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  • Before: Aug 4, 2014
  • Users: javajunkie
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  1. javajunkie

    Attack of the drones

    Now morphing into a three or 4 chord progression using both synths :) Superb!
  2. javajunkie

    can the axe 2 'tone match' from a kemper?

    yeah, he did several.
  3. javajunkie

    Ownhammer :"412-GTR Bog 12M-RI STD"

    Not really, no. I depends on the patch I'm making. Other than panning multiple cabs or using a little room parameter. I don't mess with the cab block parameters much.
  4. javajunkie

    can the axe 2 'tone match' from a kemper?

    sold my kemper a whole back, I never tried to tone match it.
  5. javajunkie

    Play over a big synth drone - good for intros

    Nice. I like the idea of morphing from one chord to another.
  6. javajunkie

    Tape Delay Hold Isn't Infinite

    ahh i see, its been a while since I've used the hold function. I encountered the same drop in volume the bakerman stated. I generally just cut the input to the delay and increase the feedback. I like setting the master feedback a little over 100% and you get that supersaturated tape delay effect.
  7. javajunkie

    Ownhammer :"412-GTR Bog 12M-RI STD"

    You use fractalbot to load the cab to a user cab slot and then change the cab type to the cab you just loaded in.
  8. javajunkie

    Money For nothing

    Sounds great.
  9. javajunkie

    Tonematched The Edge

  10. javajunkie

    Downgrading to FW9

    Be aware that any presets saved in to 10 or 11 will not work in 9. They will just show up as a blank preset.
  11. javajunkie

    Downgrading to FW9

    correct, no longer in 11.
  12. javajunkie

    Ownhammer :"412-GTR Bog 12M-RI STD"

    I use them. They sound great with the Axe-fx Sim
  13. javajunkie

    can the axe 2 'tone match' from a kemper?

    On the Axe-fx you will need to pick an amp that has the same gain structure as the kemper profile you attempt to match. The Axe-fx matches the eq profile of the amp not the distortion so you must pick an amp that uses as similar as possible gain structure. You then just you tone matching to...
  14. javajunkie

    Tape Delay Hold Isn't Infinite

    It will degrade untiil you hit the hold function, not while you have it engaged. If you use the hold function, it should not degrade further than when you engage the hold function. It repeats what is in the buffer and does not send it through eq (or back to the input)
  15. javajunkie

    Tape Delay Hold Isn't Infinite

    They way the hold function works doesn't really have anything to do with the type. It merely recycles the delay buffer while not allowing more input into it. Yes, you can hold a tape forever, but its quality has a tendency to degrade on every echo, the axe-fx does the same thing in this regard.
  16. javajunkie

    what am I doing wrong

    Restart after adding
  17. javajunkie

    Tape Delay Hold Isn't Infinite

    If you set the master feedback over 100% it will :) - Well it will go until it clips out. Hold should cycle the buffer infinitely. Its been a while since I've used that though.
  18. javajunkie

    Vocal Verb

    Up on Axechange here: Axe-Change - Download Preset - Java Vocal Verb 11 - by javajunkie
  19. javajunkie

    Avenged Sevenfold/Deftones/Ghost BC - Axe FX II Live

    yep, I went backstage and got a look at his rig last month. He is using the MFC-101.
  20. javajunkie

    Do you guys put a Null filter for solo boosts last in the chain? Volume for swells?

    Yep. I use vol 1 for swells, volume control, vol 3 for boost. I usually keep vol 1 up front because I want it to effect gain.
  21. javajunkie

    Do you guys put a Null filter for solo boosts last in the chain? Volume for swells?

    I use a volume block at the end of the chain for level boost. I like it better than scenes because it can be switched on at any time and is not dependent on any of the other effects. Scenes are great and I actually use scenes to turn on the volume block most of the time, but if you want...
  22. javajunkie

    Free Live Online Class "Recording Rock Guitars" with producer Andrew Wade

    It's great for removing flub and tightening heavy tones.
  23. javajunkie

    Free Live Online Class "Recording Rock Guitars" with producer Andrew Wade

    They are going over editing now.
  24. javajunkie

    Vocal Verb

    works here but i'll post to axe-change
  25. javajunkie

    Tweaking the axe-fx : Scratchyness?!

