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  • Before: Aug 4, 2014
  • Users: javajunkie
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  1. javajunkie

    Cab block X/Y doesn't work for Y?

    Or have them both zero. However, in this case he said he was using a single cab.
  2. javajunkie

    Esoteric RCB

    ahhh no its not. It was noted during beta testing phase. As has been said, Cliff stated it was intended to be that way. This is obviously an assumption failure on your part.... get your act together or you will be replaced :)
  3. javajunkie

    Esoteric RCB

    Previous firmware, it had too much level. this firmware it has much less. I haven't compared it to mine since the update, but it I have to to it up the level to 8-10 to get it where it was before.
  4. javajunkie

    Crazy noises using USB as output device on iMac

    what version of OS X?
  5. javajunkie

    Cab block X/Y doesn't work for Y?

    Look at your speaker size on the Y, sometimes that gets set to minimum in some patches.
  6. javajunkie

    Tip of the day (or night actually)

    I have started doing this on regular basis. Different guitars with the different styles I play. I use a multi track daw with them all loaded and I mute the track I want. It really helps speed up experimentation.
  7. javajunkie

    2 amp limitation

    There is one entire processor dedicated to amp modeling. It will only ever be able be able to handle 2 amps. If you need 4 amps for recording, just record another track. If you want the exact performance, reamp. if you just need 4 amps in a patch where you only need one or two active in the...
  8. javajunkie

    2 amp limitation

    You can get a 2 year warranty for a little more.
  9. javajunkie

    Strange! The more (bypassed) Effects the less gain and real-amp-feeling?

    there are psychoacoustic things that can happen without headphones. Moving your head slightly can (depending on the circumstances) can result in a different perceived sound.
  10. javajunkie

    Is this X and Y Switching Possible

    Yep, it doesn't get simpler than that
  11. javajunkie

    GCP w/ 7 pin MIDI cable help

    yeah, sorry about that.
  12. javajunkie

    TheAmpFactory StudioDelta is out!..

    He is some info he put in another post that has info on the drivers. -Badcat 1x12 (Custom Badcat speaker) -Cornell 1x12 (Jenson loaded cab) -Bogner 2x12 (Goldfinger – Emminence loaded) -EvilRobot 1x12 (Custom speaker) -Fargen 1x12 (Wearhouse Green beret speaker) -Marshall JTM 1x12 (Custom Shop...
  13. javajunkie

    Questions about "edit post"

    For the title, select the first message then hit Go Advanced. you can edit the title there. As for deleting, you can delete your own post but you cannot delete threads if others have posted in it.
  14. javajunkie

    Tone sounded weak through live PA.

    Every PA, every venue will sound different. Even the same PA will sound different depending on how many people are there and environmental factors. This is a fact of life no matter what you play through. The sound man should catch these things, sometime they just prefer something different...
  15. javajunkie

    GCP w/ 7 pin MIDI cable help

    No, it won't work with bi-directional communication. Although it is a 5 to 7 pin cable only 5 (3 midi, 2 power) of the 7 pins are wired. You need a cable with all the pins wired. Get the one from bestronics. FAS03-XX
  16. javajunkie

    power amp bias - an observation and 15.02

    I think you meant jump, then normal, then treble.... darn copy 'n' paste :)
  17. javajunkie

    power amp bias - an observation and 15.02

    Yes, it can. you are confusing it with power tube bias probably.
  18. javajunkie

    Strange! The more (bypassed) Effects the less gain and real-amp-feeling?

    no, all the effects are bypassed except amp and cab.
  19. javajunkie

    Strange! The more (bypassed) Effects the less gain and real-amp-feeling?

    I used the term in plural "they are bypassed" and that is what I said "depending in the first ACTIVE effect".
  20. javajunkie

    Strange! The more (bypassed) Effects the less gain and real-amp-feeling?

    " so the impedance changes involved with effects have an impact." Not if they are bypassed. The impedance will set itself (physical switch) depending on the first ACTIVE effect. Only a few of the effects will change the default of 1MOhm and only if the are active not bypassed. This is just how...
  21. javajunkie

    Strange! The more (bypassed) Effects the less gain and real-amp-feeling?

    That would only be true if the effects were on, bypassed it would go to 1MOhm regardless of the effects in it. At any rate, the looper and vol/pan blocks do not change the impedance.
  22. javajunkie

    How to make flat cab?

