Powering Up the MFC


The MFC manual says on pg. 7, "Before making connections, be sure to turn down the volume of your amp and switch off all power"

I've been keeping my 9vac adapter plugged into my power supply and turn on the system in the following order:

1 - power supply
2 - axe 2
3 - frfr speaker

If I want to use the MFC, I just plug the other end of the 9vac adapter into the "phantom power midi in" plug on the axe-2. When I'm done with the MFC, I pull the phantom power plug from the axe-2 and shut down the system in reverse order. The 9vac adapter always stays plugged into the power supply.

Anyone, see any potential power-up/down problems with that?

Thanks ...
Start-up: Axe Fx ON then power amp or powered monitors

Shutting down: Power amp OFF then Axe Fx OFF

As for the MFC does not really matter which one comes up first Axe Fx or MFC
They will see each other

As for the power supply. You have an Axe Fx II? Get a Ethernet cable, if so, connect the AF II and MFC with it, no need for the transformer the MFC will be powered by the AF II's power supply.
However if you are using midi cables, yes you will still need the transformer.
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