FRACTAL WORLDWIDE is at it again on Ebay with an AXEFX 2 !!! $3,999

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Probably not a good idea talking about LEGAL matters in public. Plus, you don't have a trademark, which can easily be checked. Our group changed it all because everyone here is ridiculous and wants to mess with people trying to find a way to get some food on the table. We were tired of dealing with it.

You should probably find a another way to put food on the table. As every day goes by, more and more AXE-FXII's are made and the chances of you starving get greater. Better find a regular job.
Probably not a good idea talking about LEGAL matters in public. Plus, you don't have a trademark, which can easily be checked. Our group changed it all because everyone here is ridiculous and wants to mess with people trying to find a way to get some food on the table. We were tired of dealing with it.

Please leave our listing alone. It's not targeted to those in the United States so it's not "price gouging" it's for those overseas. Being the first to sell it on eBay is hard, you have to figure out what people are going to pay, so you aim high first. It was purchased legally so we're able to do whatever we want with it.

If we don't respond to your request it's because we're not going to waste our time with people who aren't actually interested in purchasing the item. We'd rather focus our attention and efforts on providing good customer service to those that are actually interested. That is why we have people coming back to us stating they'll buy from us again.

With that said, sorry if there was any confusion. We didn't think having the work "fractal" would be such a big deal as we weren't using the whole name and that word is a generic name in the dictionary.

That is all.
I'm no LEGAL scholar, but I'm guessing that from a LEGAL perspective, the above posted verbiage is sufficient evidence to warrant shutting you down. And you posted that here ?? On the Fractal forum?? What??

Personally, I have no issue with the profit, or "food on the table", or "customer service" aspect of your posting. But, like Jay pointed out, you should do that WITHOUT deliberate obfuscation and misrepresentation - including seller name (which you changed), content and copyright/trademark violations, small print, etc. I don't know if there's a registered trademark or not, but you must have missed the "© 2010 Fractal Audio Systems LLC. All Rights Reserved" label on the content you "copied" from the site?? Yes, the word "fractal" may be a generic name in the dictionary, but the context of its use (in this case) to sell a product from a OEM using that word in their "registered" company name is unlikely to pass muster.

This is the land of opportunity. Just do what you are doing in a LEGAL manner.
You should probably find a another way to put food on the table.

+1. I can't believe he has the gall to post on this forum. Shameful.

Legal or not it's just douchey and wrong imo. Scalping, curbing, lots of names for this growing practice. I don't buy the justification of helping people overseas. It's for the highest bidder, period. As long as the box remains hard to get the bids will come in, and of course what this guy is doing makes the box that much harder to get initially.

More and more scumbags are profiting in this illegitimate manner. I first ran into it back when I was trying to buy a Wii for the fam and they were sold out everywhere. Douchbags hoarded them all and sold for at least twice retail. They post pics online showing rooms full of them. Same happened for Wii Fit. iPhones and iPads. Apple puts strict "2 per customer" policy in place, so right away the douchbags pay street vagrants ten bucks each to go line up at the store to purchase quantities for them to resell.

I have absolutely no doubt this douche and more like him will find ways around Cliffs one-per-customer policy, contributing significantly to our longer wait. All you can do is hope these guys get caught with their pants down eventually and wind up stuck with too much inventory they have to sell at a loss.
Probably not a good idea talking about LEGAL matters in public. Plus, you don't have a trademark, which can easily be checked. Our group changed it all because everyone here is ridiculous and wants to mess with people trying to find a way to get some food on the table. We were tired of dealing with it.

Please leave our listing alone. It's not targeted to those in the United States so it's not "price gouging" it's for those overseas. Being the first to sell it on eBay is hard, you have to figure out what people are going to pay, so you aim high first. It was purchased legally so we're able to do whatever we want with it.

If we don't respond to your request it's because we're not going to waste our time with people who aren't actually interested in purchasing the item. We'd rather focus our attention and efforts on providing good customer service to those that are actually interested. That is why we have people coming back to us stating they'll buy from us again.

With that said, sorry if there was any confusion. We didn't think having the work "fractal" would be such a big deal as we weren't using the whole name and that word is a generic name in the dictionary.

That is all.

Attention customers of the restaurant. Testicles. That is all.

Seriously. He tried defending himself. On the fractal forum. An internet forum. He can't focus on court apparently because he probably lost anyways. :lol
Stay away from the fractal forum bro, you're jumping in a precipice full of angry sharks with money and you're gonna get torn apart. And sell the damn axe fx 2 for a more reasonable price if you're really trying to save oversea bidders money.
I vote for... GULAG!!!

Our group changed it all because everyone here is ridiculous and wants to mess with people trying to find a way to get some food on the table.

"Food on the table" is a weak, empty argument. While it is good to validate someone's actions to his/herself, it is useless for others. Presumably, you're trying to frame an argument in such a way that it can't be attacked without making the attacker seem like a monster for starving you. The fault in that logic is that nobody objects to you feeding yourself and your family. That isn't why people objected to your behaviour, and therefore is inconsequential to justifying your behaviour to other people.
Hey guys, let´s report this auction to ebay. There are several infringements there, from links, misrepresented location to excessive shipping. I already did that.
Please leave our listing alone. It's not targeted to those in the United States so it's not "price gouging" it's for those overseas.

OK ;);););)
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

Good one
The nerve of this guy to jump on this forum and try to justify his scumbag actions... He's definitely an existing member using a different moniker. Too bad we can't figure out who he is and get him banned for violating behavior rules.
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