Search results for query: Global blocks

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  1. Ugly Bunny

    Global Block - Can Someone Help Me Understand?

    Hey guys - thanks for helping, in advance. I have a question regarding the global blocks in Axe Edit III (and maybe they can be accessed from the unit, I imagine). Do I understand correctly that each effect type can have 8 "presets" stored? Say, like, I really like a particular reverb with its...
  2. LeviathanKiller

    Wish Global Channels

    Global blocks have been implemented so that wish is fulfilled. What about global channels? I thought this was a dumb idea until after I gave it some detailed thought. (sorry Dr. Dipwad haha) I really do like the idea of global channels because I often have the same main drive settings for a...
  3. Chad Beattie

    Implemented Outline Global Blocks in different color or some indicator

    Might be handy to visually see which blocks are linked to global blocks. Maybe outline them in a different color. Or, holding down ALT/OPTION shows something like G1 etc... I know you can click each block individually and view this information. But for an overall view of the grid it may be...
  4. Ernie Echo

    Global Blocks and Inputs!

    Hi, in the Axe-II I used to store 8 different Output Levels in the Input/Noisegate via Global Blocks to balance different Output Levels of 8 guitars. Now in the Axe III it seems not to be possible to save Input Blocks as Global Blocks any more. At least it doesn‘t exist in Axe Edit. Will GB for...
  5. James Baker

    Implemented Global Blocks

    This is a major part of a lot of peoples work flow. Please bring it back. Or maybe something even better!
  6. greiswig

    Global blocks included?

    This keeps coming up within other threads, but it disappears in the exuberance. Will the III retain the key functionality of having global blocks? Or is there some concept even better?
  7. edo

    global block alternatives?

    I just discovered that the AX8 does not support global blocks, which is terrible news for me as when a new fw comes out, in the axe fx 2 I generally adjust and change the core amp tone across 300+ presets simultaneously, while with the ax8 i have to do it manually, for each amp, for each cab...
  8. bsas

    Is there any difference between "Global" bypass cab sim and just turn the block off?

    Hi, I am starting to use power amps with real cabinets with my AX8. I also use FRFR (I have an Alto TS-212 and a Friedman ASM-12). Recently I acquired a Fryette Power Station 2 and I am just in love with it! I know that it is better to disable the cab sim when using real cabinets. And I also...
  9. Megahertzz

    Volume global block and scene modifier issue

    ...I use one preset per song, and lead volume must normally be adjusted in all presets depending on the room I'm playing. I feel this kinda takes away the whole point with global blocks if I have to make adjustments to all presets individually anyway. Does anyone have any suggestions for a...
  10. Mincer

    Wish Global Looper Option

    I'd love a user-selectable Global Looper function at the cost of some CPU. If you could select between per-preset and global, then it would avoid the 30-50ms gap when you change presets with the looper running (even with the same grid position and settings). People who don't need this would not...
  11. guitardoc

    Aaarghhh - The nasty 'Uses global blocks' bug is back!

    ...from when I saved it on Q8.01 and gigged with it two weeks ago. A quick look at the unit confirmed my suspicions - the nasty 'uses global blocks' bug was back and had scrambled the values in the preset's first block which happens to be a volume block for morphing different sounds via pedal...
  12. scottp

    Cab Block and Global EQ

    So going through the factory presets, I find there can be excessive bass and treble. I typically adjust the Lo and Hi Cut in the cab block when I make my own presets. 100HZ and 4600HZ for example. Is there a way to adjust the EQ just like in the cab block for Lo and Hi Cut globally? Thanks.
  13. Atmospheric

    Can anyone explain why global works better than local for certain Pitch blocks?

