Keep ULTRA after purchasing Axe fx 2

I have both & I'm keeping the Ultra & the II.

I bought the Ultra in 2008 & put three years into creating patches.

A lot of the Ultra patches just don't translate well to the Axe II.
I've never owned, played, or seen up close an Axe Fx so the Axe Fx II will be my first ever unit, pretty pumped :D

I'm pretty sure I am the only one in my province (of 150k people) who owns/will own one haha.
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I will need to sell my Standard to buy a II, and I have another year or so of saving to do before I can afford to do that. My only worry is the years of tweaking I have already done I will need to do all over again. Hopefully the results will outweigh all that.
Well it's a great sounding unit, it did not become substandard overnight because the II was released. But I like the II better and "me personally" will probably always go for the II.

I had first heard the II at the NY Amp Show in early June and impressed made up my mind right then and there, getting one, and want it fast as possible. Time passes I get a II, as you know the best place to test any piece of gear is in your environment well as soon as it was fired up, going through my gear, in my house, the Holy S*** factor kicked in. It was much more than I remembered at the amp show. As I said on another forum, the II looks like the Standard/Ultra, programming the II for the most part is the same as the Standard/Ultra, but that's were it end's. The II is not an Standard/Ultra with some added bells and buzzers, it is a different animal all together.

Still using the Standard on a friends project, started with it and will end with it just for consistency alone and I'll make a decision after that.
Still have my Ultra, and will probably keep it at least for a while after I finally get an AII. I was thinking of using the Ultra for outboard FX on my recorder.

For now I'm keeping the Ultra as a backup. I might change my mind and sell the Ultra at some point.
If I could afford to keep both I would, but most likely will sell my Ultra when I get the II.
I haven't decided if I'll upgrade to the II just yet. Probably will at some point. When I do I'll sell my Standard or Ultra. I won't need three units.
My original plan was to keep my Ultra when I got the II, but after a week with the II, I sold the Ultra and haven't looked back.
Keeping mine for sure. In fact I have had the II now for a few weeks, and still havent used it yet for the band. Ill be staying with the Ultra at least through summer. Just too busy to get the II integrated. The Ultra still sounds killer. I have the II now as a backup, which seems funny, but that is how it rolls.
Any of you will keep the ULTRA after purchasing the Axe fx 2?

Going to wax philosophical:

Your question implies that there is something that the Axe II can't do that the Ultra can do. Or it sounds *different* or 'not as good on certain models, etc.

I would say that those who can afford to keep the Ultra, will. It's by no means antiquated and 'cute' now compared to the Axe II; its still a professional level piece of equipment and miles above the competition. However, I still believe that most will find that in 6 months time, the Ultra will be gathering dust...not from dislike, but that the Axe II (with it's myriad of new features for ease, access, and tweaking) will get more use.


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