Search results for query: freqout

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  1. GuyJames

    Please help me set up this external effect

    ...more for ya! Scene ignore... I see it's available for effect blocks however it's not available in either in or out blocks. So if I have the freqout feeding back and I switch scenes it will turn off. Any workaround you can think of? I guess at best I could have a delay that carries it over a...
  2. GuyJames

    Please help me set up this external effect

    Excellent, I was poking around and got close to this but you cleared it up! Now I'm curious if there's a way to save block space by using another row. This will do for now. Thank you for your quick response!
  3. mr_fender

    Please help me set up this external effect

    ...front panel OUT 3 knob all the way up for unity gain. To bypass the loop, assign one of the footswitches to an Effects Bypass switch for the IN 3 block. That will make it take the signal directly from the Out 3 block instead of from the Input 3 jacks when bypassed and you won't hear the...
  4. GuyJames

    Please help me set up this external effect

    I'm lost trying to set up my Digitech Freqout. I want to put it after my compressor and be able to assign it to a foot switch so I can leave the freakout always on and bypass it with the FM9 foot switch. The manual tells us how to hook up external effects (input of pedal into Out 3 / output of...
  5. GuyJames

    Input pedal suggestions?

    ...I just put a buffered tuner pedal before the input of the fm9 and power it with a small power supply like this mxr mini? I gotta power the freqout pedal anyway. Lastly I’m looking for a Recommendation for cable cloth to make myself a little stereo xlr set. Anyone have any they use and are...
  6. mtb

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.00

    Thank you!!!
  7. RevDrucifer

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.00

    The IIC++ is using factory cabs! The Dual Rec is using two York Audio DV77 IR's. If you're into metal tones, I can't recommend that DV77 pack enough! Pitch is the Whammy pedal, I have it set to FC Pedal 3. The Out/In 3 is how I get my Freqout pedal into the AxeFX, you can just delete that.
  8. D

    AXE-FX IV - WISH List

    ...nowadays which do absurdly complex things to the signal. (Any Eventide algorithm, of course, plus things like the Rainbow Machine. And the FreqOut deserves a call-out.) Some of these things can, of course, be duplicated in the Axe FX III, and those that can't be duplicated can at least be...
  9. GlennO

    Wish FREQOUT digitech...? that? He had one that works based on compression, which gives a "feedback-like effect" under certain circumstances, but that's not how a FreqOut works. Simeon posted a preset that uses a synth block, which is more like a FreqOut. Neither approach IMHO works as well as a FreqOut though...
  10. M

    Wish FREQOUT digitech...?

    That's disappointing. FWIW, I do own a FreqOut and like it. It would be very frustrating to find out that their patent/trademark somehow prevents someone from implementing something similar. could be improved anyway. The release behavior is pretty limiting. It's worth "playing around"...
  11. T

    Sad but TRUE live ending feedback

    As a constructive suggestion, I have had some success creating feedback effects with my smaller combo amps using the Digitech "FreqOut" pedal. I have not tried it, though, with the Axe-Fx.
  12. mr_fender

    Sad but TRUE live ending feedback more easily. There are ways to simulate it to an extent with things like a sustainer/sustaniac system or pedals like the Digitech Freqout. I think there were some presets floating around here where people tried to recreate that kind of effect. Do a search for Digitech Freqout here...
  13. Robhimself

    Wish FREQOUT digitech...?

    A Digitech FreqOut would be an awesome addition to Fractal's stomping army. And maybe if you can make it polyphonic... it would be like walking through the heaven's gates.
  14. P

    I had an itch this week

    I'm with you - Just reinforces how good we have it with the Axe FX 3... You get al that for less than half price (Except the cab and Power amp). It's like you've triggered a hidden memory of all that gear we used to have to lug around... Used to need a truck! Don't do it! Thanks Pauly
  15. macfly

    Let's see those FM9 rigs! post this a second time, but I re-worked the switch box and feel like it's "done" now lol. Switch on the left is momentary for whammy and FreqOut emulation. Bottom right is a latching switch that engages my auto wah (next upgrade will be an LED for I guess its still not done!)...
  16. D

    Sold Axe FX 3, whats next?

