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  1. Stringtheorist

    Anyone with a II try to cop an SRV tone yet?

    This is my Little Wing preset. It uses the Cornford amp sim so I can get a nice sustaining lead sound for the solo.
  2. Stringtheorist

    Why can't I get my Axe + monitor to feed back normally like a guitar cab?

    I only know one way, to reverse the Output 1 phase. Didn't make any difference that I could hear.
  3. Stringtheorist

    Why can't I get my Axe + monitor to feed back normally like a guitar cab?

    When I tried this the only notes that would feed back were low frequencies. Upper notes if they fed back at all, tended to generate the high screechy overtones I mentioned previously.
  4. Stringtheorist

    Why can't I get my Axe + monitor to feed back normally like a guitar cab?

    In this second clip all the settings were the same except the monitor output was slightly lower. I used the LP middle pickup setting followed afterwards by the bridge pickup with the guitar pushed right up in front of the speaker. I found it almost impossible to get the notes to feed back...
  5. Stringtheorist

    Why can't I get my Axe + monitor to feed back normally like a guitar cab?

    I set my monitor as loud as I could bear without earplugs and recorded some clips while messing around with the EQ and the Drive parameters. There's no doubt that adding more mids makes it easier to get feedback because the preset becomes louder. However, as you can tell from this first clip...
  6. Stringtheorist

    Why can't I get my Axe + monitor to feed back normally like a guitar cab?

    Output level is at 3 o' clock. Gate was bypassed for testing. Bridge pickup was on.
  7. Stringtheorist

    Why can't I get my Axe + monitor to feed back normally like a guitar cab?

    Amp: Recto New Drive: 3.66 (Boost OFF) Bass: 2.68 Mid: 0.83 Treb: 4.69 (Bright ON) Pres: -0.63 Depth: 2.20 Damp: 4.84 Sag: 3.82 Master: 4.25 Level: 13.25 Low Cut: 100 I also have a Graphic EQ block blocking the 63 and lowering some high bands.
  8. Stringtheorist

    Why can't I get my Axe + monitor to feed back normally like a guitar cab?

    Posting my presets won't do much good as I use Global amp settings which aren't contained in the preset. I could post the settings. Do you also use a FRFR solution?
  9. Stringtheorist

    Why can't I get my Axe + monitor to feed back normally like a guitar cab?

    Les Paul Custom and Custom Shop SuperStrat into Axe-FX Ultra into RCF NX 12-SMA. For the life of me I can't get any of my guitars to feed back in a musical fashion typical of a normal head and cab. It's either shrill high end or woofy bass. No singing feedback notes anywhere on the neck. I've...
  10. Stringtheorist

    Anyone with a II try to cop an SRV tone yet?

    I did, but that preset has long gone as a result of firmware upgrades. If anyone's interested I can post the preset I'm using now but it's not the same. The video is at the Youtube link below.
  11. Stringtheorist

    Anyone with a II try to cop an SRV tone yet?

    Apologies if that was meant in jest. There are so many high opinions on this forum I've become very guarded about voicing mine.
  12. Stringtheorist

    Anyone with a II try to cop an SRV tone yet?

    Sure, if you've got cloth ears I'm sure that would suit you fine.
  13. Stringtheorist

    Anyone with a II try to cop an SRV tone yet?

    I would say also, that the "Brian May" sound falls squarely into this category, and which I've yet to hear a convincing reproduction from the Axe.
  14. Stringtheorist

    New AxeFx II Video Clip..Gainier Mark Day

    The issue I always had with the Tremol-No was the little adjustment thumbwheels getting lost on stage. I lost so many of the suckers I eventually gave up and uninstalled the device altogether. In future, I'd get a Floyd Rose with a D-Tuna instead.
  15. Stringtheorist

    Axe FX 2 with wireless

    This is how I run mine, using a Line 6 Relay G90, but the Y-cable method is still an a***ache. I keep treading on the piezo cable and unplugging it. Sometimes I plug the piezo and magnetic cables into the the Y-connector the wrong way round when it's dark on stage. I would love to use just one...
  16. Stringtheorist

    Getting feedback a problem when applying Pitch Shift to guitar?