    Brand new FX8 owner here. I wanted to create a preset with a pitch block that I could define to be -1 (on X) and -2 (on Y). I read the threads about putting a Volume block in parallel. Interesting technique. But a couple of people also had good results setting the source to Global instead of...
  14. simeon

    Motor drive in the amp block and global amps (solved)

    i have one global amp that i use. every setting i make to the amp transfers across to every preset that uses it, except motor drive Q7.02, Axe FX II (original)
  15. hillbilly

    Moving presets containing blocks saved as global

    I imagine this has been answered before but my search didn't turn up anything. If I move a preset containing blocks that were saved as Global Blocks to another memory slot, will other presets linked to those Global Blocks unlink, or change?
  16. DavezHear

    FW7.02 Global Blocks not updating new parameters

    AFXII Mark 2 - Noted global blocks were not updating the added motor drive parameters in the amp block, cabinet block is OK and updated fine. Also the compressor block is not updating completely, did not try the new diffusion parameters. I was able to get the global blocks working again by...
  17. Eric T Amble

    Anybody have global blocks get weird after upgrading to Q 7.01?

    ...this after the AMP block: Crossover -> two CABs in parallel (one for highs, one for lows) -> Filter (for lead boost) ...these are global blocks, so that every song gets the same cabs, split at the same crossover frequency. It sounds great! Citrus mix on top for smooth highs, and dephased...
  18. edo

    Fixed Q7 Preamp CF Ratio (GLOBAL BLOCKS)

    Preamp CF ratio acts random. I have my ac30tb linked to global block 1, default value would be 1.960, some presets show 0.450 and some 0.645. If I save current preset to 1.96, it will store the new parameter, but other presets linked to the same global block will keep showing random numbers.
  19. Bryanman37

    Issues setting up global volume and wah block w/ Mission SP1

    Hi Everyone, I'm sure someone can point me in the right direction. I'm trying to open up a spot or 2 on the FX8 as sometimes 8 blocks is not enough. I set up the global volume per the manual, however whenever I engage the switch for the Wah block on the SP1 I also get the volume swell...While a...
  20. J

    Assigning F switches to control effect blocks with per preset or global options

    Hello. My name is David and i have an Axe Fx II. I am in the midst of deciding whether to buy AX8 for live usage as carrying the MFC and Axe Fx2 is a bit of a workout especially when it comes to moving up and down 2 to 3 stories without an elevator. I am very interested with how the switches...
  21. AJ Vargas

    Wish Global volume pedal after Amp block

    Hi, first of all, sorry if this have been asked before, I searched thru this subforum but couldn't find anything. As I understand from the manual, you can have two options for assigning a global volume pedal, first in the chain (just like the volume knob of the guitar) and last in the chain...
  22. fisioaura

    Supply sag doesn't support global amp block?

    I' ve just noticed that the supply sag knob is not the same value across my presets in my main amp wich is a global amp
  23. edo

    Dumb question about global blocks

    ...all presets (i.e. Amp1 X) or can it be on different blocks as long as I save it with the same name (i.e. Amp2 Y)? Also, I read that global blocks affect both the x and y states, does this mean that if I want to make my main amp a global block it will always have whatever is stored on its Y...
  24. Nero

    Wish Faux Global Blocks thru AX8-Edit

    Ok, so I know there are other requests for global blocks and they have been addressed by FAS as it's something that the AX-8 wasn't designed to do and that they may look into implementing it at least for the AMP block. With that in mind, my idea is to have the option thru AX8-Edit. My...
  25. bob_sheeth

    Bug? Modeling Version in Global Amp Block

    I've got my amp blocks that I use regularly set up as global blocks. I noticed last night that different patches with the same global amp block have varying 'modeling version' settings. ie. amp block G1 modeling version can be set as 2.00 in one patch and 'latest' in another. Should this...
  26. Keg8605

    Workaround for Global Blocks

    What have you guys done for a work around with Global blocks?Curious as I've been stuck to my XL but still wanting the portability of the AX8 again. It seems CPU has improved a lot too. The wish I know has been beat to death and Cliff did say they were looking into it but that was awhile ago...
  27. ericar

    Help with Global Block

    Hi I don't get the global block thing yet. I think the noise gate on the input/gate tab is always engaged. I would like to make my settings and make it go to all of my presets. Can I do this in an easy way or do I have to change each preset first? I can save my settings in the block library but...
  28. T

    Does AX-8 Support Global Blocks?