    There is not a choice for none (as far as cabs). If you choose and empty cab slot, it will be mute. You can create a wav file in an audio editor that is a sample or a samples of 0 amplitude and convert that to a cab IR.
  23. javajunkie

    There is no sound Bit Crusher Drive block....

    Sounds like you are crushing too many bits, if cut too many out you will get no sound with 100% mix.
  24. javajunkie

    "Get Down syndrome"

    You guys do realize this reference is from a Glee episode and actually delivered by someone with Down Syndrome? It was not delivered as an insult. Becky (Lauren Potter): "You should see my dance moves. My mom says I have Get Down Syndrome."
  25. javajunkie

    Strange! The more (bypassed) Effects the less gain and real-amp-feeling?

    I am not experiencing that with the volume block here. Provided it doesn't have anything panned and the volume is at 10, it passes audio. If it is bypassed it passes audio or is muted. I tried inserting a loop and compared it muted to a shunt, I am not seeing or hearing a difference in my...
  26. javajunkie

    TheAmpFactory StudioDelta is out!..

    :) All there now
  27. javajunkie

    TheAmpFactory StudioDelta is out!..

    Same here, no downloadable files in the demo.
  28. javajunkie

    Strange! The more (bypassed) Effects the less gain and real-amp-feeling?

    If you have the blocks set up correctly, bypassing then or using a shunt will be exactly the same. I know this is the case in the Vol/pan block. When the vol block, volume is at 10 and level at 0, it is exactly the same here. Absolutely no measurable difference. The loop block should be the...
  29. javajunkie


    You can use the Axe-fx TX <ap to access any of the XL:s presets. It is just by default they are mapped 1 to 1. You can map MFC-101 preset X086 to preset #500 on the XL if you wish.
  30. javajunkie


    The MFC-101 only has 384 presets, it can't go higher than that. To access those presets you have to use the Axe-fx Tx Map function. See the MFC-101 manual, section 12.4.3 Axe-Fx Preset Transmit Map for more on this feature.
  31. javajunkie

    Three questions for FW15.02

    You have to use the front panel, it is a global setting under the global menu.
  32. javajunkie

    Mix vs individual mics

    You want a real rabbit hole, use 2 cabs and the delay setting on one of the cabs... very powerful tool. One small change in the delay can have a radical effect.
  33. javajunkie

    Megadeth - Hangar 18 Pro Shot Cover Video

    Sounds sweet. Nice playing. I like they way the 2 guitars seem to sit in a different space (one more forward, the other back).
  34. javajunkie

    Muse- Panic Station (bass cover)

    I love that bass tone! Awesome!.
  35. javajunkie

    Latency with Reaper

    No, mine is set at 64 samples on the Axe-fx. Less than that on my Studio-Control interface (For tracking anyways). Are you using ASIO? Really if you monitor directly through the Axe-fx, don't need to worry too much about latency. You will hear the guitar directly from the Axe-fx (with out the...
  36. javajunkie

    ERIC CLAPTON - BAD LOVE Tone Match. ?

    You would need a good section of isolated guitar to get a tone-match
  37. javajunkie

    Who is using/has used a 10" monitor/powered speaker onstage with a band?

    I was impressed with 10SMA when I heard one. Great sounding 10in monitors.
  38. javajunkie

    User Amp Models

    The BIAS interface is really intuitive. Revalver 4 is supposed have this feature as well. It looks like it is going for a more schematic approach to it though.
  39. javajunkie

    Whether to get Axe Fx II XL for recording

    I would get to a place that has lots of studio monitors. Bring source material to listen to that you are familiar with. Play through as many different ones as you can.
  40. javajunkie

    Selecting two soundcards in Sonar X3(Axe Fx and Edirol)

    You should load the new drivers here: and use WDM instead of ASIO.
  41. javajunkie

    Unreal Support

    Thanks, glad we could help.
  42. javajunkie

    Line 6 G90 dropouts

    No low power will only help with that if you are really close. I use the ew300 as well. I keep mine in a separate rack. That would be a good thing to check. Your G90 should easily be able to handle the ranged you are talking about here.
  43. javajunkie

    Recording At 44.1

    Some do. Many do not.
  44. javajunkie

    Do i need to run 'update all amps in presets' - i don't think so...

