Megatap delay and tap tempo?

Is there a way to set the MegaTap Time value to the tap tempo value? Or is there another delay setting I can use to repeat notes w/ tap tempo?
Are you just trying to get a normal tap tempo delay?

If so, use the delay block. Assign the Tempo parameter in the block to a subdivision.
Several Multidelay types can do that. Quad-tap is one. Rhythm tap actually can't adjust along with the tempo, it can only quantize times to the current tempo when you tap a rhythm.
Yes, I just would like the note to repeat, say 4 times and without decaying. Is there an easy way to accomplish that?

I'm not at my axe right now but I know there was a factory preset named "four repeats" that did exactly what you're asking for. Look at that one for some insight. I'm not sure it's in the current list of presets, you may have to look for it in older firmware.
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