    With some real amplifiers, on some the attack is not very rounded at all. As has been said, that is what the pick attack parameter is for.
  26. javajunkie

    Vocal Verb

    Yes, I tried before and after. I also tried lfo and envelope. The LFO is cool for an oscillating effect. I kind of liked the sawtooth wave. ADSR was more what I was going for here. There are a lot of different cools things you can do with this type effect. I got the idea listening to the big sky...
  27. javajunkie

    Megatap delay and tap tempo?

    Rhythm tap in the multi-dealy is one way.
  28. javajunkie

    Megatap delay and tap tempo?

    Are you just trying to get a normal tap tempo delay? If so, use the delay block. Assign the Tempo parameter in the block to a subdivision.
  29. javajunkie

    5150 + Mark IIC+ = Thrashy proggy metal goodness

    That sound flippin great! I love the swirling in your solo.
  30. javajunkie

    Vocal Verb

    Here is a heavy ambient verb with a vocal like quality to the attack. It uses the formant filter into a multidelay then reverb. Use different vowel sounds to change the vocal quality. Watch for resonant peaks when resonance is high. for this example I have Resonance extremely high, I compensate...
  31. javajunkie

    The mother of all effects matching thread

    And that is just with a 2 pole (phase 45). You can get some really cool stuff with 4 or even 8 poles.
  32. javajunkie

    difference between bass cut switch and adv. parameters

    Cut is a first-order shelving filter (high-pass) at 120 Hz Lo cut in the advanced parameter is not fix freq and is a second order filter (steeper roll off) They are applied at the same location (at the input)
  33. javajunkie

    The mother of all effects matching thread

    Here is a quick demo of how a subtlely phased echo would work where they phase is routed back into the input of the delay.
  34. javajunkie

    The mother of all effects matching thread

    Except its using a bandpass (like a wah) instead of an allpass filter. I haven't looked at the video. I was going by his description and using the feedback send and return in general.
  35. javajunkie

    Global effects community catalog

    Eventually Axe-change will allow the saving of blocks. That is where they will mostly be shared. The latest Axe-edit allows you to save and store fx block, you just put them in you blks directory. If you look here: Fractal Audio Systems Forum - Recent Blogs Posts - Blogs You will see I shared...
  36. javajunkie

    The mother of all effects matching thread

    However, it adds a bandpass filter to the repeats, not a phaser.
  37. javajunkie

    The mother of all effects matching thread

    No, You need the out put of the delayed/effected signal chain to feedback in to the input of the delay like this: On send set send and output level to 100% on return set mix to 100%, on level start with the level very low and bring up slowly until you achieve the desired amount of feedback...
  38. javajunkie

    The mother of all effects matching thread

    You need the feedback and return for it work. Btw I noticed you have the feedback return and send backward in you example. You want to use then send at the end of the chain and return at the beginning.
  39. javajunkie

    The mother of all effects matching thread

    That is the way to do it. Split the signal off before it (parallel routing) and set the delay mix at 100%. Set the feedback in the delay block to 0. Control the amount of feedback. With the feedback return level.
  40. javajunkie

    Tweaking the axe-fx : Scratchyness?!

    that is crossover distortion. As you said, it happens in real amps as well and is modeled on the axe-fx. Increase your power tube bias to reduce. Increasing the triode hardness can help too.
  41. javajunkie

    Ultraverb Preset - Something Amuck

    I'm not sure what happened. It was the attack that was all the way up. When the attack it that hi, it acks like an auto swell.
  42. javajunkie

    Ultraverb Preset - Something Amuck

    the attack on the noise gate is at 1000ms. turn the gate off (threshold all the way counter clockwise) or lower the attack way down.
  43. javajunkie

    Reverb Woes

    I assume you've tried the spring reverbs?
  44. javajunkie

    Humbuster 1/4" out question...

    Just wire it yourself from a TRS. It has the wiring diagram in the manual. section 16.12 page 165
  45. javajunkie

    JavaJunkie, can I get an update on this?

