Not a Bug FW 25.00 - Tuner mute mode works incorrect with SPDIF output


Bug report, if SPDIF is used as output (I didn't try it with USB):
No matter if the Mute mode is set to Input or Output the tuner behaves in both cases as if it's set to Input (the tails ring out in both cases).
Works as it should on analog outputs.
Hi, i said that in the thread of the last beta firmware. Simply with output 1, stereo, tails ring out... yes it's a bug!
This is still happening with FW 25.01 (digital outputs only)
(But I don't need this feature... just mentioning it for a friend :sweatsmile:)
Then this must be new, because it worked with previous firmwares.
Until FW 24.04 Tuner Mute Mode "Input" and "Output" behave differently with digital outputs. Since FW 25.00 Tuner Mute Mode "Input" and "Output" deliver the same result.
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