    ...I used to use these on the AXE II, then there were issues and I stopped. Now using AX-8 and wondering if that's part of the package? Thanks
  29. A

    Global Volume vs Volume Block

    Just got my new black EV1 - yeh! The manual discusses setting up a global volume in section 12, so that volume blocks do not have to be inserted in each preset. Is there any disadvantage to this? It seems a lot easier that setting up for each preset. I did try it, but I'm getting a wah...
  30. Albion

    From AXE FX II to AX8... after a week I've to say

    ...(for the same problem) In a live setup you need to use different patches according to the song and the effects you need... You MUST use global blocks at least in a live environment. If you have to do some tweaking according to the frfr system or to the acoustic of the place where you are...
  31. Diego48

    Wish Global Amp+Cab block

    I know it has been already requested... But a global block for Amp and Cab would be really a game changer! I'm a bass players, and you know... for most of us there's no need to change the amp for each song, sometimes there's non need to change amp for different gigs with different bands...
  32. B

    Global blocks ocd question

    Sorry for the dumb newbie question but is there a way to maintain global block lists? Eg delete unwanted ones, rename them
  33. T

    Wish Global blocks

    I wish there were global blocks in the AX8. Sometimes I borrow cabs at gigs wich can be different on wright an left side. Then you can have a global eq on the left side on all presets, for example. Also you can tweak your favorite delay once, instead of on every preset.
  34. L

    Q3.02 Global Block loading X/Y and Bypass state per scene [NOT A BUG]

    ...briefly as I can: Was using 4 presets with Drive 1 and Drive 2 not saved to global. Edited preset 1 to my preference, saved both as Global Blocks, and then in presets 2, 3, and 4 loaded and linked to those Global Blocks. I did 2 and 3 in Axe Edit, and 4 from the front panel with...
  35. D

    Wah/Global Block question

    So, I have a Wah (Clyde/Autoengage) set up on a preset. Works great and expected. I added this global block to a different preset and the behavior is completely different. Has a cocked wah sound and doesn't engage. I'm sure it is simple....but what am I missing here? Thanks, Dan
  36. RobMcFly

    Global Blocks <------ Wish

    Can we please have this feature? Thanks
  37. Agvs

    Wish one more time... GLOBAL BLOCKS!

    Please! I know that 'FX8 and AX8 were not designed with global blocks in mind' or something but I tell you, as a long time fractal user it's a huge disappointment. In my case at least, I don't carry a laptop to every gig and last minute edits are something that leave FX8 edit out of the...
  38. G

    Bug? Loading global amp block doesn't load all data

    I have the low res freq set to 106 hz on the Solo 88 Lead amp that I store in global amp block 4. When I load the data by hitting "fx bypass" twice and using the global block function, it doesn't load the low res freq value of 106 hz, but instead loads the default 110 hz. Can anyone confirm...
  39. edo

    resetting global blocks

    How do I reset (clear) all global blocks?? I have a few that I made a few fw's back, now I want to replace them with my current fw presets, but if i try to overwrite them it doesn't work, so I'd rather clear the old ones and save the new ones from scratch.
  40. ThelmoRego

    Help with Global Blocks

    Hi Everyone, Global blocks are ruining my life, When I make changes and save, if I go to another preset and then back again the values revert back, When I unlink a specific block it does nothing, when I remove all global blocks from preset, it deletes the entire preset and makes it blank. I know...
  41. Tahoebrian5

    Instead of global blocks :)

    joe, I'm sure your sick of me by now! Ok, based on our discussion in another thread, global scene controllers would make changing parameters like lead boost across multiple presets a breeze. To take it one step farther it would be really great if we could repurpose some of the front 5 knobs to...
  42. glombi

    Pre-Amp AND Pre+Power-Amp-Bock in parallel?

