Do i need to run 'update all amps in presets' - i don't think so...


Power User
Is it important to run 'update all amps in presets' or any other functions after loading the latest FW (15.02 for example), even if you have not loaded any saved user presets into (15.02) or modified any presets as presented in the latest FW?

I hope that question makes sense. After i updated to 15.02 my presets got replaced with 15.02 presets and that's exactly what i want. I don't want any presets i made using earlier FW. So i just want to be sure that no such 'update' functions are needed in this case.
you replaced the 15.02 presets yourself by uploading them?

if so, you should be fine and not have to use the update function.
Now if you are updating your old presets you made you would hit update amp preset right? Im assuming so. I had a few new presets and old ones that are either really quiet now or really loud.
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