    Yes, I think i posted an updated one on Axe-change. If not I will tomorrow.
  46. javajunkie

    MOAEE - Electric Mistress Flanger

    put the files in you block folder, restart axe-edit and they will appear in the blocks section on the left.
  47. javajunkie

    MOAEE - Electric Mistress Flanger

    You copy it to the blocks folder, restart axe-edit, then in Axe-edit go to the controllers button and retrieve the block. The flanger block will not automatically do that.
  48. javajunkie

    MOAEE - UD Stomp (Holdsworth settings)

    These are nice. I combined the mutildelays into a nice dumblely amp/cab. Very nice.
  49. javajunkie

    MOAEE - Electric Mistress Flanger

    Modifiers are saved with the effect block. Yes controller settings of a patch can be saved as a block. The block is in the first post in this thread. It is the second block listed.
  50. javajunkie

    Can I Morph Amp X into Amp Y Via an Expression Pedal?

    Not with X/Y but yes with amp 1 and 2 A mixer block in front of the amps will do it. There are a ton of other ways too.
  51. javajunkie

    MOAEE - UD Stomp (Holdsworth settings)

    Your link to the patches was wrong. You had a typo. I fixed it for you.
  52. javajunkie

    Cliff, can you please share this?

    BTW, the shredneck patch sounded killer!
  53. javajunkie

    MOAEE - UD Stomp (Holdsworth settings)

    Nice, I can't wait to try it out!
  54. javajunkie

    MOAEE - Electric Mistress Flanger

    The controller block is included as well. You can load the controller setting just like you load the effects block.
  55. javajunkie

    which poweramp/speakers do you use with your AF2?

    I use a pair of Atomic CLRs. I have been extremely happy with them.
  56. javajunkie

    Atomic SLR 400

    Nice. I look forward to hearing more about it.
  57. javajunkie

    Cliff, can you please share this?

    nope. It shows a screen shot at the end called Andy's High Gain. It is still the FAS Lead 2.
  58. javajunkie

    Cliff, can you please share this?

    I believe the patch in the video is the FAS Lead 2. The patch used in the performance he gave was probably the Two Stone.
  59. javajunkie

    Cliff, can you please share this?

    Those EAW monitors are REALLY expensive ~$3000 a piece! I think they were NT59s
  60. javajunkie

    Cliff, can you please share this?

    That's what it showed on the Axe-edit screen. You can pretty much see all the relevant settings there.
  61. javajunkie

    Fat switch

    Cliff has stated in the past and at Axe-fest that the Fat switch shifts the treble capacitor of the tone stack. So it will different depending on the amp and especially its location.
  62. javajunkie

    Bogner Fish.. Amazing... Thank You!

    love both models.awesome surprise!
  63. javajunkie

    Fat switch

    It is working here. It is not in your face but it has an effect. I'm not sure if that is intended or not.
  64. javajunkie

    cant believe i dont know this already but...

    I believe a bunch of blocks of effects are going to be shared and posted soon. Axechange eventually should support sharing blocks, but AFAIK does not now. I just posted the first one of my MOAEE (for the Electric Mistress) in block format instead of presets here: Fractal Audio Systems Forum -...
  65. javajunkie

    Cliff, can you please share this?

    I'm not sure if this got saved or not. From what I understand it was just a slightly tweaked factory preset.
  66. javajunkie

    No reverb on delayed sound

    the real 2290 does this by default. All you need to do is turn the phase reverse to none.
  67. javajunkie

    Announcing Cab-Lab!

    You have to load them in the axe-fx, how else would the axe-fx process them. But for auditioning you can just use the scratchpad slot. It is very fast. You can load up to 8 IRs, besides mixing you can solo or mute any combination of the IRs. So you can quickly A/B 8 separate IRs, or 2...
  68. javajunkie

    It's in the Cab

    One thing you have to watch out for when doing that is when you switch to 2 very different cabs. Because your ear can quickly come accustomed to a particular sound, when you quickly switch between two very different cabs, one can be perceived to sound differently than it would if you did not...
  69. javajunkie

    Announcing Cab-Lab!

