Ultraverb Preset - Something Amuck


OK....so the Ultraverb preset has been a staple for me since my Axe Standard ( I think). Bottom line, I love it and I always have a toe button pointing to it.

Since fw11.x for me something is wrong with it. Like it has a compressor that clamps down on the pick attack of notes, especially high E, B and G string notes. Chords don't bloom out and ring like they did before. I've compared the current 11.x preset version to my backed up 9.x and 10.x versions. The only difference I can find is input drive on the old is about 2.92 and the 11.x version's is set to 5.00. Making that adjustment back to 2.92 does not fix the problem. The symptoms are the same using the new 11.x preset and using the old imported 10.x version of the preset. The compressor blocks are the same too. I'm at a loss.....and sorely missing one of my bread'n'butter Axe presets.

Anybody else noticed this?

Cliff....could you give it a look?
the attack on the noise gate is at 1000ms. turn the gate off (threshold all the way counter clockwise) or lower the attack way down.
Right on Sean....that fixed it. Duh......I did compare the gate settings between the old and new versions of the preset, but I didn't really look at the values and notice the threshold was set to max.
Do we know why that happened to the preset in 11.x?

Thank you.....
Right on Sean....that fixed it. Duh......I did compare the gate settings between the old and new versions of the preset, but I didn't really look at the values and notice the threshold was set to max.
Do we know why that happened to the preset in 11.x?

Thank you.....

I'm not sure what happened. It was the attack that was all the way up. When the attack it that hi, it acks like an auto swell.
The changes to the gate in 11.00 may have caused some inadvertent value changes. Best to check all often used presets.
FYI.....I was able to go back to a friends Ultra and check the gate attack and release settings from the original Ultraverb patch:
Attack: 10 ms
Release: 100 ms
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