Here's how to turn the "Blocking PEQ" into a global control


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A lot of FR-users use the "blocking PEQ" trick to fight too much bass/treble at loud volume. Works well in a band mix but not needed / undesirable for playing at home. It's a real drag to have to keep activating/disabling the PEQ blocks all the time; the Axe-Fx doesn't have a global control for this purpose.

The MFC doesn't help, because the settings of its IA-switches don't carry over between presets. However, external switches connected to the MFC do carry over their state between presets (aka stomp box mode). So I was fooling around with that when it came to me: I don't need the controller for this!

- Connect a switch to one of the inputs on the Axe-Fx. Can be latching or momentary.
- Make sure in I/O > Pedals that the switch doesn't switch presets.
- In I/O > Ctrl assign the switch to External 8 (for example).
- In every preset with a blocking PEQ attach its Bypass to External 8.

Voila. Now you can use the switch to set the PEQ to be On or Off globally, for the entire session.
No need to have it next to the foot controller, because it's a one-time setting.
I use a small Mission Engineering TT/M switch, in my rack.

This method can be used for other purposes as well of course. For example, to adjust a preset for use with different guitars.

EDIT: a switch is not required per se. See Bakerman's post below.
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Any thoughts on how to make a PEQ a global 'effect'? I've been trying to think of a way to use one PEQ setting to affect every patch. Same premise as the global parametric EQ in the Global Controls. I just don't want to haveto go and adjust every patch if I want to update my PEQ setting to (let's say) Output 2.
I'm hoping there is a simple routing option that I'm just not thinking of.
Any thoughts on how to make a PEQ a global 'effect'? I've been trying to think of a way to use one PEQ setting to affect every patch. Same premise as the global parametric EQ in the Global Controls. I just don't want to haveto go and adjust every patch if I want to update my PEQ setting to (let's say) Output 2.
I'm hoping there is a simple routing option that I'm just not thinking of.

Not possible. Effect recall (front panel) or copy & paste (Axe-Edit) should save time vs. manually setting each PEQ. You could maybe get 12-15 altered in a minute. Something that makes it easier (copy one block, select & paste to multiple presets in a list) might be a good wish list item for Axe-Edit.
I just have separate banks (i.e. 30-39 are Les Paul clean to driven to THUMP) for 'Home', 'Live', 'Strat', 'LP', etc. That way my amps are in roughly the same order in each bank...don't have to think about it.
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