Why can't I get my Axe + monitor to feed back normally like a guitar cab?


Fractal Fanatic
Les Paul Custom and Custom Shop SuperStrat into Axe-FX Ultra into RCF NX 12-SMA.

For the life of me I can't get any of my guitars to feed back in a musical fashion typical of a normal head and cab. It's either shrill high end or woofy bass. No singing feedback notes anywhere on the neck. I've tweaked everything. I've even tried reversing Output 1 phase. Somebody please help! This is the one thing I hate about this rig and that makes me consider going out and buying an amp instead.
Can you post a patch? I don't have any problem at all. I have one patch that I can get slow, controlled feedback with. Better than any amp I ever played through.
Can you post a patch? I don't have any problem at all. I have one patch that I can get slow, controlled feedback with. Better than any amp I ever played through.

Posting my presets won't do much good as I use Global amp settings which aren't contained in the preset. I could post the settings. Do you also use a FRFR solution?
A global # doesn't prevent sharing the amp settings--just make sure you've saved that specific preset since the last change made to that global amp # (via any preset), or it would have an older global setting. Then at some point in Axe-Edit (by you or a downloader) the global setting can be changed to "none" and the settings will remain & load to the Axe normally.
Amp: Recto New
Drive: 3.66 (Boost OFF)
Bass: 2.68
Mid: 0.83
Treb: 4.69 (Bright ON)
Pres: -0.63
Depth: 2.20
Damp: 4.84
Sag: 3.82
Master: 4.25
Level: 13.25
Low Cut: 100

I also have a Graphic EQ block blocking the 63 and lowering some high bands.
make sure you're on your bridge pick up, turn up output volume as well, i had my input volumes around noon, and my output volumes around 8-10 o'clock... controlled feedback was no problem ...
you also need to balance the gate if you're using it, and if you still don't have feedback turn up some more gain...
Weird. I can get my Standard + Yorkville E10P to feedback beautifully even at volumes I can talk over.

The trick?

Touch your headstock to your speaker cabinet. Boom! Instant feedback loop that's quite controllable.
I'm still coaxing feedback and trying to dial it in, so no expert. But, you may have better luck with a different sim maybe. There's tons of gain in the recto, but you may get more feedback from say the Marsha or something.
I set my monitor as loud as I could bear without earplugs and recorded some clips while messing around with the EQ and the Drive parameters. There's no doubt that adding more mids makes it easier to get feedback because the preset becomes louder. However, as you can tell from this first clip it's not always the kind of feedback you want. In this instance all I was doing was noting the response when I took my fingers off the strings. Wherever I stood and whichever direction I faced I could not get rid of this nasty high pitched screeching. I was standing 6-7 feet away from the monitor. The preset is my go-to Cornford sim.


I decided that my monitor must have been too loud given the distance between the guitar and the monitor, so for the following clip I took it down a notch.
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Touch your headstock to your speaker cabinet. Boom! Instant feedback loop that's quite controllable.

When I tried this the only notes that would feed back were low frequencies. Upper notes if they fed back at all, tended to generate the high screechy overtones I mentioned previously.
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