    Hi, I'm new to FAS and this forum. But I was considering to set up a simple AX8-rig for the following purposes: home and practice use mainly with headphones and MAC-recording (digital out to interface, including power-amp and cab-sim) rehearsals and gigs with my tube power-amp (1/4" out...
  43. Tahoebrian5

    Wish Global blocks (again)

    Please please please add this or some other way to turn volume up or down for lead patches that affect all your lead scenes and or presets. The fx8 already sounds fantastic, but this issue sends me into a tweaking panic every time I do sound check. And just to nip this argument in the but, using...
  44. Anand Mahangoe

    No Global Blocks ?

    While waiting for the AX8 , i decided to go through the manual of it. So: NO Global Blocks in the AX8 ? :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused: I really loved it , making multiple preset tweaking so easy.....adjust the Globals in 1 preset and all the...
  45. G

    AX8 Global Blocks

    Hi, Does the AX8 have the global block feature? Laurent.
  46. DLC86

    Bug? Feedback send and global blocks (FW Q1.02 - Mark I)

    If you try to save the global block with a send level value different than 100% weird things happen. It saves that value only in the preset you've saved the block, other presets linked to that block seem to not be linked anymore. Also the axe doesn't allow to link the block on these other...
  47. Didier Verna

    Bug? Global blocks not propagated

    Hi, I fear there might in a bug in the latest Axe-Edit's handling of global blocks (Axe FX II). Doing this all from the software, not from the Axe itself: 1. select a patch 2. Tweak one of the blocks (in my case, Amp 1) which has a global link. 3. Save & link as the same global block, save the...
  48. painkiller

    Axe-Edit Bug - Mixer and Gain1 and global blocks

    *deleted*, reported bug is not Axe-Edit related. Also happens when using the front panel
  49. NMG

    output has global block!

    ...a any scene of one preset, will transfer to another preset sharing the block. I can see the potential for this in my setup where I have global blocks across all my presets and my presets are song specific in terms of scene roles. Now little adjustments in volume during performance will...
  50. Danonymous

    Possible to switch between global output and effect block with 1 expression pedal?

    Hey guys, I'm a bit stumped with something and I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I'm using Axe-Fx II Mark I and MFC-101 Mark III with 1 Boss FV500 expression pedal. I was wondering if it's possible to switch from the default behavior of the XP1 port (output volume...
  51. N

    Wish Global Blocks

    ...I pretty much use the same ovedrive in each song/preset. If I decide I need a little more treble for some reason, I have to change it 50 times. If we had the option for global blocks like the Axe FX, then changing the treble, or any parameter, in a single preset, would change it across all...
  52. TG3K

    Trouble Saving To Global Blocks

    I'm not having any success saving to a new global black using the front panel controls. I'm following these steps from section 6.2.1 of the Axe-Fx Owners Manual: Select a block on the grid and press EDIT to open its EDIT menu. (Just to clarify, I'm selecting an existing block on the grid.)...
  53. GazzaBloom

    How do I delete/erase global blocks?

    I've only just stated playing around with savings FX blocks for recall in other patches, I've got in a pickle with Global Blocks and have created some I want to erase, how to do I reset global blocks back to default? You can see in this screenshot that I have made 4 copies of the same flanger...
  54. N

    Are Global Blocks Possible?

    ...times. If there was a global block, then I could make one change, on the fly, and all of them would change. I recognize that one would not always use global blocks, especially for effects like delay and reverb. But there are several cases where it would make sense. The FX8 rules by the way.
  55. N

    Global blocks?

    Is there a way to do this? Lets say you have the same drive pedal across 20 different presets. In the middle of a set, you discover you need to add some treble, or a bit more drive. Is there a way to do this so that all 20 presets would change as well? In the axe fxII xl I think there are...
  56. actionjackson12

    Independent block usage outside of scenes???? Global Block switching???

    I use several guitars, all of which have different tones and I would like to toggle a filter block on/off when using certain ones. I simply need the block to apply to the WHOLE PRESET(s) (Always on until I turn it off and vice-versa even when switching presets) rather than having to individually...
  57. axel

    Turning A Block On/Off Globally (All Presets)

    I know this is probably possible, but I'm not sure how to do it. I have a global EQ block that I use in quite a few presets that I would like to be able to turn On/Off in all presets (globally) with one action. Can this be done either through the front panel or via the MFC? I do not want to use...
  58. thinknolimitz

    Global Blocks - how to empty?

