Please help me set up this external effect


I'm lost trying to set up my Digitech Freqout. I want to put it after my compressor and be able to assign it to a foot switch so I can leave the freakout always on and bypass it with the FM9 foot switch. The manual tells us how to hook up external effects (input of pedal into Out 3 / output of pedal into return 3) but I'm lost when it comes to setting it up in the FM-9 edit and then how to assign it to a foot switch. Sorry in advance if this is easy but I'm struggling.

Thank you


  • Screenshot 2022-11-23 at 4.33.13 PM.png
    Screenshot 2022-11-23 at 4.33.13 PM.png
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Put OUT 3 and IN 3 blocks in series between the comp and wah blocks in your preset. Connect them all together in series.

Like this:

The Output 3 jacks will be your FX send and the Input 3 jacks will be your FX return to the physical pedal. Turn up the front panel OUT 3 knob all the way up for unity gain. To bypass the loop, assign one of the footswitches to an Effects Bypass switch for the IN 3 block. That will make it take the signal directly from the Out 3 block instead of from the Input 3 jacks when bypassed and you won't hear the Freqout.
Put OUT 3 and IN 3 blocks in series between the comp and wah blocks in your preset. Connect them all together in series.

Like this:

View attachment 111608
The Output 3 jacks will be your FX send and the Input 3 jacks will be your FX return to the physical pedal. Turn up the front panel OUT 3 knob all the way up for unity gain. To bypass the loop, assign one of the footswitches to an Effects Bypass switch for the IN 3 block. That will make it take the signal directly from the Out 3 block instead of from the Input 3 jacks when bypassed and you won't hear the Freqout.
Excellent, I was poking around and got close to this but you cleared it up! Now I'm curious if there's a way to save block space by using another row. This will do for now. Thank you for your quick response!
You can split your signal path between rows using the Feedback Send and Feedback Return blocks like this:


Just make sure you turn the Return Level in the Return block all the way up to 100%.
You can split your signal path between rows using the Feedback Send and Feedback Return blocks like this:

View attachment 111610

Just make sure you turn the Return Level in the Return block all the way up to 100%.
Ok thank you again. Here's one more for ya! Scene ignore... I see it's available for effect blocks however it's not available in either in or out blocks. So if I have the freqout feeding back and I switch scenes it will turn off. Any workaround you can think of? I guess at best I could have a delay that carries it over a bit and then kick it back on.
You can use a Control Switch assigned to the Bypass parameter of the In 3 block. That will take precedent over scene changes when it comes to the block bypass state. You'd then just need to set up one of your footswitches to turn that Control Switch (CS1, CS2...) on and off instead.
You can use a Control Switch assigned to the Bypass parameter of the In 3 block. That will take precedent over scene changes when it comes to the block bypass state. You'd then just need to set up one of your footswitches to turn that Control Switch (CS1, CS2...) on and off instead.
Truly an Axe master... Thank sensei
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