Sad but TRUE live ending feedback

The OP is a super huge Metallica fan. He also doesn't speak english very well. If you had ever read any of his other postings you would know this. He's just trying to figure out how to make his performance as close to Metallica's as he can. He turns to this forum for that. I am ashamed of many of the posts here.
He also says he's got a pair of Meyer monitors... Those things cost about $8k each, I believe.

Maybe he does and maybe he doesn't but there are a lot of flags between the various threads.
The OP is a super huge Metallica fan. He also doesn't speak english very well. If you had ever read any of his other postings you would know this. He's just trying to figure out how to make his performance as close to Metallica's as he can. He turns to this forum for that. I am ashamed of many of the posts here.
The responses posted in this thread don't sit well with me either. A lot of bluster about trolls and implying that questions are dumb when it seems to me the OP is just trying to learn something. The kind of responses seen here are why I lurk more than I post. It's like jocks who mock others that are less athletically gifted. If you're not a golden child then ridicule is what you get. I don't know if I'm ashamed, because it isn't me making those comments. But I certainly don't like the negativity much. There is so much needless churn and negativity on the interwebs. I'd rather treat someone with kindness and dignity, kind of like the golden rule, treat others as you would like to be treated. Many of the most accomplished guitarists that I look up to are described as kind people who don't have an unkind word to say to anyone else.
As a constructive suggestion, I have had some success creating feedback effects with my smaller combo amps using the Digitech "FreqOut" pedal. I have not tried it, though, with the Axe-Fx.
Anyone that’s ever played an AxFx understands the feedback characteristics super well. It’s not that different, difficult or complicated to achieve realistic feedback. Even w headphones …
despicable me minions GIF
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