    Is there a way to empty the global block slots? it possible to put a name on the slot to remember it easily?
  59. sebastos08

    Possible bug on reverb global Blocks [NOT A BUG]

    Hi, It seems that there is a small problem with the Reverb global blocks don't record the exp modifiers setup. I have not tested this the other blocks. Do you have the same problem??
  60. corpsetopheros

    fw 18 public beta global block bug? [NOT A BUG]

    hi! while i was playing with fw 18 (and fw 18 was playing with my private parts) i noticed that when i store, my adjustments are not translated to other presets. to be more specific, i am using the uber and i changed the low freq on the speaker tab and also the power amp hardness. can anyone...
  61. guitardoc

    BUG: Global block bug has returned with 17.03 and 3.1.4

    ...title says it all - yesterday AxeEdit scrambled my presets and I could only restore them by booting the Axe and manually removing the global blocks which I never ever use via front screen. Bummer... However, (luckily) I could not reproduce it so I do not know what triggered that bug. But...
  62. rnjscooter

    Block library and and global linking

    First, I would like to say thanks to everyone on this site who puts up with stupid questions from newbies like me. I really do try to read every thread, watch every youtube video before I post. So, I am trying to get this whole block saving, loading and linking thing down. I use axe edit...
  63. Mornna84

    Any way to rename global blocks??

    I haven't found how to do so, as ending up having multiple different "Amp 1" global blocks becomes a hassle. For the moment, I almost have to stick a post-it on the axe-fx to remember what each global block is...
  64. L

    modifier not saved in global blocks

    Hi there, I understood by reading the manual that modifiers within global blocks would be saved. For instance the way I setup an expression pedal to control the mix of a tape delay. If I create now a new preset and load and link the corresponding global block the modifier is no regarded. This...
  65. brokenvail

    Loading a global block bypasses the block [NOT A BUG] a bug or not. I recently started using more presets. It has gotten to the point where I felt like the best thing for me to do is use global blocks. Last night I saved and linked my first global block for Dly and Rev. I then went on to the other 16 presets and loaded the dly and rev global...
  66. Dimebucker

    Text ``Uses global blocks press enter to unlink``?

    ...back to my Axe FX II ,i was have before that FW15.02. And one of my harmonizer preset is dead silence ,and that preset have text Uses global blocks press enter to unlink. What that text mean and how i can get that preset work again ,i did not press nothing yet because im not sure what that...
  67. bluesk165

    How to turn off or On all at a time Global Block?

    I mean I want to turn Off or On all at a time a Global Block which used every scenes in a preset and used all presets. For example, I used a filter block (Off, default) as a Global Block and used it 1~5 scenes with a preset for my STRAT and 335. Then if I play with 335, I have to turn the...
  68. TCW

    Amp block GEQ vs PEQ vs Global EQ

    Hey All, I'm hoping for a little better understanding setting up my rig for live use playing through FRFR. I play through studio monitors at home and all my presets sound great. factory and user and one's downloaded from axe change. But when I get to my bands studio and play live it's a...
  69. bluesk165

    I can’t stay Global Block Edit screen

    Hi, Everybody? When I edit Global Block and open it to edit, select a block - press EDIT button – Double Click (or press and hold) FX BYP button- and then the screen "SAVE/LOAD BLOBAL BLOCK" appear but it disappeared after only 2 seconds. What’s wrong with me?
  70. G

    "Uses Global Block press enter to unliked" : big problem [SOLVED]

    Hi all , this message occurs in differents patch since i m using 14.02 fw and add TM block in the patch . - If i press enter on the axe , it freezing and i need to reboot , so it don t work . - It s often Vol/Pan block or DLY1 or DLY2 who reseting alone ... Sometime i can "unliked" the block...
  71. VirtualGuitar

    Global Volume Block not assigning to other patches

    ...block, so far so good, however when I try to save and link the volume block of a new patch to the global one it doesn't save. I've seen through the manual several times to see if I am going anything wrong but it appears not - anyone have a similar type issue with global blocks?? Many thanks.
  72. Ant Music

    How do I clear Global Blocks?

