Evh 5153 Red MV and Pres


I know and i also go by ear in the end, but iam very interested in how the parameters affect the tone too thats why asking here again.

1. Is it still the range of the gain taper in Firmware 15 and also for the EVH 5153 Red?
"The range of the gain taper in the Axe-Fx is 0-10. Volume on Fender amps go from 1 to 10. This translates to (source):
Fender 1 = Axe 0.00
Fender 2 = Axe 1.11
Fender 3 = Axe 2.22
Fender 4 = Axe 3.33
Fender 5 = Axe 4.44
Fender 6 = Axe 5.55
Fender 7 = Axe 6.66
Fender 8 = Axe 7.78
Fender 9 = Axe 8.89
Fender 10 = Axe 10.00 "

2. Would be good to know about the Presence in the Amp block too. I've found this in the manual yet, Is this something new and is it correct?
"Presence/HI CUT Note: Unlike previous Axe-Fx models, the virtual presence circuit on the Axe-Fx II now operates from 0-10 instead of +/-5. Set it as you would on a regular amp."

Yeks How to use the Presence control.
"The thing to remember here is that Presence at noon (12 o' clock) means ZERO presence, not "5"! Just look at the display: "0". So if you select an amp that in reality has a Presence knob and you like it at noon (5), turn up Presence in th amp sim to "5" to simulate the regular noon setting. Note: this applies to the "passive" Presence setting."

If I understand it right 5 means ZERO presence for NO PRES AMPS and for AMPS with PRES its regular ?!!

Cliffs note.
"All the controls operate like the real amps with the exception of the taper on the Presence and Master Volume. These controls always have the same tapers regardless of the model. This was done with the Presence control because on many amps the control doesn't do anything for 80-90% of the range which just seems stupid. This was done with the Master Volume as otherwise the volumes would be all over the place so a unified taper was employed. Otherwise the controls operate like the real amp but you may need to put them in a different position than the real amp, i.e. Presence on 8 on the real amp might be equal to 5 on the Axe-Fx."

How to understand it now, when I set my Axe-fx model to 6 it would be like setting Pres to 9 on the real 5150 III head?
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Yeks How to use the Presence control.
"The thing to remember here is that Presence at noon (12 o' clock) means ZERO presence, not "5"! Just look at the display: "0". So if you select an amp that in reality has a Presence knob and you like it at noon (5), turn up Presence in th amp sim to "5" to simulate the regular noon setting. Note: this applies to the "passive" Presence setting."

That's outdated info. Applies to Standard/Ultra, not the II.
Alrighty, so is this info actual from the manual? "Presence/HI CUT Note: The virtual presence circuit on the Axe-Fx II now operates from 0-10 instead of +/-5. Set it as you would on a regular amp." or like Cliff noted about 15 a few months back "Presence on 8 on the real amp might be equal to 5 on the Axe-Fx." Also on the 5153 red? mmm
Current info about Presence:
Amp block - Axe-Fx II Wiki

Because you've asked the same question for the 13th time:
The Presence taper in the amp models is NOT an equivalent of the Presence taper on the real amps.
Reason: see link above.
AFAIK there's no info available how the model's taper exactly compares to the real amp's taper.
In other words, again ....: use your ears. Don't focus on an exact number.
Current info about Presence:
Amp block - Axe-Fx II Wiki

Because you've asked the same question for the 13th time:
The Presence taper in the amp models is NOT an equivalent of the Presence taper on the real amps.
Reason: see link above.
AFAIK there's no info available how the model's taper exactly compares to the real amp's taper.
In other words, again ....: use your ears. Don't focus on an exact number.

Thanks for this info in the end!
Perhaps Cliff has more details about how the Pres and MV taper's operate compared to his real 5153 head? :)

Apart from that I have to say I am very happy about firmware 15, its sounds so brutal good!! Awesome work of you guys from FAs, the EVH 5150 III UR mix rocks a lot!
Current info about Presence:
Amp block - Axe-Fx II Wiki

Because you've asked the same question for the 13th time:
The Presence taper in the amp models is NOT an equivalent of the Presence taper on the real amps.
Reason: see link above.
AFAIK there's no info available how the model's taper exactly compares to the real amp's taper.
In other words, again ....: use your ears. Don't focus on an exact number.

Just read all of that. Very interesting info though. Particularly the amp voicing and some people suggesting it as a way of simulating recording done to 2" tape. Hmmm got a few ideas with that one :)
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