    It is so easy to audition combination of cabs with this. It really speed up the process. You can have 8 cabs loaded up and quickly switch between a set of mixes.
  70. javajunkie

    Axe-Fx II Firmware V11.05 Up

    Thanks for the quick fix
  71. javajunkie

    Bug? 2 Amps = Terrible Sounding Output

    Can you have your friend you bought it from put in a ticket? Then we can track when it was purchased. In this way we can tell it is under warranty by the original purchaser.
  72. javajunkie

    MOAEE - Electric Mistress Flanger

    I just cleaned up all the comparison stuff I did. I A/B with a mixer and expression pedal. So it had things like fx loop block, volume blocks, mixer blocks, etc. that I use to match and compare stuff. I just cleaned all that out and it was just faster to leave that row where it was.
  73. javajunkie

    MOAEE - Electric Mistress Flanger

    You can use the preset I just posted. the next Axe-edit should be released any time now. It was announced at and used Axe-fest II.
  74. javajunkie

    Axe-Fx II Firmware 11.04 Up

    they sound great!
  75. javajunkie

    Axe-Fx II Firmware 11.04 Up

    Sweet! Wasn't expecting the Bogners!
  76. javajunkie

    Bug? 2 Amps = Terrible Sounding Output

    You should have an email.
  77. javajunkie

    Bug? 2 Amps = Terrible Sounding Output

    He already has a ticket open
  78. javajunkie

    Bug? 2 Amps = Terrible Sounding Output

    That is handled on the support system. Thanks.
  79. javajunkie

    MOAEE - Electric Mistress Flanger

    Here is the preset: Axe-Change - Download Preset - Eltrk Mistress - by javajunkie
  80. javajunkie

    Bug? 2 Amps = Terrible Sounding Output

    Yes, I found it. I am looking at the patch now. It is not doing it here. Try this. 1. Download the Clean System file here: 2. Use Fractal-Bot to transmit the file to your Axe-Fx. WARNING: The Clean...
  81. javajunkie

    Bug? 2 Amps = Terrible Sounding Output

    Yes, I found it. I am looking at the patch now.
  82. javajunkie

    Bug? 2 Amps = Terrible Sounding Output

    What is the name you used in the support ticket? I do not see any tickets awaiting a reply. I would like to find out why, so it doesn't happen again. Edit: I found it and am taking a look at the patch you posted.
  83. javajunkie

    MOAEE - Electric Mistress Flanger

    If I can find it. I'm not sure if I saved it. I think I did.
  84. javajunkie

    ia switch to call up preset

    We just set his bank size to 7 and all is well.
  85. javajunkie

    Axe-Fest II

    The whole performance by everyone was insane.
  86. javajunkie

    Anyone using fuzzes or drive pedals with Axe II?

    I use a stomp under foot classic velvet rams head fuzz. It work great in front of the axe-fx
  87. javajunkie

    Kind of Pink noise !

    Does it continue if you plug in your guitar with its volume all the way down?
  88. javajunkie

    MOAEE - Electric Mistress Flanger

    Yeah, with the blocks you can just drop them in to your blocks folder and use them where ever you want. I have missed that feature. It will be cool when it is integrated into Axemanage as well.
  89. javajunkie

    I really don't like being a tease...

    It was great to meet you. I wish we had more time to talk. I look forward to your next round of offerings. Keep up the good work.
  90. javajunkie

    MOAEE - Electric Mistress Flanger

    They are all different.
  91. javajunkie

    MOAEE - Electric Mistress Flanger

    EHX Electric Mistress First sold in 1976, the Electric Mistress Flanger has certainly made its mark in guitar effects history. The two most popular variants of the Electric Mistress Line were the standard Electric Mistress and the Deluxe Electric Mistress. The Deluxe had an internal power...
  92. javajunkie

    Announcing Cab-Lab!

    It still has to be loaded in the axe-fx so you can use the scratchpad location and quickly load up the mixes to compare. It has a solo and mute for each mixing channel so you can quickly compare 2 or mixes by just soloing those mixes, the soloing another set of mixes.
  93. javajunkie

    Axe-Fest II

    Ill have stuff to post when I get back. I have determined I want to be Andy Wood when I grow up.
  94. javajunkie

    Stereo or LR sum , when running mono ?

    A signal that uses stereo imaging will like have issues if collapsed to mono. It is probably best to use one side of stereo or copy left to to right.
  95. javajunkie

    Help - Automatically Cycling to Edit Page After Recalling a Patch

    I was told it was unavoidable because of how the new axedit communicates with the axefx.
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