    I read somewhere that if you use a Pitch block in your preset to change the tuning for the song, your guitar won't react properly to the signal coming out of your speakers if you want to generate musical feedback because the strings are vibrating at a different frequency. Is this correct? Has...
  17. Stringtheorist

    The new MATRIX GT800FX. THE amp for THE Axe-Fx

    Great. I used to have a 2/50/2 and I thought the weight of that in my rack was ridiculous. I've been considering getting another tube power amp (Fryette or Mesa). Thanks goodness I don't have to. I guess I'll be putting an order in for a GT800FX.
  18. Stringtheorist

    Advice wanted from other musicians regarding stage volume

    The eardrum-vibrating frequencies were coming from the drummer's toms and snare (I think)... I was standing pretty close to the front of his kit initially, but even when I moved away I could still feel it. As I turned away from the drumkit to save myself I caught the blast from the bassist's...
  19. Stringtheorist

    The new MATRIX GT800FX. THE amp for THE Axe-Fx

    Various things are pushing me towards returning to a backline setup instead of using a stage monitor. Would I notice much difference between the GT800FX and a Fryette (VHT) 2/90/2? (Cab is a semi-open back 2x12 with V30s.)
  20. Stringtheorist

    Advice wanted from other musicians regarding stage volume

    Sound man? Pfff. Are you having a laugh? We're a little pub band. We can't afford a sound man. We have to do it all ourselves. (In actual fact, the singer handles all the desk work.) Soundcheck consists of playing two songs to make sure rigs are working, kick drum sounds tight, my Axe-Fx global...
  21. Stringtheorist

    Why do we need an input level control?

    Sorry if this seems like a noob kind of question. I'm not a noob to the Axe... Had my Ultra for three years and been gigging with it for two of them so I know how to use the input level controls. However, I don't understand why the Axe needs these. A typical guitar amplifier has no such control...
  22. Stringtheorist

    Advice wanted from other musicians regarding stage volume

    This might be the way to go, but I'm a bit loathe to shell out loadsamoney on a good system given that I still need to run a relatively loud stage monitor in order to get controlled guitar feedback. I suppose I could return to using a backline instead and dispense with the monitor altogether. :/
  23. Stringtheorist

    Advice wanted from other musicians regarding stage volume

    Essentially what I'm using.
  24. Stringtheorist

    Advice wanted from other musicians regarding stage volume

    Moulded Elacin plugs with -9dB filters. Last time I looked these were the minimum protection you could get. I started with -15dB and these were impossible to use... Couldn't hear anything except the drums.
  25. Stringtheorist

    Advice wanted from other musicians regarding stage volume

    My experience with earplugs has been patchy. Whilst I like the comfort of playing all weekend without my ears ringing for two days afterwards, I can rarely hear my stage monitor clearly enough without turning it up so loud that it's a problem for the rest of the band (this is with -9dB filters)...
  26. Stringtheorist

    Advice wanted from other musicians regarding stage volume

    Last night I performed with my band at a typical pub venue which seemed unremarkable in terms of acoustics. However, I found the sound pressure levels coming from the bass and drums intolerable. No matter where I stood I could feel my eardrums vibrating and was forced to wear earplugs. I was the...
  27. Stringtheorist

    Andy James shreds with Axe FX

    Thought the metal guys here would like to see this short clip of Andy James (Sacred Mother Tongue) shredding on my mate's Ultra. I think it's the New Recto model. YouTube - ‪Andy James shredding on the Fractal Audio Axe FX Ultra‬‏
  28. Stringtheorist

    Firmware Ultra 11 update ruins all tones

    I had a similar experience when upgrading the firmware ages ago (so long I can't remember which version). I had created an almost perfect (for me) SRV tone which you can hear in the following clip. After the upgrade I could not for the life of me get that tone back and have never been able to do...
  29. Stringtheorist

    Eruption Solo

    +1000 GOB. SMACKED.
  30. Stringtheorist

    Man in the Box patch

    My version uses a wah rather than talkbox emulation. Here is the preset:
  31. Stringtheorist

    Man in the Box patch

    I can share my own version if you're interested?
  32. Stringtheorist

    Axe-Fx II Technical Questions Thread

    Sorry Sean, I'm not following you. How do you get to 40? Basically, I need the functionality of global amps to maintain consistency from one song to the next because I program a separate preset for every song. I quickly filled up the 10 global amps in the Ultra and could easily use double. Is...
  33. Stringtheorist

    Axe-Fx II Technical Questions Thread

    Are there still only 10 global amps in the Axe II?
  34. Stringtheorist

    How many global amps?

