12.4.1 Axe-FX Default Bank Menu Missing! Help..

Just setting up my MFC with my AxeFX Ultra, first read the whole manual. I want to change the default bank to Bank C, only I don't seem to have menu 12.4.1 Axe-FX Default Bank. At least it is not where it is supposed to be in "Edit : Midi : Page-> (1x)" . In fact I've looped through all the options in the Midi menu and they are all there except this one.

I've searched the forums and can't find any other reports of this. I've restarted the MFC several times and it is not showing up.

Can someone help? starting to get frustrated here. I'm sure there is a simple explanation or I'm doing something wrong.


Don’t panic it’s not your MFC.

I never used the feature before, but in a “FAILED” attempt :eek:ops :eek:ops to help you I went to my MFC same exact thing. I’ll look into it tonight or tomorrow. By then someone will probably chime in or you will find the what’s up yourself. If you find it before me please post because now I’m curious, and I’m headed out to work now and I know this is going to bug me all day.

Found it:
Download the latest manual and compare to your current one, there are some changes
It looks like this feature was ditched since you can now just keep banking up and select all 384 presets. As opposed to the past when it was 128 presets at a time.
Ah I see. Thanks! Now I'm trying to figure out why the tap tempo light doesn't blink, shouldn't it? It seems to work, just doesn't blink.
Figured out why the tap tempo light wasn't blinking. I had the Send Realtime Sysex set to Tuner, it needed to be set to ALL. Here is where you find it on the AxeFX Ultra: I/O -> Midi -> Send Realtime Sysex -> All.

It works now!
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