    No need if you are using 15.02 presets.
  45. javajunkie

    What happened to preset 1? Changed to 'bypass' after a backup of AxeFXII 15.02

    What you are looking at is what is in the buffer memory. as has been said, switch to another preset and back and all will be back. Or just reboot.
  46. javajunkie

    Liquid foot 12 and scenes.

    Yes, You program buttons to the switch to the scenes you wish. The command is a CC#34 with a value of 0-7 corresponding to scenes 1-8.
  47. javajunkie

    Line 6 G90 dropouts

    go with powersave mode on the transmitter if you are really close. I was getting the exact same thing happening as you when I was a gigs where my rack was really close. Putting the receiver into low power (power save) mode fixed it.
  48. javajunkie

    Downtuning with pitch shifter in FW15.. sound not great

    Not the same thing. Formant filter on the axe-fx is more to simulate a talk box type of sound.
  49. javajunkie

    Cab-Pack 5 - UltraRes™ 4x12 Collection

    Absolutely awesome.
  50. javajunkie

    amp block parameter for tightness?

    If you have the bright cap on, you can raise it. Modern AC30s have it at 120, the model is at 60 (like a vintage AC30), I like it at ~100 for a tighter, brighter sound.
  51. javajunkie

    Amp block GEQ vs PEQ vs Global EQ

    Lo cut in the amp block is before preamp distortion, this can cut out mud in the amp. You can restore some of it back post. GEQ is fine, for broad strokes. PEQ can be more surgical. Global EQ will effect all presets not just one.
  52. javajunkie

    output 2 level for unity gain?

    It sounds like he is running effect both to the Axe-fx and his amp. guitar - real effects boxes - Axe-fx - out to real amp. It doesn't sound like he needs something as complex as your are describing.
  53. javajunkie

    I think Marshall are getting nervous..

    agreed. Also if you get a real one to accurately model, you will not have to change this one, just add the "accurate" model.
  54. javajunkie

    output 2 level for unity gain?

    As Bakerman stated, set output 2 knob all the way up, place the fx loop block before the amp block.
  55. javajunkie

    Axe-Fx II Firmware 15.02 Released

    Highly subjective is an understatement :). A cab that sounds horrible with one amp may sound great with another. Or a very bright or dark cab may not sound good by itself but blend brilliantly with another.
  56. javajunkie

    General Discussion: How do you compensate?

    I split my signal. The FOH can do what they need to the signal and it doesn't effect my In Ear mix.
  57. javajunkie

    XL Firmware backup

    If you are referring the the XL's built in fail safe recovery. It isn't a backup firmware, but a mode to load the firmware again if it fails.
  58. javajunkie

    What do you think of Vivian Campbell's playing.

    Loved him with Dio.
  59. javajunkie

    Options for 44.1K recording only

    You don't need to convert in Logic X. It can do real time sample rate conversion. It can automatically convert the Axe-fx's 48 to 44.1.
  60. javajunkie

    Update from FW 5.05 to FW 15?

    yep, make sure you have all associated software and firmware versions plus backups of the presets and your system settings.
  61. javajunkie

    Ownhammer Hi, Mid & Lo gain what do you like best?

    You have to buy them individually, they all have the lynchback.
  62. javajunkie

    “Out Comp” (Output Compression)...mmmm

    Its a leveling compressor like an LA2A
  63. javajunkie

    Options for 44.1K recording only

    You can convert the projects or files to 48khz with a larger number of programs. Most daws can do it or a decent audio editor can batch convert the raw files.
  64. javajunkie

    FW15 Flanger and Chorus

    Hmmm thats not good, I'll have to check out what happened there. It is probably feedback related.
  65. javajunkie

    FW15 Flanger and Chorus

    That means. The with depth at full that there is 10ms variation between min and max delay time.
  66. javajunkie

    AxeFXSend : A tiny tool for auditioning IRs or presets

    right. That is why I said I would to not expect it would. ill check out the bank files.
  67. javajunkie

    MFC-101 Label Editor Coming "Soon"

    Very Cool.
  68. javajunkie

    AxeFXSend : A tiny tool for auditioning IRs or presets

    It sounds like he was trying non XL presets and .IR files
  69. javajunkie

    Ouput Comp recommendations?

