Atomic 50 watt Tube Upgrade

Vegas Bob

I'm new to the AxeFX world but I'm diving in. I've been a tube amp junkie for decades and have always put old glass in my amps with a lot of success.
Does anybody have experience putting NOS glass in the Atomic Mono Block 50 watt amp?

I know some amps don't really change all that much after adding NOS tubes but many sound so much better.
Just checking to see if anybody has experimented or if I need to blaze a trail into new territory.
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My Atomic 50 Watt Amp arrived today! Now if my AxeFX 2 would land at my door...
I will report after experimenting with various NOS tubes.
I don't think anyone has had one long enough to experiment with different tubes, looks like you will be the first ;).
Off the top of my head (if memory serves me ) you can adjust of the bias of the mono block, so yeah go for it, fire up the ohm meter!
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