Implemented kill dry for "parallel" effects


i often use reverb, delay, and pitch in parallel.
the problem is that currently to use a effects in parallel you have to put the mix at 100% and use the volume knob to set the mix, otherwise your have a jump in volume.
also if you use a delay for example in parallel you cannot use the global effect mix parameter in the main parameter page.
having a "kill dry" option in reverb, delays, choruses, (all the effects with a "mix" knob) etc etc will allows to simply move an effect in a parallel path continuing to use the mix knob and the bypass mode as if it was in series, and it will simplify a lot using the effects in parallel.
also will allow to quickly move an effects in series or in parallel.
(also seems pretty easy to implement)
see cooper carter video on parallel effects where he suggest to use a spread sheet to calculate the right out value to compensate for a particular mix value..... is not too complicated??
If you set Mix to 100%, and you set Bypass Mode to anything other than Thru, you already have kill dry.
No as I need to use the "Level" parameter to set the mix.
With kill dry I am still using the mix parameter to set the parallel mix, I just don't get the dry.
This is for example important as allows to use the global mix for parallel effects and allows to allocate a "delay mix" to the performance quick params without to have to remember if the effect is in parallel or series

the idea is I want to use the mix parameter in the global performance control and not to have to remember if in a patch I put an effect in parallel or series. Currently I have to put both mix and level for delay, reverb, pitch -> 6 controls


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Okay, I get your desire to user Global Mix to control when you're running in parallel. And I get that you want to to minimize knob consumption on the Global Performance page, though PP Performance helps alleviate that.

But I cringe at all the forum posts and Support tickets wondering why the Mix control doesn't affect the mix. :eek:
This is why I've thought and suggested this here before: The Global Mix controls would be better as dB adjustments for the wet signal only. Then a block at 100% mix could get louder (instead of nothing happening) when you increase the global value, or quieter without introducing unwanted dry signal at that point.
Okay, I get your desire to user Global Mix to control when you're running in parallel. And I get that you want to to minimize knob consumption on the Global Performance page, though PP Performance helps alleviate that.

But I cringe at all the forum posts and Support tickets wondering why the Mix control doesn't affect the mix. :eek:
i think if you put the kill dry close to the mix parameter it will be really obvious that its enabled/disabled. and adding it don't break the existing functionality (people can keep it disabled and continue using the level knob)
but i think its a feature that is pretty common on hardware multi effects so i think people will understand it :)
look here when cooper explain how to set the level for parallel effects to obtain the same mix value...
i have an electronic engineering degree and it gets me sick to do this especially live during a gig?


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This is for example important as allows to use the global mix for parallel effects and allows to allocate a "delay mix" to the performance quick params without to have to remember if the effect is in parallel or series
You could do that by using the input gain.
Anyway I like the idea cuz it would make the global mix setting more useful.

EDIT: and just saw Cliff already impelemented it, great!
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