    Only if you use 2 amps or X/Y.
  70. javajunkie

    Ouput Comp recommendations?

    Setting for the threshold is entirely dependent on the level of the amp. Personally I would keep the compression ratio between 2-4 and get around 4-6db of reduction.
  71. javajunkie

    Evh 5153 Red MV and Pres

    The Yek references are REALLY old. The presence no longer works like you the quote you refer.
  72. javajunkie

    Axe Edit 3.0 not working with FW15

    Try going into preferences and reselecting the Axe-fx ports.
  73. javajunkie

    How to connect midi controller and axe-edit?

    Use USB for for Axe-edit.
  74. javajunkie

    Updates Firmware and Axe EDit But Axe Edit Wont Connect

    No, the new driver is for windows.
  75. javajunkie

    FW15 Flanger and Chorus

    With auto depth off delay excursion is still 10ms
  76. javajunkie

    FW15 Flanger and Chorus

    I am guessing changes to the depth. I am going to measure the differences when I get home today.
  77. javajunkie

    AxeFXSend : A tiny tool for auditioning IRs or presets

    I just rechecked, it loads XT presets fine. It doesn't load non XL files, but I would not expect it would.
  78. javajunkie

    AxeFXSend : A tiny tool for auditioning IRs or presets

    Irs will not work, they are for cab lab and are encrypted. Last I checked presets were working for me, at least the couple I tried. I'll check again.
  79. javajunkie

    XL first impressions

    Welcome, Jay.
  80. javajunkie

    may be stupid Questions on FW15...

    I use 2 cabs quite a bit. I like the way it gives a nice stereo spread and can make the combination of cabs sound very different from just 1.
  81. javajunkie

    Sat switch thought

    add it back in at the end of the amp block so there is no volume drop.
  82. javajunkie

    Re-loading previous FW question for FAS

    Axe-edit 3.00.10 requires fw 15
  83. javajunkie

    Sat switch thought

    Cliff seemed to imply the circuit has change to be more accurate.
  84. javajunkie

    Sat switch thought

    I think it would be better to have it level compensated (post MV). That way the accuracy remains (other than level), but you don't get a volume drop. Best of both worlds.
  85. javajunkie

    opinions on the new Tv ultrares cabs?

    Yeah, I like for a darker sound and is superb for that (or really bright amps). I usually like more bite on my cabs. Ones the cab pack i release, you can mix your own.
  86. javajunkie

    I am absolutely blown away...

    Welcome. You can also assign parameter to scene controllers. That allows you to change some parameters per scene as well.
  87. javajunkie

    What changed with the noise gate? Is there more noise now?

    Well it is best to set it by preset, hi gain, the noise is going to be more apparent than clean, and can require different setting. same is true of different guitars. So you can set the preset gate for the amount of gate the particular patch requires. However, if you all of sudden have a gig...
  88. javajunkie

    Global Input Impedance?

    line 6 g55 and an older X2 for 2nd and 3rd guitars. I have a switching system that routes the inputs per preset.
  89. javajunkie

    What changed with the noise gate? Is there more noise now?

    So you can adjust your noise gate settings globally for environments that are more or less noisy than the environment the patch was created in.
  90. javajunkie

    Global Input Impedance?

    Not doing that here.
  91. javajunkie

    AxeFXSend : A tiny tool for auditioning IRs or presets

    no, it will just be using scratchpad 1. I agree, it would be cool to have 2 sets of drag and drops. one to scratchpad 1, the other to 2. One could be for Cab 1 , the other for cab 2. this would be great for quickly going through cabs with a stereo UltraRes set up.
  92. javajunkie

    Global Input Impedance?

    I prefer the stock 1m for my setup.Most of the time I run wireless which make the impedance selection largely irrelevant (the same would be true for active pickups or any buffered signal before the Axe-fx). If I do run wired, it is usually because I am running into a real fuzz first.
  93. javajunkie

    tuner output mute/fx loop output continuous

    It appears so from a quick test I did. Set the tuner in the axe-fx to mute out and turn the output 2 echo to input 1. Do not put an effects loop block in your presets. Just go output 2 to tuner.
  94. javajunkie

    Global Input Impedance?

    No, you are correct unless the first active effect changes it.
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