Portnoy out should breath new life in. Mangini is a monster. This does sound like the last 4 or 5 CDs though. I love Petrucci, but Jordan smokes him. :) If nothing else, a new CD means a new tour. They're always good live....
How do they not get bored with doing the same cheesy tunes over and over with tons of needless unfocused crap thrown in.
They have had a handfull of good songs over the years but overall they are just not very good songwriters and the lame keyboards and cheeseball lyrics/melody lines have got to go.
They are talented musicians for sure but i can't get over the cheese factor of most of their tunes.
Having said all that i think Petrucci is a great talent and i love watching him play and also talk/demo guitars and amps.
I wish i had even half of his focused dedication to practice.

its funny how different people's opinions can be.. Im like 100% opposite what you said.. I think Petrucci is the most boring, robotic guitarist there is, I can't stand his solos, but his songwriting (well DT's songwriting) is what makes him tolerable to me. DT is always releasing great albums to me, its not "rehashed" other than the fact its the same style of music (if you think they are doing the same cheesy songs over and over again, go spend a year playing Jazz Standard gigs.. talk about super-repetitive songs!)

TLDR: I can't stand Petrucci the guitarist; hes a wanker. but Dream Theatre as a band is great. I dont know many bands that write as good as them.

This song sounds much better than the last few CDs in my opinion.. Maybe not as "memorable" as main riffage goes, but its filled with great parts that make for a long epic song. Mangini added in the mix makes it really unique, hes more of a "down-to-business" blue collar drummer it seems; despite Im not really digging his kit's sound (sounds too tinny kinda) .. I like it though! Hopefully the new album is all like this.

Petrucci's guitar tone is so crisp and defined, wish I could get a recorded tone like that lol
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I can agree with his leads being too wanky, but it seems like that's going to die down a bit more now that Portnoy is gone. I think this song is evidence of that.

I do agree with the drums, but I think it's a matter of how it was mixed. There's quite a few problems with the mix from the click track still being in the recording (they forgot to delete it) for one beat, a bad edit/punch in/cross fade and some pumping going on from bad compression/mastering. The drums are way too low in the mix, especially for a dream theater song. It doesn't need to be flippin loud like it was when Portnoy was around and co-producing, but it shouldn't be in the background.

I severely hope the Youtube video is not a complete mix/product. If it is, I'm shocked that professionals, especially Andy Wallace would have so many problems.
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