    ...somewhat) However, when looking at the board I would need to house the effects, it would be quite large. My thought process at the moment is this: Wah-FreqOut-Fuzz-GTOD-Amp then the FM3 is the loop. Also potentially the front end effects on the loop of the FM3 so I can switch them in and...
  17. yek

    I had an itch this week

    ...V2 Maxon OD808 MXR Duke of Tone Lovepedal Amp Eleven Octaver, Pitch Suhr Rufus Reloaded (or Keeley Monterey or Pigtronix Octava) Digitech FreqOut (already own it) Digitech Ricochet Looper TC Ditto (already own it) Phaser MXR Phase 95 Vibe DryBell Vibe Machine (or Keeley Monterey) Leslie...
  18. Bodde

    So I bought a Boss GT1000Core

    Ok glad it worked out for you. Happy sustaining!!
  19. zappafranco

    So I bought a Boss GT1000Core At least the noise has gone. I guess you can not expect to get a super overwhelming feedback with the feedbacker. The same goes for the FreqOut pedal. But one more time, maybe it is more my lack of knowledge, because it seems that some people are very happy with the Freqout pedal. I have...
  20. zappafranco

    So I bought a Boss GT1000Core

    Thank you very much. I will give it a try with your settings! Zappa would probably say You can't do that on stage anymore... but with the GT-1000 ;)
  21. Bodde

    So I bought a Boss GT1000Core

    ...osc trigger: to CTRL1 rise time:70 oct rise:70 feedb: 40 oct fbk: 70 vib rate: 85 vib depth: 8 I place it after the noise gate and before the amp or overdrive. I never tried the Freqout but this setting sounds very good to me. Let me know how that's works out for you. Like your Zappa picture!
  22. zappafranco

    So I bought a Boss GT1000Core

    As I said I like the 1000 Core very much. I was also fooling around with the feedback effect, hoping that it could be even better then the freqout pedal, but I never got good results. To me it seemed very noisy, but maybe I didn't have enough patience or expertise. Could you maybe share feedback...
  23. W

    What pedals have you used in the effects loop of the fm3?

    Can you run the boss gt core into the fractal loop how do you do it? I like boss stuff alot!
  24. Will Schut

    What pedals have you used in the effects loop of the fm3?

    Digitech FreqOut, MAK Octronix and a Boss GT-1000 Core (as a programmable Boss Pedal Vault) with a Boss SY1 in it's loop. I like the Boss a lot for it's Tera Echo, Multi Overtone, Sitar and........ one or two extra amps to be mixed in slightly to the left and right with the main amp coming from...
  25. Will Chen

    What pedals have you used in the effects loop of the fm3?

    I have a Digitech Whammy V and FreqOut that I occationally run into the input, never used the loop to date.
  26. Cam Heiliger

    FM3 with AX8 style switching

    Or set the tuner to engage automatically with one of your expression pedals heel down.
  27. H

    FM3 with AX8 style switching

    ...the tuner on the board with another pedal (or leave it off to save weight). I find the one in the FM3 works great (I switch it on and off with a small dual external footswitch...the other button is tap tempo). you could easily fit that (horizontally) between the MC8 and FreqOut if you'd want.
  28. R

    FM9 Firmware Version 3.00 public beta 2

    ...that I do with my tube amps like the tapped EVH harmonics all over the neck are there , the sustain as I mentioned above is like you have a freqout pedal on its crazy and at bedroom volumes. and all the speaker stuff and ways to fine tune the breakup etc is really next level nice work FAS
  29. Will Schut

    What's the most unique pedal you own/use?

    MAK Octronix and the Freqout. And in the studio an Ibanez PT707 and FL303 and a (original) Boss Dimension C. Whenever I want my FM3 to do the “double amp thing” I put an AMT Platinum Drive in the loop (which has his own cab-sim going on).
  30. sprint

    What's the most unique pedal you own/use?

    I had the Runaway before the Freqout - I thought the Freqout would be loads better but it is only marginally better sonically imo. They are both good within their limits but I find the main flaw to be that if you try to bend / vibrato a note while the pedal is sustaining it, the sustain falls...
  31. zappafranco

    What's the most unique pedal you own/use?

    Is the Fender Runaway Feedback better than the Freqout? It seems to be based on the Softube Acoustic Feedback Plugin which I have, but I am not very convinced of it, but maybe I should have spent more time with it...
  32. FiddlerTheDrum

    What's the most unique pedal you own/use?