    Are there still only 10 global amps in the Axe II?
  35. Stringtheorist

    Where are the Axe II samples? Come on, beta testers!

    That's nice Sean. In your opinion, do the fuzz drives sound more authentic in the II than in the Ultra? I've never been able to get satisfactory fuzz/distortion tones for my Muse and QOTSA patches.
  36. Stringtheorist

    Which one amp model can I use for clean, crunch and high gain?

    I find the Corncob's best for this.
  37. Stringtheorist

    How many presets do you really use live?

    I'm in two bands and I program a separate preset for every song including those which are encores/backups for the main set. This means lots - easily over 40. I program each bank of my MFC with one preset in it, so to change songs I just need to bank up (one click) on the controller.
  38. Stringtheorist

    Will you buy an Axe FX II?

    I've had my Axe-FX Ultra for about 3 years and have been thinking about going back to a valve amp rig. Until and unless I have reason to believe the Axe II makes it easier to dial in the feel of a valve amp in the room and get controllable feedback when I want it from an onstage FR monitor...
  39. Stringtheorist

    Axe-Fx II Technical Questions Thread

    Bumping, as I didn't see an answer to this. Also... are there still only 10 Global Amps? I would really find it useful to have this expanded. I could easily fill and use 20-30 Global Amp slots.
  40. Stringtheorist

    Axe-Fx II Technical Questions Thread

    Bumping, as I don't think this question was answered.
  41. Stringtheorist

    Axe-Fx II Technical Questions Thread

    I would like to know too.
  42. Stringtheorist

    Feedback issues

    My aim is to use the Global EQ to manage my presets for live use so that they still sound good at low levels at home for practice/recording. Previously, my presets were almost unusable at home because so much top end had been taken out (even with PEQ blocks turned off).
  43. Stringtheorist

    Feedback issues

    You could be right there Yek about too many highs in the tone. I've recently redrawn my most used patches because I found them too dull. I was using PEQ blocks on every patch blocking everything above around 6K, but lately I removed the PEQ block and instead I'm using the Global EQ with some...
  44. Stringtheorist

    Feedback issues

    Thanks Yek. I always use the standard noise gate rather than a block but it obviously isn't controlling the unwanted feedback so I'll try the block method. Yes, it's both my guitars. Only sending less signal to the monitor or turning the monitor down seems to help (or reducing the gain in the...
  45. Stringtheorist

    Feedback issues

    I am having problems with unwanted high pitched feedback (and not only on high gain patches). I use an RCF NX 12-SMA, set to very high stage volumes (necessary because of how loud my drummer plays). I am having a secondary problem in that I cannot get the sort of controlled, melodic feedback I...
  46. Stringtheorist

    Feedback Question.

    I too am having problems with unwanted high pitched feedback (and not only on high gain patches). I use an RCF NX 12-SMA, set to very high stage volumes (necessary because of how loud my drummer plays). How does your method differ from using the Gate on the input (which is the method I have...
  47. Stringtheorist

    Pitch block causes volume drop

    My finding is that it seems to track slightly better placed before the amp block but sounds better placed after, don't know why.
  48. Stringtheorist

    Pitch block causes volume drop

    No worries solving the issue per se, as I just copied the Pitch block and then altered the parameters I needed to change. However, I would like to know what's going on so I don't keep making the same mistake. :/
  49. Stringtheorist

    Pitch block causes volume drop

    In the patch that's working (sounds balanced) the Ingain is 100% and the Mix is at 50%. If I raise the Mix to 100% it's louder. In the patch that's not working the settings appear to be the same. :?
  50. Stringtheorist

    Pitch block causes volume drop

    Thanks but this has the opposite effect and makes the harmonised output much louder. To confuse matters further I have one preset where the Pitch block has identical settings except that it uses Intel Harmony instead of Fixed Harmony mode and it sounds balanced. But I can't identify why. :?
  51. Stringtheorist

    Pitch block causes volume drop

    I keep running into this problem and I haven't yet grasped how to solve it. When I engage a Pitch block to create a parallel harmony the overall output level drops. I am placing the block after the amp but before the cab, mix at 50%, Ingain at 100%, level at unity, Bybass mode set to Mix=0% and...
  52. Stringtheorist

    80s style Rock Instrumental, Strat & Axe Cornford sim

    I have real trouble getting my notes to sustain like this, especially with my Strat and Tele. Do you record with a lot of volume?
  53. Stringtheorist

