I love it. Some of the mix is weird but you can hear the bass finally...and the keyboards. Cymbals are low, snare needs more balls.

I wonder how much AXE-FX is on here?

I enjoyed it until that cheesy synth choir came in, and the guitar and bass have WAY too much midrange honk to them.
How do they not get bored with doing the same cheesy tunes over and over with tons of needless unfocused crap thrown in.
They have had a handfull of good songs over the years but overall they are just not very good songwriters and the lame keyboards and cheeseball lyrics/melody lines have got to go.
They are talented musicians for sure but i can't get over the cheese factor of most of their tunes.
Having said all that i think Petrucci is a great talent and i love watching him play and also talk/demo guitars and amps.
I wish i had even half of his focused dedication to practice.
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Liked it OK. As a shallow guitar player I never really notice drummers that much, but I REALLLy noticed a DT song without Portnoy playing on it. Weird how his drumming is just connected with their sound for me. Not a slight on Mangini at all...he's amazing.
How do they not get bored with doing the same cheesy tunes over and over with tons of needless unfocused crap thrown in.
They have had a handfull of good songs over the years but overall they are just not very good songwriters and the lame keyboards and cheeseball lyrics/melody lines have got to go.
They are talented musicians for sure but i can't get over the cheese factor of most of their tunes.
Having said all that i think Petrucci is a great talent and i love watching him play and also talk/demo guitars and amps.
I wish i had even half of his focused dedication to practice.

I think the last line of your post answers the question from the first line of your post.

Some people have a longer attention span than others...

You hear "tons of of unfocused needless crap" and Dream Theater and their fans hear extra cool riffs and melodies. Different strokes for different folks.
I think the last line of your post answers the question from the first line of your post.

Some people have a longer attention span than others...

You hear "tons of of unfocused needless crap" and Dream Theater and their fans hear extra cool riffs and melodies. Different strokes for different folks.

In my opinion, it has nothing to do with attention span. If a song is filled with 8+ minutes of solid material, with enough depth and variation, then that’s great. On the flip side of that coin, you have most DT songs, where there is just so much blatant filler and repetition, with explosions of virtuosity just for the sake of showboating. And I could look past ALL of that if it weren't for Rudess's over-the-top, kazoo-like keyboard parts. It has always seemed to me that for all of the piss and vinegar people had for Portnoy, Rudess has been the one that holds them back the most from writing quality songs.
I liking the tune

But I'm really liking all instruments have there own sonic real estate very open sounding recording, like they have not had in a while.
In my opinion, it has nothing to do with attention span. If a song is filled with 8+ minutes of solid material, with enough depth and variation, then that’s great. On the flip side of that coin, you have most DT songs, where there is just so much blatant filler and repetition, with explosions of virtuosity just for the sake of showboating. And I could look past ALL of that if it weren't for Rudess's over-the-top, kazoo-like keyboard parts. It has always seemed to me that for all of the piss and vinegar people had for Portnoy, Rudess has been the one that holds them back the most from writing quality songs.

I don't entirely disagree with you...

However, that is their style. It has been their style since 1989. So it's kind of pointless to criticize them for doing the same thing they have always done.

To me it probably makes more sense to compare it within the context of their other songs. As a long time listener, I actually think this song is more cohesive with less blatant filler than most of what I have heard from DT since 1999 or so. So within that context I give it a thumbs up.
I don't entirely disagree with you...

However, that is their style. It has been their style since 1989. So it's kind of pointless to criticize them for doing the same thing they have always done.

To me it probably makes more sense to compare it within the context of their other songs. As a long time listener, I actually think this song is more cohesive with less blatant filler than most of what I have heard from DT since 1999 or so. So within that context I give it a thumbs up.

Fair enough. I always enjoy a spirited music debate. Nice to know I can still have them here without it coming to "STFU!" "No, YOU STFU!!" like you get on other forums. ;)
Being what I consider to be a big DT fan, I gotta say... I'm not too impressed. Maybe it will grow on me, but hmmm... I dunno... seemed... uninspired. Just my opinion of course. Still looking forward to the release of the album on September 13th!
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