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  1. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 26.00 Release

    Can't replicate here either.
  2. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 26.00 Release

    Good ears. There was a mistake in the power amp modeling in the beta.
  3. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 26.00 Release

    Soon. Probably next week. Firmware is in private beta.
  4. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 26.00 Release After installing the firmware you will then need to install the new DynaCab data pack (if you haven't done so already for the beta)...
  5. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 26.00 Public Beta

    Existing presets are automatically updated to use the correct cab. The only caveat is if you are using a Global Block.
  6. FractalAudio

    Axe Fx II vs FM3 (Quantum 8 vs Cygnus X-3 Audio Comparison)

    Title corrected and thread moved to appropriate forum.
  7. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 26.00 Public Beta After installing the firmware you will then need to install the new DynaCab data pack: Axe-Fx III...
  8. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.04 Release

    Yes, "Smooth" is Poly and "Fast" is Mono.
  9. FractalAudio

    I need help matching reverb (from an IR)

    I use spectrograms. You can don't this in the time domain. And you can't do it purely in the frequency domain. You need both time and frequency localization so spectrograms are what I use.
  10. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.04 Release

    Why would he hide the comment? Seems disingenuous.
  11. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.04 Release

    Yup. Real-time pitch shifting is full of tradeoffs. I you want low latency you get tremolo artifacts. If you don't want the tremolo artifacts you get high latency and weird artifacts on complex intervals.
  12. FractalAudio

    Implemented S/Pdif and AES combined?

    Both outputs already operate simultaneously. It's the input that you have to select between.
  13. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.04 Release

    He has Pitch Tracking set to "Fast" which is intended for single note leads. Set Pitch Tracking to "Smooth" when playing chords. In my tests our pitch shifting is superior to every other hardware modeler I've tested.
  14. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.04 Release

    They do but they don't exhibit any nonlinear behavior. Therefore the model doesn't use a cathode follower. Models only use a cathode follower when they exhibit nonlinearity. The 5153 is specifically designed so that the cathode follower doesn't do what a cathode follower usually does.
  15. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.04 Release

    That model doesn't use a cathode follower and there were no changes to the model itself. Ergo, the model is unchanged and should not sound any different.
  16. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.04 Release

    This isn't a cathode follower in the classic sense. It's being used as a voltage regulator to supply a low impedance DC bias voltage to the PI. It's not in the signal path.
  17. FractalAudio

    Not a Bug Problem Solved !
  18. FractalAudio

    Tone stack in ODS models

    The default tone stack for this model is a Skyliner with location set to "Mid". This matches the reference amp. The frequency is arbitrary, it's just a reference value and if you don't change it the tone stack is accurate. Regardless, the notch frequency is approx. 422 Hz so the value of 400...
  19. FractalAudio

    Input 1 is clipping at 8% - is that crazy?

    Anything between 0 and 100% is valid.
  20. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.04 Release Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Notes 25.04 Improved cathode follower algorithm. This results in a more open and dynamic response for models that use a cathode follower. Updated Plexi 100W and...
  21. FractalAudio

    Plexi 100 very blanketed now

    That cab isn't the best choice IMO but it's possible there's something more going on w/ that preset.
  22. FractalAudio

    Plexi 100 very blanketed now

    Here's the real amp vs. the model with the fixes: All knobs at noon.
  23. FractalAudio

    Plexi 100 very blanketed now

    Always been like that.
  24. FractalAudio

    Plexi 100 very blanketed now

    Makes a significant difference here. Remember the mid and treble pots are log taper on this model. Don't be afraid to turn them way up.
  25. FractalAudio

    Clipping with new PRS Dusty Waring CE 24 Floyd

    Turn down the A/D sensitivity. That's what it's there for.
  26. FractalAudio

    Plexi 100 very blanketed now

    I reran the parameter generator tools and I must've screwed something up. For now you can fix the model with the following: Preamp Preamp Bias: 0.128 Cathode Follower Compression: 74.9% Harmonics: 0.608 There's another hidden parameter that needs to be updated but it isn't as important as...
  27. FractalAudio

    Plexi 100 very blanketed now

    I'll take a look at it. However, it should be noted that our reference Plexi 100 has log taper tone pots. If you want a more conventional 100W Plexi sound use the 1959SLP models.
  28. FractalAudio

    No Smoothing???

    I'll speak with the engineers about adding smoothing. The problem is that it takes a long time to compute and will likely cause gapless switching to not work.
  29. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.03 Release Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Notes 25.03 Fixed per-preset footswitch preset operations not triggering their layout link function. Fixed inability to reorder songs from the front panel in set 2, 3...
  30. FractalAudio

    New DynaCab Pack! 1x12 Freed Man "Red Back"

    It's not a bug but I'm not at liberty to disclose the exact reasons why the curve is different. Suffice it to say that the load presented by the speaker to the power tubes is affected by output transformer and the type of power tubes. The curve displays the actual curve as "seen" by the plates...
  31. FractalAudio

    Help! FM3 sounds dull vs Tonex or Amp w/Pedalboard

    This is apples vs. oranges. Could be any number of things. Try turning on the bright switch. Try a different amp model. Try a different cab. I have no idea what a "WT 64 Pro" is so I can't recommend an amp model.
  32. FractalAudio

    Not a Bug Axe-Fx III tuner display FPS is reduced shortly after load

    There are background tasks that run after boot. The tuner GUI thread can get starved if you are using a preset with high CPU usage during this period.
  33. FractalAudio

    Wrecker Liverpool Bright Bug?