    Zeppelin Heartbreaker Solo

    Good lord, that's an impressive piece of work! Did you use a Les Paul? Can you share the preset?
  54. Stringtheorist

    How to get more separation in my Reverb/Delay patches

    That sounds great Yek. I'll have a little play around with this before my gig tomorrow.
  55. Stringtheorist

    How to get more separation in my Reverb/Delay patches

    I find my reverb/delay blocks to sound very lacklustre. (My normal method is to use a series reverb/delay block. I know that some folks like to run them in parallel but I found that made my overall level too loud and I had endless problems trying to get the level back to unity so I gave up on...
  56. Stringtheorist

    Anyone got a good Slash/GNR patch?

    I've found Clark's preset and downloaded the Ownhammer 412_SLM_M75 cab IRs. Are these the ones I need? Are there any Redwirez IRs that comes close to these?
  57. Stringtheorist

    Anyone got a good Slash/GNR patch?

    Nice. Is that Scott Peterson? Is this patch on Axe Edit?
  58. Stringtheorist

    Anyone got a good Slash/GNR patch?

    Nope, didn't like that preset back on v7.x or something, and I haven't looked at any of the stock presets for at least two years. My Axe is full of my own presets.
  59. Stringtheorist

    Can't I send more than one PC command per IA switch?

    Oops, sorry. I just figured out it was a CC message I needed to send to bypass the amp, not a PC. Panic over. :D
  60. Stringtheorist

    Can't I send more than one PC command per IA switch?

    I had my FCB set up to change channels on my synth unit and bypass the amp block in my Axe's signal path at the same time (so I could play a trumpet solo, for example). It doesn't seem like I can do this in the MFC...?
  61. Stringtheorist

    Anyone got a good Slash/GNR patch?

    This tone eludes me like nothing else. (Doesn't help that I don't have the right guitar, but still... I should be able to get close with a mahogany bodied SuperStrat. :/)
  62. Stringtheorist

    Prodigy Breathe Effect?

    Here is the preset:
  63. Stringtheorist

    Looking for processing tips for piezo acoustic tones

    I am using a GraphTech LB63 bridge. The sound is already pretty good but I'm just curious as to what could be done to make it better. I'll try the Tube Pre and Fishman IRs.
  64. Stringtheorist

    Problem routing piezo through In/Out 2

    MAGS Input 1 Front AMP, CAB, PEQ Output 1 > PA PIEZO Input 2 REV, PEQ, (possibly a CAB with an acoustic IR) Output 2 > PA
  65. Stringtheorist

    Problem routing piezo through In/Out 2

    Yep, point taken. :)
  66. Stringtheorist

    Looking for processing tips for piezo acoustic tones

    So I have a piezo equipped guitar and I'm currently routing it through my Axe with a simple Reverb block and a PEQ blocking the lows at 80.8 Hz -- no amp or cab blocks. Does anyone have any tips for enhancing this signal and making it sound a little more like a real acoustic?
  67. Stringtheorist

    Problem routing piezo through In/Out 2

    Brilliant. I set the Bal to the Right while trying to set the signal path up as in the video that was posted at the top of the thread. However, I realised after that it was routing to Output 1 and changed my routing but I forgot what I had done to the Rev block. Cheers. :)
  68. Stringtheorist

    Problem routing piezo through In/Out 2

    OK, here's the link to the syx file:
  69. Stringtheorist

    Problem routing piezo through In/Out 2

    No output from those last level meters. I only have my guitar's piezo plugged into Input 2 (L). I still can't post presets because of a problem with this forum. (I've sent at least two requests to Support and posted twice on the forum form help, but to no avail.)
  70. Stringtheorist

    Problem routing piezo through In/Out 2

    Just L2 and R2.
  71. Stringtheorist

    Problem routing piezo through In/Out 2

    Andy, it looks like your piezo is routed to Out 1... In any event, I get no output at all from the FX loop. :/
  72. Stringtheorist

    Problem routing piezo through In/Out 2

    Yes, that's correct. I have PEQ and REV blocks in between the FXL and SND.
  73. Stringtheorist

    Problem routing piezo through In/Out 2

    L2 and R2 meters are lighting up. No sound though.
  74. Stringtheorist

    Problem routing piezo through In/Out 2

    Yes, In 2/Out 2 (both left)... Both IN and OUT turned up on the front. RTN - FXL - PEQ - REV - SND
  75. Stringtheorist

