names in a frenzy recently tho.....

Maybe something like this is the reason why?
I send out Nastygrams to cybersquatters at least once a week for my trademark/domain clients. This situation is not a cut and dry infringement. That pesky First Amendment could provide a defense that the registrant has a legitimate interest in the mark and in not using the domain for commercial purposes, but purely a nominative fair use. Although use of fractal as the main portion of the web address refutes that. Typically, you can use other's trademarks after the slag (indicating the info is on a separate web page).
I can't see what all the fuss is about. IMHO the guy has probably used this domain name to attract people to his site to sell his music. Nothing illegal or immoral in what he did. His disclaimers are there for all to read. He wrote quite an interesting piece on price fixing. Cliff could have registered the domain name when he started out or can buy the name from him if he wants to sell. Free enterprise and all that...
He is obviously hoping for Fractal Audio to grow enough to want/need to buy him the domain name for some large amount of (easy) money.
He is obviously hoping for Fractal Audio to grow enough to want/need to buy him the domain name for some large amount of (easy) money.

Except nobody does that anymore, so he'll be in for a long wait. They (Sensible companies) would choose another similar domain name and wait for his to expire, and then get it for free.
Dear Sporticus,

buying the domain name would suggest this guy owns a company in the UK called Fractal Audio. I know that these days this is not strictly true but that is how domain names co.<country code> were meant to operate. I do agree though it would have made sense for Cliff to register all the "usual" domain variants but where does it stop ? I suppose if Fractal did register then this may also mislead potential search engines and the like. Just my little bit of IT knowledge shared :)

I bet you know him really :lol hmmmm Tony Mckenzie sounds like a Scottish name :)
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Except nobody does that anymore, so he'll be in for a long wait. They (Sensible companies) would choose another similar domain name and wait for his to expire, and then get it for free.

That would assume the domain owner would let it expire in the first place. Domains only expire if you don't renew them. Otherwise, anyone could grab everyone else's domain.
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