    Yes, that's blocking distortion and a "feature" of Trainwrecks.
  34. FractalAudio

    Compressor Blocks

    You can get rid of the 'spank' thing by using lookahead.
  35. FractalAudio

    High frequency in tone of pickup selection

    Yes. Magnetic field strength is proportional to volume.
  36. FractalAudio

    High frequency in tone of pickup selection

    You are getting magnetic feedback from the speaker. This is commonly known as "tweeter squeal". Move further away.
  37. FractalAudio

    I updated my Axe III to the new 25.01 firmware issues

    Try 25.02. If that doesn't help post the preset along with a detailed description of how to replicate the problem and we will take a look.
  38. FractalAudio

    Be Heard! Review the Axe-Fx III in our Store

    Please elucidate on what aspect(s) of support did not live up to your expectations. I will review this with the support team so as to provide better support going forward.
  39. FractalAudio

    Rik Emmett Live

    Wore this record out.
  40. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.02 Release
  41. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.02 Release Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Notes 25.02 Added “1x12 Friedman” speaker impedance curve. Fixed clicks and pops can occur when adjusting drive level of Rat Distortion. Fixed wrong value in phase...
  42. FractalAudio

    Question about XFormer Low and High Freq

    Xformer frequencies are a function of the amp model and unrelated to the speaker impedance.
  43. FractalAudio

    5 Minute Tones

    Delicious but... Our local taco shop used to sell it and they no longer do because of this.
  44. FractalAudio

    Not a Bug Global Bocks with different Block-No

    Global blocks are not instance agnostic. Not a bug.
  45. FractalAudio

    New FM9 User Woes - Please help

    Probably getting audio from the FM9's USB. You need to mute that somehow.
  46. FractalAudio

    Wish Syx to Wav Impulse Responses

    Not gonna happen.
  47. FractalAudio

    Fixed Rat Distortion and sound drop

    This has been fixed for the next release.
  48. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.01 Release

    The only amps that weren't remastered were the FAS original amps.
  49. FractalAudio

    Divided By 13 RSA 23 Tonematch

    Ah, the ol' "single note chord". I was a master of those when I played the clarinet.
  50. FractalAudio

    No sound/audio when making preset

  51. FractalAudio

    Not a Bug FW 25.00 - Tuner mute mode works incorrect with SPDIF output

    Tuner mute only applies to the analog outputs.
  52. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.01 Release Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Notes 25.01 Improved optical types in Tremolo block. Additionally, the LFO Type, Duty Cycle and Shape are now set to the most appropriate values when selecting the...
  53. FractalAudio

    Wish Nonlinearity and Mixer Function for Cab Block

    Speaker nonlinearity modeling is in the Amp block: Speaker Drive and Speaker Thump.
  54. FractalAudio

    Not a Bug Spillover Delay Parallel Routing

    You're switching channels in those blocks between scenes.
  55. FractalAudio

    Bug? Lockup+high-pitched whining sound on AF3mkII

    We are unable to replicate the problem. We are trying. Until such time we cannot offer a suggestion other than exchange the unit.
  56. FractalAudio

    [not possible] Okay, I'll say it... a second Amp block!

    There is no "Quality" setting. There is an Oversampling Mode which selects between a linear phase and a minimum phase kernel. CPU usage is the same in either case.
  57. FractalAudio

    [not possible] Okay, I'll say it... a second Amp block! the same for either mode. Min. Latency uses a minimum-phase kernel which minimizes the latency of the block at the expense of phase distortion.* The FM3 and FM9 use Best Quality mode all the time. There simply isn't enough CPU available to run two amp blocks on the FM3. *One of the...
  58. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Release

    Power Tube Grid Bias sets the normalized grid bias voltage. This is NOT the same as percentage of maximum dissipation.
  59. FractalAudio

    FM3 Firmware Version 8.00 beta 1

    Very well done video.
  60. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Release

    The SM7 is normally VERY SIMILAR to the SM57. It IS subtle. I have verified that the hardware and Axe-Edit are functioning properly. I took the raw IR files that were used to generate the Dyna-Cab data and compared those IRs to the Dyna-Cabs and the results were identical. Everything is...
  61. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Release

    There were NO changes between 25b3 and the final release other than the addition of the AC30 Brilliant amp model.
  62. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Release

    No, actually the opposite.
  63. FractalAudio

    FM9 Firmware Version 7.00 public beta (1)

    That's the preset itself. The sequencer data is all zeros in the preset. Someone reset the sequencer in that preset for some reason.
  64. FractalAudio

    FM9 Firmware Version 7.00 public beta (1)

    I can't reproduce this on the Axe-Fx III. Please post an example preset.
  65. FractalAudio

    Anyone here work for Micron or have an internal contact?