    I’ve owned the FreqOut, WMD Geiger Counter PRO, Mel9, and Meris Enzo, all at some point with the AxeFX3. Sold them all, As I spent more time playing with what is in the box. I keep some fuzz pedals around for fun now, nothing exciting here.
  33. HereToday

    FM3 Digitech Freqout FM3 Jam

    The Freqout is one of my favorite pedals ever.
  34. sprint

    FM3 Digitech Freqout FM3 Jam

    Excellent - can I ask what your Freqout Pedal settings are?
  35. Jimmykonsta

    FM3 Digitech Freqout FM3 Jam

    Just a quick impro, hope you enjoy!
  36. sprint

    Largest Fractal rig, button wise, with explanation?

    ...pedal, both on = dive, 1st on only = drop 1/2, 2nd on only = Octave. Feedback Expression pedal brings in controlled feedback from Digitech Freqout pedal. Gain Expression pedal is for the Rhythm scene to go from edge+ to mean with associated tone adjustment. POD - Controls Axefx one at a...
  37. Piing

    Wish FREQOUT pedal

    I had the Freqout but I sold it to minimize the rig. I have not been able to simulate it with the Axe-FX. It would be nice to have it
  38. C

    Turbo preset building vs Mark 2 preset building

    What's the benefit of the Multiplexer block vs just using one wah, and one pitch block (with different channels) in series with scenes?
  39. yek

    Turbo preset building vs Mark 2 preset building

    ...row 1, with the Wah set to auto-engage. Ch.B is row 2, with the Pitch block / exp.pedal set to Virtual Capo for feedback simulation (like a FreqOut). Ch.C is row 3, with the Pitch block / exp.pedal acting as a Whammy. Out 2 indeed feeds my Matrix and guitar cab. Every block instance (Drive...
  40. yek

    1 pedal multiple functions

    This is how I do it on the III itself. I use a single footswitch to step through channels ABC of the MUX, where: A = Wah pedal B = FreqOut simulation C = Whammy pedal
  41. macfly

    Why are so many people not relying on their ears anymore?

    ...part of the OP's message was the notion of "happy accidents." I had one today that sent me back to this thread. Experimenting with creating a FreqOut in the AxeFX, I took some advice from a "Wish List" thread and starting tinkering with pitch and synth blocks, separately...making a freqout...
  42. macfly

    Wish FREQOUT pedal

    ...a good "feedback" tone, but you have to know when to move on, because they both do weird things once the decay reaches a point (just like the FreqOut). The synth sustains a little longer, fwiw. Just for sh@ts and giggles, I also tried them in parallel and it sounds cool as a FreqOut, but then...
  43. macfly

    Wish FREQOUT pedal

    ...dimed the level on the compressor as I found that made it sound more natural. For my purposes, that's probably gonna work just fine. I have a FreqOut, and feel like this is just as good. For me, it certainly beats adding the pedal, as that's why I bought the I wouldn't need anything...
  44. zappafranco

    New BOSS SY-1000. The Hex-pickup is not dead. Long live the 13-pin plug!

    ...pickup GK GT3 Kit into a Fender Deluxe Strat.) Just one more thing: Can the SY-1000 do a decent Feedback Simulation like or better than the Freqout? Right now I have the GT-1000 Core which has a Feedbacker Effect, but I have given up using it because it produces a lot of noise and hum. But I...
  45. T

    Wish FREQOUT pedal

    ...block some how? I think ideally, if feasible, making it it’s on block though as to not lose a pitch block (in the FM9). This would be a great tool to have to assign to a CS that you could hold down at will to generate feedback. It would be great to have the same kind of settings as the Freqout.
  46. chrisjnyc

    Should I really “downgrade” to the FM3 ?

    Unless you are hurting for cash, I would keep the Axe III in a standard buy\sell arrangement. If you could work a deal to trade for a FM3 plus cash, that would be a sweet deal. Dont forget if you sell the Axe III, you would have to pay all kinds of Reverb\Pay Pal fees, deal with a W2 later, and...
  47. W

    Should I really “downgrade” to the FM3 ?

    I'm considering same thing ATM, except I have the benefit of owning both and so know hands in what each is like. It sounds like you have the III racked up and patch-bayed so that it's easy to route stuff into it and use it as a general piece of outboard gear, where you plan to put the 3 on the...
  48. L

    Should I really “downgrade” to the FM3 ? as a more limited bit of outboard gear for certain things. I’m also not using any external pedals in a loop these days. Used to love my FreqOut etc, but just keeping it simple these days, in the box drives are really “good enough”, so don’t need several external loops. I’m not sure what...
  49. PBGas

    Axe FX3 Mkii additional gear?