    How do I clear Global Blocks? I tried looking for stored Global blocks in the Workspace but no luck.
  73. jdosher

    V13 - was there an issue with global blocks? head into the rehearsal space this evening and update my unit to 13.07. I remember reading on here that there was some issue with global blocks with V13, but I can't find any posts about that now, nor do I see anything in the release notes. Has that been fixed? Sorry to ask a question...
  74. Phostenix

    Global Fixed Blocks Idea

    ...- if the global setting was off, the unit would operate as it does today, but if the global setting was on you would have these fixed global blocks across presets to use for things like wah, or drive, or delay, reverb, etc. One issue I can immediately foresee is how do you handle adding a...
  75. sebastos08

    X/Y Global Block

    Hi ALL, The interest of the global blocks function is to report same settings to others presets. no problems with this point but if i want to switch X/Y in the same delay block (for example), the globals blocks is still active in the "y" page and the y page don't works (no delay). the theory...
  76. sebastos08

    Controllers/Global Blocks

    Hi, I would like to save a global block "gate / expander" including the controllers tweaked in. Obviously it's not included in the global blocks function? is it normal? maybe something wasn't compatible with? Thanks for your opinion on this point...
  77. trancegodz

    Deleting Global Blocks

    How do you delete Global blocks so everything shows "empty" again?
  78. trancegodz

    Bug? Global Block Problems in 12.02

    ...connected to the Axe FXII, but I was not using it at all while I was using Axe Edit. My Axe FXII has firmware 12.02. Last night I used Global blocks for the first time and created about 25 new presets that all used the same template with the same global blocks. The only difference between...
  79. slinky005

    Global Blocks

    When I select a block that I want to assign to a global block, I double click FX BYP and it brings me to the global block page but I just discovered that if Axe Edit is running the GB page disappears after a second. Only works properly if Axe edit is not running. FYI
  80. L

    Wish(es) : global block addition, row movement, etc

    - global blocks: add input gate - when moving parallel blocks (vertically or horizontally): retain connections - retain block display when changing patches: it used to stay on the block, AND the tab of that block, when changing patches. It now resets every time. It just occured to me that...
  81. lauke-lux

    Bug? Unit hangs up at global block unlink hereunder) Did not restore my bank A backup Patch used : Fremen Fix You, in Bank A/22. Unit proposes to press Enter to Unlink the global blocks (that maybe are not defined anymore as I did a system cleanup earlier today?) Press enter will pop up UNLINK Global blocks? Press enter and unit...
  82. prometh

    Bug? Global Blocks not saving/working with snapshots

    Select a Recto amp model Save and Link -> Amp 1 Save snapshot Reload preset from snapshot The amp will be a Bassman. Trying "Load without Linking -> Amp 1" still loads a Bassman.
  83. Kracked

    Odd behavior with global amp blocks on 11.03

    Just noticed a few days ago that not all my patches were getting updated with all the settings changed in a global amp block - specifically the compression setting. I did some tweaking on one of the global amps and scrolled through the affected patches to verify. Looks like all changed...
  84. prometh

    Global Blocks and Axe-Manage

    Are these currently in development or has the focus shifted to other things? I'm just curious. Thank you.
  85. yankeedudlizz

    noise gate global block

    ...functionality. This can be used, for example, as a global Noise Gate for all presets or for only high-gain presets, etc. As with all Global Blocks, double-click FX BYP to enter the Global Block menu." but i don't quite understand how to change it. it's not a block in the signal chain, so...
  86. MisterE

    Global block bug FW11.03

    I made a new layout to use with different drive/amp/cab combinations. I saved all these blocks linked to G1, drive, amp and cab included. Then I imported the drive, amp and cab from another preset. In these presets, the drive, amp and cab were not linked to any global block. Saved to a new...
  87. Satch4u3

    Global Blocks X/Y States

    These things are real time savers for sure. Are X/Y states suppose to update across global blocks as well? I have 5 patches that use the same Amp and Cab. When I change the X/Y state of the cab on my main patch and save it to say Y, it doesn't reflect that state across my other patches. The cab...
  88. clarky

    Global Blocks: restore

    ...when I looked at my amps and GEQ's I realised that they were the same as before the restore the reason is that they are linked to global blocks to get back to my original starting point and essentially reset my global blocks, I had to restore the system file as well as the A bank...
  89. 6

    ? about global blocks...