    Problem routing piezo through In/Out 2

    I'm trying this right now and I'm still not getting an output.
  76. Stringtheorist

    Problem routing piezo through In/Out 2

    Input 2 is configured Left Only. FXL is set Level 0.00, Bal 0.0, Bypass Thru.
  77. Stringtheorist

    Problem routing piezo through In/Out 2

    How can RTN be in the first column if my signal path has to start with the FX Loop and avoid being connected to Input? Seems to be there's a lot of conflicting info here...
  78. Stringtheorist

    Problem routing piezo through In/Out 2

    The battery's fine because I can get a perfectly good piezo output on Output 1 if I route it there. Yes, Input 2 and Output 2 are turned up and I have healthy LED signal for Input 2.
  79. Stringtheorist

    Problem routing piezo through In/Out 2

    So where do the SND and RTN blocks go?
  80. Stringtheorist

    Problem routing piezo through In/Out 2

    I'm running magnetic and piezo signals entirely separately. Mags on In/Out 1 and Piezo on In/Out 2. I'm confused now. Do i need to add Effects Loop, Feedback Rtn and Feedback Snd bocks all in the signal path? Which block goes where? Do I need anything at all connected to the Input or Output...
  81. Stringtheorist

    Problem routing piezo through In/Out 2

    Not working for me. :/
  82. Stringtheorist

    Problem routing piezo through In/Out 2

    I'm still not getting a signal from Output 2. My signal chain is: Feedback RTN - PEQ - Rev (not connected to output) - Feedback SND. I have the input from the guitar to Input 2 L and the output from Output 2 L...?
  83. Stringtheorist

    Problem routing piezo through In/Out 2

    I'm trying to run my guitar's piezo-acoustic pickup through the Effects Loop. Piezo -> Input 2 -> FX Loop -> Output 2 -> PA system. The routing in my FX chain is FX Loop -> Output (all the way to the right) but I get no signal from Output 2. What am I doing wrong in my FX chain?
  84. Stringtheorist

    Just got my MFC - Momentary switch action not possible?

    Ah, I missed something. Thanks Yek. :D
  85. Stringtheorist

    Just got my MFC - Momentary switch action not possible?

    Is it not possible to set the action of the built-in switches to momentary? (Even the Rocktron All Access does this.) It appears this can only be done with external switches, or have I missed something?
  86. Stringtheorist

    Korn - Freak On A Leash (modulation sound)

    The modulation sound on the guitar in the right channel at 0.26.... Can anyone tell me what this effect is and how to get that "watery" sound? Right now I'm using a chorus effect with a fast rate but it doesn't sound right.
  87. Stringtheorist

    Nasal quality to all my overdriven amp sounds - See video (Pearl Jam Alive)

    No, it's a fault with the forum. I am only trying to post a single preset. Even before I try to upload it the forum says my quota is full.
  88. Stringtheorist

    Nasal quality to all my overdriven amp sounds - See video (Pearl Jam Alive)

    Regarding returning the amp to default settings, how do I do this when all my amps are saved to Global? I've tried turning the Type knob one way and then back again but in the Globals the EQ settings do not change when I do this...?
  89. Stringtheorist

    Nasal quality to all my overdriven amp sounds - See video (Pearl Jam Alive)

    OK, thanks. I've never heard of Catharsis. Is that a speaker or a cab?
  90. Stringtheorist

    Nasal quality to all my overdriven amp sounds - See video (Pearl Jam Alive)

    Thanks guys for all the great tips. I'll be working my way through these over the next couple of weeks and will post new vids when I have seen improvements in my tone. :)
  91. Stringtheorist

    Nasal quality to all my overdriven amp sounds - See video (Pearl Jam Alive)

    One is a Redwirez Orange V30, i5, Cap, 0in. The other is one I downloaded from Axe-Change called "2off-preshigh". I've no idea what this is. I'll try your suggestion to go back to default setting and turn presence up whenever I next get an opportunity.
  92. Stringtheorist

    Nasal quality to all my overdriven amp sounds - See video (Pearl Jam Alive)

    Yeah, I have this problem too. I have a PEQ on all my presets that blocks the lows around 100-190 Hz and the highs at anything down to 6 kHz. At full volume this sounds about right (occasionally still a bit bright!) but at home levels this sounds like absolute garbage with no low string...
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