    I have a couple of Friedman ASC-10s, Digitech FreqOut, Digitech Drop, Sennheiser XSW-D pedal wireless and a Pedalbaby 100 for running into my cab.
  50. TSJMajesty

    NGD- Gilmour CAR Strat

    I can hear the wall-o-sound!! Let the band volume wars begin!!
  51. RevDrucifer

    NGD- Gilmour CAR Strat

    ...first time- I’m plugged into two 2x12’s and with them spaced far apart…, I can’t wait to bring this to band practice and hear this at gig volume. I can’t crank up loud enough in my apartment to get feedback and I’m too lazy to drag my Freqout in here. I seriously feel like I’m 11...
  52. Greg Ferguson

    Wish Feedbacker effect

    ...dilutes conversations about the existing wish. Search the forums for “freqout” to find some of the discussions. Feedback is not hard to get, it’s acoustic-coupling, and really only needs sufficient volume. A lot of gain...
  53. Sleestak

    Wish Feedbacker effect

    This is the reason I still have one stompbox pedal :) It's a Freqout that lives inside my rack, plugged into one of the loops of my AxeFX III, with the loop controlled via a momentary switch on my MIDI controller.
  54. P

    Wish Feedbacker effect

    Well since it's not in the effects list yet I guess it can't hurt to make yet another wish.
  55. unix-guy

    Wish Feedbacker effect

    Freqout has been wished for already, probably more than once ;)
  56. P

    Wish Feedbacker effect

    A dedicated feedbacker effect like the BOSS feedbacker or the Digitech Freqout you can activate monetarelly witg an external switch on one of the onboard switches on the FC-6 and FC-12.
  57. sprint

    Can I not do parallel mono FX in the loop?

    I have two pedals that I like to use at beginning of chain: Digitech Freqout Feedbacker and Digitech Mosaic 12string Emulation. I never use these 2 together (one or the other) and I don't like having pedals directly before/after axefx. So to facilitate this I do the following in Axfx3...
  58. CrosleyPop

    AFIII The Police - Driven To Tears (instrumental cover)

    Thanks Matt! I should have known it was you; you do great work. Good call on the delay settings, I cut it back too much. I have to admit I cheated a bit on the solo, it’s actually a Digitech Freqout. I tried to induce natural feedback but it just wasn’t cooperating.

    FM3 🎸 Les Videos du Lundi #57 - "When I was your man" (guitar cover) ❤️😊🎸

    🇺🇸 Guitar cover of "When I was your man" from Bruno Mars. ❤️😊🎸 The FM3 and a FreqOut pedal for guitar sounds. Firmware 5.0 beta 1. 🇫🇷 Reprise guitare de ““When I was your man” de Bruno Mars. Le FM3 et une pédale FreqOut pour les sons de guitare. Firmware 5.0 beta 1.

    AFIII Les Videos du Lundi - (Monday's Videos) - Full Guitars Covers

    🇺🇸 Guitar cover of "When I was your man" from Bruno Mars. ❤️😊🎸 The FM3 and a FreqOut pedal for guitar sounds. Firmware 5.0 beta 1. 🇫🇷 Reprise guitare de ““When I was your man” de Bruno Mars. Le FM3 et une pédale FreqOut pour les sons de guitare. Firmware 5.0 beta 1.
  61. sprint

    AFIII Bryan Adams- Run to You (w/ Freqout)

    I like my Freqout pedal but frustrated that the sound completely falls apart if I try to bend (even slightly) a note while Freqout is sustaining it. ie, like:
  62. F

    Presets for controlled feedback (a.k.a Freqout)

    Hi everyone, Are there any FM3 presents with options for controlled feedback similar to the Freqout pedal. I'm on the fence on whether to purchase a freqout but saw that there are a number of Axe Fx III solutions available. Could not find one for the FM3. Thanks in advance for any help!!!!
  63. RevDrucifer

    AFIII Bryan Adams- Run to You (w/ Freqout)

    Killer!!! That’s exactly how my Freqout is setup, in loop 3 as well. That and my talk box are the only two pedals I still use. Tones were killer in this, man!
  64. O

    AFIII Bryan Adams- Run to You (w/ Freqout) the second part of the solo. My Lincoln Brewster strat has a boost/mid-boost switch which was engaged for the lead part. The digitech Freqout pedal is inserted into the front of the chain and engaged with momentary foot switch as required. Yes, used the USB camera adaptor direct to...
  65. O

    AFIII Bryan Adams- Run to You (w/ Freqout)

    Second recording I’ve made with the Axe, once discovering the ability to record direct to iPhone! The Freqout pedal can be heard in the solo which I reckon added a nice touch!
  66. la szum

