Sold Axe FX 3, whats next?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 79338
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Deleted member 79338

Hi all

I recently sold my Axe FX3 and I am considering a few options. First I would like to say the only reason I sold the device was I just didn't need that power. I played via my external effects and my SC20h and preferred the interaction. This meant that the Axe was only used for modulation effects and as an IR Loader, so it needed to go to someone who would use that DSP.

One thing I do really miss are those beautiful modulation effects. I have been considering going down the Boss ES plus personal taste effects like the Strymon, but before I open a whole new can of complication I wanted to ask the following:

Is there a possibility of Fractal releasing an effects only unit again, or is the FM3 the only route to go?

If the FM3 is the only route, at least I will have the amp models to play with should I wish too, but I am trying to remove the complexity and analysis paralysis of a complex unit. Plus I want to join a band as a guitarist in January, I have one eye on a portable rig.

Cheers guys.
FM3 is as complex as you make it.

Maybe pedals are the way to go.
Hi Chris

Totally agree, however if you want Switching and control over BPM etc then a Boss ES plus a few Strymon would be complex too (I know this goes against my post somewhat)

However, when looking at the board I would need to house the effects, it would be quite large.

My thought process at the moment is this:

Wah-FreqOut-Fuzz-GTOD-Amp then the FM3 is the loop.

Also potentially the front end effects on the loop of the FM3 so I can switch them in and out.
The only reason I didn't mention the FM9 is I still have the FC6, so I would get some use from that pedal.
Fair enough, but with twice the processing power you'll have a lot more options for effects.

Additionally, on the FM9 both Reverb and Delay each run on dedicated cores so you can multiples at highest resolution with no real CPU impact.

And you can always sell the FC-6 and recoup most of the cost.
Very true

This only came to light whilst looking for individual effects when someone offered to buy the FC6. It made me thing about the FM3 as an option before I sell it.

The modulation effects in the Axe are so good, I am not sure a Strymon and complex board would give me more, and in the end will cost me a lot more.

Cheers bud

Is the FX8 still receiving updates, or is this complete legacy?
FX-8 is still a good unit if you can find one. I'm sorry I do not understand the worry about it being a legacy unit, most in the guitar world are shooting for legacy tone.
I’ll go against the grain here and say go with the FM3. It checks all the marks in your original post.
Big advantage is you don’t need to wait for anything. You can have it at your doorstep in a few days.
Meanwhile get on the waiting list for the FM9. If you feel you need more power you can upgrade later.
And the FM3 will have still retained 90% of its value.
To me that’s a no brainer.
I would buy back the AF3....with the latest Beta FW update it has an SV20H.
Oddly enough, I sold my SV20H a few weeks ago and the very next week that FW update came cool, no seller remorse there!
I have owned both the SC20H and the SV20H and you can dial in any tone of the SC20H with an SV20H.
I just didn't need that power.
If you make decisions based on this kind of thinking I have zero advice for you. You already had the machine to have. You had power in reserve in case you decided you needed it. You had a 4 bedroom, 4 bath house and a three car garage, and you decided you'd rather live in a refrigerator box. I got nothing for you.
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FX-8 is still a good unit if you can find one. I'm sorry I do not understand the worry about it being a legacy unit, most in the guitar world are shooting for legacy tone.
There has been a lot of fantastic updates to the effects section only recently. That would not be available on the legacy unit.

Unless I am mistaken
If you make decisionsbased on this kind of thinking I have zero advice for you. You already had the machine to have. You had power in reserve in case you decided you needed it. You had a 4 bedroom, 4 bath house and a three car garage, and you decided you'd rather live in a refrigerator box. I got nothing for you.
Thank you for going against the grain of the replies and choosing a passive aggressive response.

I own a 4 bed house with 2 bathrooms, en-suite, garage, parking....I also have 3 kids and 2 cars so we fit perfectly thank you.

What I don't have is a 8 bed house with 4 bathrooms. Using your analogy, I should have bought a house beyond what I need and kept it just in case.

I paid £2037 for my Axe FX3, based on the economy and the lack of stock in Europe, and the fact the second hand market had none for sale, I sold it for £2000. Great return.

Please don't speak to me like I am stupid. If you have nothing to say, then say nothing.
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