    Hi there, the release notes say that global blocks are not supported by AE for now. What does that mean for the people (like me) that have some global blocks in their presets? Stay away from AE at all? (Too late for me ) Only do preset operations but avoid grid operations? Move blocks in the...
  90. D

    Bug? Modifier not copied with global blocks

    Hi there! I don't know if it's really a bug or not. I have 2 Amp blocks which both are linked as global blocks in many presets. Now I want to add a modifier (expression pedal) to the input trim within the advanced block. Within the preset where I add & store it, this works fine but when I look...
  91. adew

    Editing Global Blocks directly? manual section 6.2.1, page 118 ? I suspect the answer is no, but the reason I'm asking is that in setting up my live presets I'm relying heavily on Global Blocks to keep things simple. Unfortunately, it seems quite easy (for me) to lose track of which Global Block does what... :roll Thanks!
  92. A to the T

    11Beta - Unable to Save or Load Global Block while in Tone Match block

    I've never tried this before but attempted to in 11B for the first time. I can double click FX BYP or hold it down on other blocks and it works. Just not on TM. Since it wouldnt work via front panel of the unit itself I decided to play with it in Axe Edit even though I know Axe edit is flakey...
  93. sickness

    Why do ALL Global Blocks show as “Used”?

    I’ve never used global blocks before and just started to explore them. All of my global blocks (1-10 of each type) show as “used” (instead of empty). Has anyone else seen this? Also, is there a way to tell in which patch a global block is used? Background: Axe-FX II received in...
  94. I

    Is it possible to switch GLOBAL amp blocks in a single preset with the MFC?

    I am using an ULTRA with MFC-101 and I couldn't find the answer via several searches, so my question - is it possible to switch GLOBAL amp blocks in a single preset with the MFC?
  95. runway11

    Reset Global Blocks

    ...Quick question, I started working on my global presets following Chris's video. The odd thing is that when i went to the menu all my Global Blocks said they were "used". I've never played with this feature before so I am pretty sure I have not touched it. So how do i reset them back so i...
  96. MisterE

    Global block bug V10.6

    I checked my global block for cabs and it I noticed the following: My main preset upon which these blocks are based are on #4 I changed the cab block and saved the preset. I opened the presets that had the cab block linked and although it still shows G4 in the cab block, it doesn't correspond...
  97. unFILTERed


    in a preset my axe shows me that i am using GB 14 on a volume block. i never saved it as a global block, plus arent there just 10 slots available??? all this volume and tm block issues i have since yesterday, and now this... whats wrong?
  98. M

    Global Filter block - Preserve state between patches and scenes - possible?

    Hi, I want to have a Filter block in all my patches. When I turn this on with the MFC-101, I want its state to STAY ON (or OFF, of course), for all patches and scenes. It will act as a block to increase the inbound level for my strat, so I can have the same patches for both my single...
  99. G

    Bug? Global Blocks for PEQ & Compressor are the same?

    According to the manual, each block type is supposed to have it's own set of 10 linkable global blocks. But it seems like PEQ and COMP are sharing global blocks????? Either that, or AE blew up those blocks to full CCW when I linked them :-(
  100. Per Boysen

    How to avoid Scenes for global Bypass block function?

    Hi, I can't find the four papers on the Scenes function that came as an addition to the manual, so I have to ask here. I use all eight scenes for different settings of all blocks but the FX Loop block in particular I don't want to follow the switching of scenes. I want the FX Loop block to...
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