    AFIII Some CCV fun

    Ok, my ears are not as easily fooled as you had me thinking they were. :)
  67. RevDrucifer

    AFIII Some CCV fun

    ...of my lead patches like that; I want the reverb on each note, but also want the delay trails to have reverb on them. The Out/In 3 is for the Freqout. Yep, the wah is on the entire the 2nd half the solo. It’s a tweaked version of the Petrucci wah I dialed in thanks to Leon’s tip about using...
  68. RevDrucifer

    AFIII Some CCV fun work out a solo instead of the improvised crap that was on the original. Used the CCV model with a BB Pre in front. I'm using a Digtech Freqout in the first bit for the feedback on the ends of the notes. Nothing overly flashy, trust me, I tried tossing some 16th notes runs in there, the...
  69. N

    Natural aka harmonic aka melodic aka controlled feedback.

    ...Pitch 2 patch (I guess I'm too new on this forum to include the link, here is the title) feedback-simulator.160001 I don't want to use a FreqOut or an eBow or a Sustainer or a 4x12 with a tube power amp - I have very powerful, expensive box at my feet (AX8), and it should be able to do it...
  70. TD77

    Let's see those FM3 rigs!

    Nice. Ok curious about that freqout pedal. Lol
  71. Sixstring

    FM9 saved me money

    There are those pedals that are a one of a kind deal that you just can't replicate with FAS! I was thinking of the EH B9 which is pretty unusual but something I don't think you can do with FAS Axe FX or FM.
  72. Pete1959

    FM9 saved me money

    ...years. I did convince a friend of mine to get on the wait list after a demo I made. Despite the outlay of cash however, resale is great so not an issue. The only pedal that I can think of that's missing in the arsenal of my FM9 would be a block that emulates the FreqOut pedal. One can only hope.
  73. M

    Natural feedback at any volume?

    From what I've tried, it seems like the FreqOut might be the best option. That being said, I don't think it's that good of an option. It sounds fine to me, and if you set it right, it "catches" notes more or less fine. The way it releases the overtones sounds very unnatural to me.
  74. Akstrat

    Simeon's Feedback Simulator for the III

    Will this work on the FM3 as well? Very cool!
  75. Piing

    Natural feedback at any volume?

    ...I am thinking about buying this set that comes with two "resonance vibration speakers", a stereo power amplifier, and the power supply Last month I purchased the Digitech FreqOut, but I still have not bonded with it. I find it artificial. Maybe I have to dedicate more time to find proper...
  76. unix-guy

    Natural feedback at any volume?

    Maybe @iaresee can help with the name change. Seems like a legitimate reason. Your approach of the octave and 5th has been used by others triggered with a button, too. It seems to do the trick. I recall someone had a trickier version that would alternate between different pitches via the Pitch...
  77. dicXjonesify

    Natural feedback at any volume?

    ...for me. I think Bill is referring to this clip of me making fake feedback on my FM9. It just has an octave and a fifth that kind of swell in at different levels and rates with the envelope follower. Probably not as cool as the Freqout but would totally do the trick live and is all...
  78. GlennO

    Natural feedback at any volume?

    ...octave or two above the note you're playing and mix that in with an expression pedal. It's tricky to get good results, but in a pinch it will do. 2) Freqout. It's not without artifacts, but it's an amazing pedal. 3) Sustainiac. It's a difficult retrofit, but the results are better than a Freqout.
  79. warlockII

    Natural feedback at any volume?

    There are some good simulations of the freqout in the links Greg provided above. I think they'll make you happy. IF you have a free expression pedal I like blending it in better than using a control switch.
  80. Greg Ferguson

    Natural feedback at any volume?

    Also see "Wish New effect block: Digitech FreqOut emulation", "Feedback Simulator", "Wish FREQOUT pedal"… Those showed up by searching the forum's thread titles for "freqout".
  81. greiswig

    Natural feedback at any volume?

    "Natural feedback" doesn't happen at just any volume, either. Only once a volume level reaches a threshold and starts feeding back. Freqout does a respectable imitation, IMO, but doesn't really feel natural to me. And it's long been a request to do something like it or better in the AxeFX world.
  82. MisterScary

    Natural feedback at any volume?

    Is it possible to achieve natural feedback for a preset at lower volumes? Prior to owning the Axe FX, I used to play through a Marshall SLP amp and 1960a Celestion loaded 4x12 cab. At high volumes I would get natural feedback very easily. At lower volumes, I'd have to bring my guitar closer...
  83. D

    How do you rate Axe-Fx 3 effects vs Eventide and other high end stuff?

