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  • Users: Moke
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  1. Moke

    Help please with problem naming scenes

    Hmmm? Sounds like you might be trying to name your scenes on an FC 'Layout? If so, That is not were you want to do that. The Scenes are named in the preset itself.
  2. Moke

    FM3 Firmware Version 7.00 beta 3

    Mine does that too. And it doesn't send or receive any USB audio.
  3. Moke

    AFIII Presets [Moke's Custom Presets] Axe-Fx III Master Thread - Updated to Firmware 20.xx 'Cygnus'! New 'Triple-Gain' (HB) Versions

    I use my own 'Tone Matched' and/or custom IR blends almost exclusively. Only a few of my presets use any Factory Cabs. I will definitely play with the 'Dyna-Cabs' on those few presets, as I go through and check them all out.
  4. Moke

    FM3 Firmware Version 7.00 beta 2

    Definitely not good news for commercial presets makers.:oops: Maybe tag @austinbuddy so he can respond.
  5. Moke

    Pitch Block Alternatives

    You really need to try a couple out for yourself. Try playing some more complex chords with a clean tone, maj7s, min7s, 9s, 13s, flat 5s, etc... and see how smooth they stay while sustaining.
  6. Moke

    Pitch Block Alternatives

    I was shocked that the FM9 didn't have two Pitch blocks. The Plex-Delay block can do a good 'Detune' affect, and a poor 'Capo' effect, in a pinch.
  7. Moke

    Pitch Block Alternatives

    I used to use the Morpheus Droptune (Line6 Vetta days). Tried the EHX Pitchfork and the Digitech Drop at Guitar Center later, and though both of those were better. It depends on what features you may want. Do you want to midi control anything? Do you also want a Whammy function (Whammy DT)?
  8. Moke

    Pitch Block Alternatives

    IMHO, Using it for harmonies before the Amp/Cab doesn't work very good at all. Instead of sounding like two guitars, it sounds like one guitar playing two (or more?) notes. Checkout my Holiday Gift of Tone preset 'Moke's Magical Moving Pitch Block' for some ideas on how a block can changes it's...
  9. Moke

    Critique My Footswitch Layouts

    Don't for get about 'Stand-in' switches. They are very useful for things that don't need the LED indicator. Like Tuner, Hold sticky, toggling Layouts, toggling 'Views', etc.. It can free up a few switches for other duties.
  10. Moke

    Talk Box?

    Not yet. The 4.01 (FM3) version should work okay. Waiting for the 'Dyna-Cab' firmware to get released and then update everything. My presets use, almost exclusively, custom IRs. So the 'Dyna-Cab' stuff itself will likely only directly affect a couple of them?
  11. Moke

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 22.00 Release

    True story! I did a test using a sine wave from my FM9 going into Input 1 of my Axe-Fx III (mark 1). Through the entire range of the A/D 'Input 1 / Instrument' parameter, the level entering the 'grid' only varied by '0.1' dB. Put it wherever it needs to be to prevent the 'Clip warning' and...
  12. Moke

    Phantom power fried my FC12 - will this prevent a third ocurrence?

    Ouch. Only someone from Fractal Audio would know if that would still allow power and communication through. But in the meantime, get an XLR cable that is somehow very plainly colored or otherwise marked to avoid ever doing that again.
  13. Moke

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 22.00 Release

    Since the Multiband Comp is after your cabs, it is very likely compressing differently because of the different EQ balance hitting it. Just something to look at.
  14. Moke

    Struggling with spillover and plex delay

    You didn't mention the firmware version. I am stuck on 21.01 until I finish some work for a client. Won't open for me. But I would look at using two instances of any Delay or Reverb block when needing different enough settings that cause anomalies and/or different models. And also use the...
  15. Moke

    AXE FX II XL+ and Wah expression pedal settings

    It sounds like you need to edit the 'Auto-Engage' 'Off Value' percentage in the Edit Modifier window for the Wah block 'Control' parameter. 95% = toe down off. 5% = heal down off.
  16. Moke

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 22.00 Release

    I actually have a question. I have to roll back and forth with different firmware versions to accommodate different clients. If I roll back to a pre-'Dyna Cab' firmware, then reload firmware 22.00. Will the Dyna Cabs still be there? Or will I need to also re-load them?
  17. Moke

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 22.00 Public Beta #6 (Beta 12)

    Official version 22 is released!!
  18. Moke

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 22.00 Release

    Here we go!
  19. Moke

    Wishing Well to Frank Steffen Mueller

    Thank you, and sorry to @FSM for the thread derail. I hope that you are doing better. I am currently under observation in the ER for the third time. The Doctors still haven't come to a consensus about the cause of my very low heart rate. Stay tuned.
  20. Moke

    Reinstalling Systems Backups

    Not sure why you need advice. Re-install everything that you backed up via Fractal-Bot to be sure. P.S. Glad that you got it back so quickly.:cool:
  21. Moke

    Wishing Well to Frank Steffen Mueller

    I have my own heart issues going on right now too. Sucks getting old. Get well Frank.
  22. Moke

    Preset no sound after CPU overload?

