Which one amp model can I use for clean, crunch and high gain?



I am looking for one amp model where I can use my expression pedal to roll the drive and master volume simultaneously from rich clean to crispy crunch to fluid high gain sustain.

Am I asking too much from one amp model?

Thanks for your help and insights!

I can't off-hand think of one that can really do all three WELL. Of course there are ones that do the first two well (like the Trainwreck, just with picking dynamics) and the second two well. What you CAN do, is have two amp blocks and have the first half of the expression pedal (going from heel to toe) bring up the gain of the lower gain amp, bringing it from clean to crunch then for the second half of the expression pedal distance, start fading that amp out as you bring in the volume and gain of the second amp (the high gain one). Just a thought. Could be a disaster, but just trying to think outside the box.

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I get real usable clean, crunch, and high gain sounds out of the Marsha BE model using only the volume knob on the guitar. Keyword there is usable. I've been trying to make new patches using something else but nothing can cover the range of that patch.
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