Why can't I get my Axe + monitor to feed back normally like a guitar cab?

Your first clip (with the louder monitor) sounds like pickup squealing to me.
Unfortunately in the second clip the mic distorts...
When I use your settings with my Suhr Strat is sounds totally scooped and has monstrous bass, but not too much gain.
You gotta crank the volume of your speakers to get that fed back IMO. And then the bass will kill you...
When I use your settings with my Suhr Strat is sounds totally scooped and has monstrous bass, but not too much gain.
You gotta crank the volume of your speakers to get that fed back IMO. And then the bass will kill you...

What are you using for amplification?

I'm using a LP and I don't find the bass monstrous at all (bass is 2.24, mid is 5.59). Mind you, I have the Global Out lowest EQ band cut to 0 by default. As for the gain, I don't want it sounding any more distorted. It should still feed back without huge amounts of distortion.
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What are you using for amplification?

I'm using a LP and I don't find the bass monstrous at all (bass is 2.24, mid is 5.59). Mind you, I have the Global Out lowest EQ band cut to 0 by default.

These are different settings than the ones you posted at the beginning of this thread (Mid: 0.83).
I forgot to put the 63Hz way down, though.
I monitor through RCF NX-12SMA.
These are different settings than the ones you posted at the beginning of this thread (Mid: 0.83).
I forgot to put the 63Hz way down, though.
I monitor through RCF NX-12SMA.
Great. You use the same monitor as me. That should make things easier. Where do you have your Axe Output and Monitor volume level settings at?

The earlier settings are for my Recto patch which I've since changed to bass: 2.68 and mid: 4.29; low cut 100. The other settings refer to the Cornford patch I used to make the audio clips (low cut 226.1). I don't find the bass boomy with either patch. If you could come up with some settings that sound balanced to you I'll try them out on my rig.

Incidentally, I have also lowered the two highest EQ bands on the Global Output, as I find the high end piercing, even with the Treb down to 3.03 (Bright ON) and the Pres at -0.87.
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Could you post the patches (syx)? And your Global EQ settings?
Mind you, I don't have a Les Paul...

OK, check out these two presets. They're both written for the LP. Black Dog uses the Cornford and Zombie uses the Recto.
Global EQ: 63:-12 125:-5.3 4K:-1.8 8K:-51
Axe Output 1: 2 o' clock
Monitor level: spot #6.


  • 025 - Black Dog.syx
    2 KB · Views: 14
  • 026 - Zombie.syx
    2 KB · Views: 8
Do you have the global noise gate engaged? I had mine up and had the threshold pretty high, which of course affected my feedback. I've since turned it down on almost all of my patches since FW11 came out, and feedback comes pretty easily and sounds very musical. I play mostly higher gain Marshall-y type tones, though
I've turned off the global noise gate on all my patches and put a gate block in the preset instead. I'm pretty careful with the threshold. During testing for feedback I bypassed the gate anyway, so I don't think it's that.
Okay, I loaded the presets and tested them with my Tele w/humbucker.

I disabled the Gate blocks and the compressor to eliminate their (possible) influences.
I also turned down the high AIR value in the cab block (note: the AFX doesn't have this param. anymore), because I'm suspecting this may attribute to non-musical feedback.

I was able to get long sustained notes and natural feedback. The tone was okay, although too bright for me (at loud level).

Curious why your have such radical GEQ settings in one of your presets (with a PEQ dropping even more mids)...
Okay, I loaded the presets and tested them with my Tele w/humbucker.

I disabled the Gate blocks and the compressor to eliminate their (possible) influences.
I also turned down the high AIR value in the cab block (note: the AFX doesn't have this param. anymore), because I'm suspecting this may attribute to non-musical feedback.

I was able to get long sustained notes and natural feedback. The tone was okay, although too bright for me (at loud level).

Curious why your have such radical GEQ settings in one of your presets (with a PEQ dropping even more mids)...
The simple answer to your question... Because it didn't sound scooped enough without it. When I played this song with my "The Valve" 3/100 tube head I had no trouble getting musical feedback with a pretty scooped tone.
What are you using for amplification, how loud is it, and did you have to tweak the presets at all in order to get feedback without shrieking?

I'll try playing with the Air value and see if that helps.
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I tried your settings with my humbucker strat, no real problem getting notes to feed back (at least on the bass strings), although especially the Zombie patch has way too much high treble for my taste.
Try putting the gate after the amp block an set its sidechain to input left.
Also you have to find the sweet spots for feedback as you have to do with guitar speakers, too.
The simple answer to your question... Because it didn't sound scooped enough without it. When I played this song with my "The Valve" 3/100 tube head I had no trouble getting musical feedback with a pretty scooped tone.
What are you using for amplification, how loud is it, and did you have to tweak the presets at all in order to get feedback without shrieking?

I'll try playing with the Air value and see if that helps.

Was using my Studio Monitors at loud volume, no tweaking.

Did you try other guitars? Maybe it's the wiring in your LP?
I've just about tried everything now and frankly I've come to the end of my tether. I'm not going to do any more tweaking before this weekend's gigs. If I can't get any patches to react like I want I'm going to try out my GT800FX and guitar cab one more time and see if I can get better results that way.
Didn't like the GT800 and am returning it. Back to square one. :(

Man this must be soul destroying for you as I suspect your expectations of the Axe Fx, Matrix etc... were so high. For what its worth, get back to what makes you happy with your tone and if this means good old valves, cab and stomp-boxes, then so be it.

Don't beat yourself up over all this tweaking... but get back to making music, with your tone and be happy with it.

Good luck and I for one would be interested in hearing what solution to go for in the future.
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