    Look at your Chorus and Delay. They are not connected. ;)
  23. Moke

    Talk Box?

    If you want to do this pretty convincingly, entirely in the box, and don't need to actually speak words, check this out. The preset was built specifically for 'Living on a Prayer', But many have taken it and repurposed it for other songs, not requiring speech. The Eagles-'Those Shoes', Pink...
  24. Moke

    Not a Bug Looking for input on patches or effects for clean long sustain

    Clean swells can be tricky. By the time you swell in, the volume of the guitar has already lost most of it's initial burst of volume. Could some of the problem by coming from your guitar? Try setting the Amp dirtier than you need. It will clean up by the time you swell in. Try using a...
  25. Moke

    help moving presets

    The 'Manage Presets' Tool will let you copy, paste, drag-and-drop, swap, etc.. Even select multiple presets to manipulate. Be careful, you can easily mess things up doing too much at one time. If you don't have a current one, make a Backup first!
  26. Moke

    help moving presets

    You can put any preset anywhere, without restrictions. Just be aware that the existing preset will be overwritten/replaced with the new one.
  27. Moke

    Axe FX3 + 4CM.. which FX BLOCK do I use when alternating between my amp and the amp sim?

    You can use scenes to do this my turning specific things on and off. You could also use a 'Multiplexer' block to select different rows via changing it's channels, also via scenes, or directly via a switch. The particulars depend on how you have the preset designed.
  28. Moke

    Deleting an Output EQ 'Preset'

    That info was (is) in the firmware release notes when that was added. With a complex thing like the Fractal units, everyone really should read through the release notes every time you update. And also the earlier notes if you skipped any versions. In fact, new users should read through all of...
  29. Moke

    Easiest way to send bpm to drummer from axe fx

    You could use an app to get the tempo before the songs. Which should at least start you off on the right foot. But the drummer will likely speed up again, maybe not as much? What do you do about songs with different tempos throughout the song? I think that you may want to explore sending clicks...
  30. Moke

    Easiest way to send bpm to drummer from axe fx

    Been doing this for years. Some custom made multi channel LED lights. Using two stereo audio tracks from Ableton to activate them in the needed sequence. The drummer recently switched to headphones. And then the bass player just started using his IEMs. So just started using a click for them...
  31. Moke

    Load a Tonematch IR To the Library?

    You can absolutely save that IR Player, with all of it's settings, to your 'Block Library'. The IR itself still needs to stay in the same User Cab slot. As the IR Player as well as the Cab blocks only point to particular Factory or User Cab slots. Saving an 'IR Player' or 'Cab' to your block...
  32. Moke

    How to use expression pedal to control delay/reverb levels?

    I recommend using the 'Input Gain' parameter instead of the 'Míx' parameter. That will preserve the Delay tails when you throttle the pedal back.
  33. Moke

    Wish Duck meter

  34. Moke

    Channel preset not saving between scenes?

    Entire blocks saved into your library are able to include controller settings. But when you import it into your preset, it always includes all four channels of the block. So if you try to import it into a specific individual channel of an existing block, it will overwrite all four channels...
  35. Moke

    Channel preset not saving between scenes?

    Channels can't have different controller settings. The controller with be the same for all channels. The only option is to have that controller active on one particular channel, or all channels.
  36. Moke

    FM3 w Different Guitars (pickup levels)

    NOPE. Carefully re-read post #35 Also The Input Pad and Input 1 / Instrument parameters are not what you are looking for. Let's say you have a guitar with an 'arbitrary' pickup output volume of '75'. You can adjust the Input Pad or Input 1 / Instrument parameters up and down to change the...
  37. Moke

    No output on OUT2

    Did you turn up the Out 2 knob? Updating can reset the Global settings to default. Import your global/System settings via the backup that you made before updating.
  38. Moke

    FM3 w Different Guitars (pickup levels)