    If so, PM me.
  66. FractalAudio

    Development with the next firmware

    Engineering is experiencing a boot issue with the FM3 firmware. It's not unequal treatment. There's a problem. We can't release the firmware until this problem is resolved.
  67. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Release

    They sound similar but they are not identical. They sound and measure differently. Regardless, there were no changes to the cabinet block and it is behaving the same as the previous firmware.
  68. FractalAudio

    [fixed] FW 25.00 Missing Modifier on Chorus Bypass

    Axe-Edit or hardware itself?
  69. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Release

    There were no changes other than the addition of that amp model.
  70. FractalAudio

    Wish MIDI Block ease of use

    Moving this to the Axe-Edit subforum.
  71. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Release

    You can use THRU and it won't increase the volume but it'll kill the tails. Kill Dry kills the dry signal regardless of bypass/engaged.
  72. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Release

    If using Kill Dry you typically wouldn't use THRU. Use any of the other modes. If you want the tails use Mute Fx In or Mute In.
  73. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Release

    Hope you feel better soon. I guess paradise has its downsides.
  74. FractalAudio

    Why is it necessary to apply high/lo pass filters to cabs?

    It is not required or necessary. However, high/low pass filters are typically applied to close mic'd guitar tracks during mixing to help the guitar "sit in the mix". You should do some reading on close micing vs. "in the room". This topic has been beaten to death since the early days of modelers.
  75. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Release

    Either way. If you use Input Gain the tails will stay the same volume if you rock the pedal down. If you use Mix you'll kill the tails if you rock the pedal down.
  76. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Release

    It has a tone stack.
  77. FractalAudio

    Development with the next firmware

    Any day now. Maybe tomorrow.
  78. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Public Beta #2 (Cygnus X-3 Release Candidate)

    Official release is now available:
  79. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Release Updated Axe-Edit is here: Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Notes 25.00 New “Cygnus X-3” amp modeling: Improved preamp algorithms. Improved power amp...
  80. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Public Beta #2 (Cygnus X-3 Release Candidate)

    What certain individuals like or prefer is irrelevant. The modeling algorithms are driven by authenticity above all else. Part of the challenge is developing measurement techniques and analytic signals. Over the years we've developed new and improved ways to measure the behavior of tube amps...
  81. FractalAudio

    Wish Tuner - Increase offset range to full +/- 50 cents

    ??? Anything more than 50 cents is the next semitone. If you're detuning a note by 73 cents you're playing the wrong note.
  82. FractalAudio

    Wish Tuner - Increase offset range to full +/- 50 cents

    ??? If you need 100 cents of offset then simply tune to the next semitone.
  83. FractalAudio

    AES IN woes (clock)

    I'm unable to replicate the problem here. I turned on an Axe-Fx first and let it boot. Then I set Word Clock to SPDIF/AES, Digital Input Source to AES and Input 1 Source to Digital. I repeatedly plugged and unplugged an AES source and the unit correctly recovered the clock and decoded the...
  84. FractalAudio

    AES IN woes (clock)

    What firmware are you running? There were improvements to clock handling a little while ago.
  85. FractalAudio

    Movie - Everything Everywhere All at Once

    Didn't like it. I'm sick of multiverse stuff.
  86. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Public Beta #2 (Cygnus X-3 Release Candidate)

    Master Volume controls are extremely important to the final sound.
  87. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Public Beta #2 (Cygnus X-3 Release Candidate)

    This has been fixed for the final release. The Overdrive Volume taper is wrong. For now turn Overdrive Volume up to compensate.
  88. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Public Beta #2 (Cygnus X-3 Release Candidate)

    You're way over the CPU limit when you turn Solo off.
  89. FractalAudio

    Classic input gate weirdness

    Dialing it in wrong. It's is not recommended to set both attack and release to fastest values. For "metal" start with attack around 2ms and release around 100ms. Try a ratio of 3-4. Adjust threshold to taste. If you turn attack and release all the way down the detector will "chatter" and...
  90. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Public Beta #2 (Cygnus X-3 Release Candidate)

    What's the CPU usage? You're probably exceeding the limit when you turn Solo off.
  91. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Public Beta #2 (Cygnus X-3 Release Candidate)

    Yeah, ,those should go too. I'm trying to trim down the superfluous parameters that people rarely, if ever, use.
  92. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Public Beta #2 (Cygnus X-3 Release Candidate)

    They've been removed and will be removed from Axe-Edit. Those are no longer user adjustable values.
  93. FractalAudio

    Implemented kill dry for "parallel" effects

    Implemented for next release.
  94. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Public Beta #2 (Cygnus X-3 Release Candidate)

    No. The preset version number has been incremented. It's not the same as the firmware version.
  95. FractalAudio

    Tuner issues - tuners disagree from each other

    Intonation is checked at the 12th fret. The error at the 12th fret is 0.6 cents. And that's only on the high E string. The strobe tuner is accurate to 0.0001 cents for any note. Thread closed.
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