Matrix GT800FX and Atomic anyone?


Hello guys.

Anyone out there that's using this setup?
I got my passive Atomic Cab lately and have not been able to test it loud with a band. Do you find hard to seat loud enough in the mix with just one cab?
Any specific tweaks (like Paul global Eq tweaks) you're using?
Regarding to power, how are you running it? Any chance to blow speakers if running mono?

It would be interesting to share some experiences.
At first I ran a bit of global EQ to tame the low end mostly, but that was when I first got the Atomic and Matrix. I've since then tweaked the patches themselves and now just run a flat global EQ.

I'm running mine mono, just one side of the amp into one cab. Haven't had any problems keeping up with the band, and haven't had anything blow up yet. :)
At first I ran a bit of global EQ to tame the low end mostly, but that was when I first got the Atomic and Matrix. I've since then tweaked the patches themselves and now just run a flat global EQ

Glad to hear this, I ordered a GT800FX through Tone Merchants a few weeks ago and as you can see in my signature have the Atomic's already.
Yeah, the day I got my Atomic cab I had a band practice right after work, so I basically got home, dragged the Atomic up to my apartment, quickly plugged it all in to make sure it was going to work (already had the Matrix waiting but no cab to try it with), and then threw it all in the car. So that practice was the first time I really got to hear the set up at all, let alone at a decent volume. I made a few patch tweaks between songs, but the main thing I noticed straight away was that the low end was surprisingly full compared to what I was used to hearing from my monitors. I was pretty much showing our bass player how it's done. :lol

So yeah, some global tweaks to get it going, and then after that I spent a bit of time tweaking patches and just run the global flat. Didn't take much tweaking though.

There's a pic of my Axe in the "Post your rig" thread in The Lounge, and whatever the output 2 is set to in that pic, there's where I've been using it. For band stuff, I've been running the Matrix at around 11 o'clock or so. Last rehearsal I had to push it up to 12 o'clock coz someone was being too loud, and it wasn't long before everyone basically went, "Ok, this is getting silly... we need to tone it down a bit." Paulmapp8306 in the big GT800FX thread said about the front signal LED, "basically when it starts to flicker, the amp is giving 50W into an 8 Ohms cab". With the levels I'm using my set up at, I've yet to see that LED light up... ever. So I'm taking that as an indication that there's plenty of power left in the Matrix, and the Atomic can handle plenty more too. :)

I was a bit worried before I got my Atomic that it wouldn't put out enough volume and I'd have to get a 2nd one just to have decent levels, but given the above and that with those levels I'm already occasionally pissing off my band members, those concerns are gone now. I was mainly worried coz a few people had said a single Atomic couldn't cut it. Those guys... I'd hate to be at one of their band practices! :| I'd have to wear earplugs and then go stand inside the building across the road. :lol
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