    @UKMark, I think that you keep missing something really important. So let me try to explain it a little better. The 'Input Pad' (FM3) and the 'Input 1 / Instrument' (Axe-Fx III/FM9) parameters, that are tied to the 'Input 1' LEDs, DO NOT affect the actual level of your guitar entering the grid...
  39. Moke

    FM3 w Different Guitars (pickup levels)

    There are many other parameters to affect the level of your guitar entering the 'grid'. It can be done globally, or on a per-preset basis. The 'Input 1 / Instrument' parameter on the Axe-Fx III and FM9, and the 'Input 1 Pad' parameter on the FM3 are only for optimizing the levels going into the...
  40. Moke

    FM3 w Different Guitars (pickup levels)

    The FM3 doesn't currently have the variable 'Input 1 / Instrument' parameter. It instead, had an 'Input 1 Pad' parameter with four possible values, as explained in post #7. But it also has the same volume auto compensation.
  41. Moke

    FM3 w Different Guitars (pickup levels)

    It sound like you are referring to the 'Input Trim' parameter on the Amp block. While the info that you posted is correct, and useful. It is completely different than the FM3 'Input Pad' parameter initially being discussed in this thread. These two parameters are often confused with each other.
  42. Moke

    Better synth tracking?

    @simeon's suggestions are great. If you don't have the CPU for any extra blocks, using the neck pickup usually tracks better for me. If I use the bridge and let the note sustain, at some point, the synth goes up an octave. This happens way less using the neck pickup.
  43. Moke

    How to practically level presets for Live Playing

    Once I get them visually leveled as described above by @Brian Coonan, I try to check their relative volumes against current live presets by playing along with some YouTube backing tracks, if I can. You'd be surprised by the difference between the isolated perceived relative volume and the...
  44. Moke

    Not a Bug New Firmware Input Clipping

    This has likely been the case the whole time. Lots of others are also surprised about where their pickups are ending up, on both sides of the spectrum. Did you initially adjust the 'Input 1/Instrument' A/D trim parameter to just barely 'Tickle the Reds' as instructed in the manual when you...
  45. Moke

    Wish To add Gift of Tone Effects to the next Firmware update

    Agree. Having them included in multi-scene factory presets would be cool. Done by the actual Artist, even cooler. Or maybe a contest for the best presets utilizing them with the winners being added as official factory presets. In the mean time.. FM9 and Axe-Fx III...
  46. Moke

    'Gift of Tone' 2022 Effect Blocks Saved Into FM9/Axe-Fx III Presets/Scenes for Convenience

    I will try to make a video if I can find the time.
  47. Moke

    Sustaining note with distortion at the end

    If you only want to recreate this for a recording, or at your desk. You can sometimes press your headstock against your monitors and coax out some natural feedback.
  48. Moke

    Is there way to get USB Audio to come out Mono on OUT1?

    Try reworking your backing tracks by panning them hard right. Try using the 'USB Return' block in your presets and route/pan it's output as you wish.
  49. Moke

    Guitar Harmony

    I believe there is a factory preset setup to play a third above you? Can't remember the preset name, or what key / scale it was for. What affect type are you running in the pitch block? I recommend dual diatonic. Use only voice 1, turn voice 2 level all the way down. You will need to decide if...
  50. Moke

    'Gift of Tone' 2022 Effect Blocks saved into FM3 Preset/Scenes for Convenience

    I see posts about users having problems trying to figure out how to get these effect blocks into their units. So I imported them into presets, with scenes for each effect block available. The Scenes include the names of the Artist's shared effect. And the blocks will engage and switch to the...
  51. Moke

    'Gift of Tone' 2022 Effect Blocks Saved Into FM9/Axe-Fx III Presets/Scenes for Convenience

    I see posts about users having problems trying to figure out how to get these effect blocks into their units. So I imported them into presets, with scenes for each effect block available. The Scenes include the names of the Artist's shared effect. And the blocks will engage and switch to the...
  52. Moke

    Rookie Nurse

    When I saw the thread title, I thought that it was another movie revue. Hahaha
  53. Moke

    Input Gate

    I know. Don't look in your backyard.. Don't look!
  54. Moke

    Input Gate

    If you bypass the Input block it will mute. Lower the 'Threshold' parameter all of the way to turn off the Input block 'Gate'. I doubt that you will like that setting? I recommend the lowest value that blocks hiss, hum, cable and handling noise. You may need to use a second Input block channel...
  55. Moke


    I am pretty old to. I know enough about computer tech to get by. Do you have a computer/laptop? Does it have a web-camera? If not, do you have a smart phone? Doing this via a cell phone is possible, but less efficient. Have you been using the computer editor 'FM9-Edit'? I do free mini-sessions...
  56. Moke