    Interesting pedal collection you've got there, tip o the hat to you sir :)
  84. Shahar

    Polling For Next Amp Models

    Amps/Preamps: Peavey Rockmaster Preamp ADA MP1 Rockman Preamp SansAmp PSA-1 Pedals: Digitech Freqout Zvexx Fuzz Factory
  85. Adman103

    How do you rate Axe-Fx 3 effects vs Eventide and other high end stuff?

    ...else out there- the only effects I keep around are a select few that do something really specific- I have a Shallow Water, a Microcosm, a FreqOut, a Blackstone overdrive (which I really, really wish was in the magic box...), and an Echofix Tape Echo. I might pick up a Meet Maude, but for...
  86. G

    FM9 wish- amp feedback

    ...combination that can split off a 'resonance' notch into a 'delay' before summing back into the signal. It's beyond me. That said, the Freqout is a truly awesome pedal. I love it so much, I have two of them. One for the intended purpose of generating fake feedback, and another for getting...
  87. Pete1959

    FM9 wish- amp feedback I need to play is "Too much time on my hands" by Styx which seems to be perfectly suited for feedback and was contemplating getting the FreqOut pedal. Using the expression to vary from say, 3.1 to 8.8 seems to work on my Friedman models. So far, no good or at least not good enough. I...
  88. R

    Wish Green Ringer - analog octave up without fuzz

    I think is like digitech silver pedal FreqOut with a feedback in different harmonies
  89. N

    FM3 pedalboard suggestions

    Thinking of using the same pedal board but with an external Pigtronix Infinity looper to the right of the FM3. How did you attach the FM3 to the pedalboard?
  90. RevDrucifer

    Must-Have Drive Model in Axefx

    I can‘t wait to run one of these into a Talk Box and/or Digitech Freqout.
  91. Adman103

    How to dial in a great tape delay in Axe-FX III

    ...else is Axe Fx, even with my regular amps, and each piece of gear does something specific- the Echofix, a Microcosm, a Mimiq, and a FreqOut. It's nice to be able to just plug the Echofix into an amp, and you've got a choice of preamps, tape delay, reverb and chorus, all in one box. And it...
  92. Adman103

    Effective way to use pedals in the loop

    ...and one Input 3 block, but you can still do something like that by setting up like you wanted to- the wah in the L side of the loop, and the Freqout in the R side of the loop, and by setting up different channels of the Output blocks to pan hard right, hard left, or center (which would be...
  93. D

    Effective way to use pedals in the loop

    ...individual loops. Mainly because I want to activate them separately and have the effects avaliable when reamping. I have a Slash Wah and a Freqout I would like to have this set as: Output3L - Wah In - Wah Out- Input3L Output3R - Freqout In - Freqout Out - Input3R Now if I split them out in...
  94. S

    Only one pitch block...Very Disappointed

    I dig where you are coming from. I would like the ability to do Whammy & the Capo (if that effect ever comes to the FM9).
  95. sprint

    Effects to supplement your AxeFX 3?

    +1 - had a sustaniac and liked it but the guitar's electronics turned into a nightmare so prefer freqout as a compromise that can work on any guitar
  96. Marcel

    Effects to supplement your AxeFX 3?

    The most underestimated guitar pedal IMO. I have one that I haven't used since I added active sustainer systems to my guitars but I keep it around because it's really unique and I know I'll end up using it one day.
  97. Brian Coonan

    Effects to supplement your AxeFX 3?

    I just recently got the Freqout after trying the various methods that people were using to get feedback. They were close, but was just missing a little bit for me. The Freqout is good, but also not the same as real feedback from a speaker. Everything else in the Axe is awesome. FX are world...
  98. D

    Effects to supplement your AxeFX 3?

    The Freqout as I just can't reproduce that in the Axe. As of last night also my Slash Wah as I can't find a good controller pedal with a Wah style sweep. Only the Missions had that sweep and they were unreliable pedals so won't purchase another one. I have them in the loop so I can use them...
  99. Corey James

    Effects to supplement your AxeFX 3?

    Freqout! this was into my axe ii xl, now it goes into the axe iii
  100. RevDrucifer

    AFIII Starting to work on my Gilmour/PULSE tones

    Outstanding work on this, man!! I'm supposed to be at a buddy's right now but I can't stop playing!!
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