    Input Clipping Thread

    This what I have always thought too. But apparently this may have changed somewhere along the way. I don't recall any mention of it in any firmware release notes. I did an experiment to see for myself.
  57. Moke

    Virtual capo warble

    I feel like it's always done this on clean tones, better or worse depending on the chord? However, I do remember a while back, thinking that it was better than earlier versions. Maybe it's not as smooth now, or we are just used to it?
  58. Moke


    Is an online 'Zoom' session something that would work for you? Lots of people here do that for a fee. (including me;):D)
  59. Moke

    Rookie Nurse

    When you said, she almost got a black eye, I thought the story was going to go in a different direction, LOL
  60. Moke

    Wish AMP: add SEND/RETURN to AMPs to separately use both PRE and PowerAMP

    That still may be the case? But there is also a Power Amp On/Off switch that was added a while back.
  61. Moke

    AXE FX3 Gift of Tone Installation Instructions

    Doing good. But honestly, it's been a rough year. Had gigs booked, but keep having to cancel for one reason or another. I got Covid again right before a gig. Singer got Covid again right before another gig. Drummer got Covid again right before another gig. Singer's brother unexpectedly passed...
  62. Moke

    AXE FX3 Gift of Tone Installation Instructions

    It would be handy if all of the 'Gift of Tone' blocks from each person would be put into a few presets so that it would be easier to just import the preset, and then save them to your personal library, or copy and paste them into your desired preset(s) from that 'blocks' preset.
  63. Moke

    Wish OUT Switch (+ stereo to 2 x mono splitter)

    A dedicated block like this would be very useful, and has been requested before. But there are so many available ways to accomplish this with the existing blocks already in your preset, with no CPU cost, that I wouldn't hold your breath.
  64. Moke

    Bug? 4.01 layouts

    Sounds like a possible bug? After updating to 4.01, all of my Global and FC settings were gone. I got everything back by importing my System/Global/FC settings from the backup that I created just before updating. And then importing the 'All Layouts' file from my backup folder. Just fired it...
  65. Moke

    Input Clipping Thread

    I just did a test using the sine wave from the Synth block routed only to Output 4. Then a TS cable from Output 4 to Input 1. Routed Input 1 to Output 1. Set the Synth output so that Output 1 is right at the '0' line on it's VU meter. TEST 1... Moved the 'Input 1 / Instrument' parameter in the...
  66. Moke

    Input Clipping Thread

    So many threads to read, I must have missed that. That's good to know. I did some searching, but haven't found that post yet. Anyone know where it is?
  67. Moke

    Input Clipping Thread

    Unfortunately, it will once you get below 5% or above 95%. But not by much. The new 'Input 1 Gain' parameter in that same 'Input Levels' tab, can be used to globally increase, or decrease the level of your guitar entering the grid to make up for any loss or increase of gain caused by extreme...
  68. Moke

    Assing two simultaneous A/B channel change to one button

    You should be able to accomplish this using two Amp blocks and two Delay blocks instead of channels. Then use a single Control Switch to toggle between both Amps and Delays at once, independent of scenes. Or use two scenes to do the Amp/Delay switching. And setup your affects on individual...
  69. Moke

    Do you use reverb on stage?

    Reverb, Always (though, not as much as I used to). Unless I am specifically needing a very dry sound for tight breaks, etc.. I always Low Cut around 150-200 Hz in the Reverb (and Delays) block EQ tabs to keep any low end rumbling from muddying up the mix.
  70. Moke

    Axe-Fx III Mk. II Turbo Meter Bridge All Segments Lit

    I have encountered this too, a few times, while editing a batch of presets for one of the guitarist currently touring with the band 'Crazy Town'. I had to restart my Axe-Fx III to clear it out. Never tried to reproduce it, so not sure exactly caused it. If I run across it again, I will try to...
  71. Moke

    Is momentary control over gliss pitch shift possible?

    Spel corect let's mee doun agan.
  72. Moke

    Variac parameter question???

    I know. Like I said, Maybe Dweezil 'knows' something that we don't??? The plot thickens..
  73. Moke

    Variac parameter question???

    If that is true, 120 x .75 = 90... 75%?
  74. Moke

    Variac parameter question???

    There was a lot of intentional misinformation about Eddie's rig out there. Maybe Dweezil knows something that we don't??? Or he just followed his ears, not his eyes. Some stories say that Eddie ran it lower as a pseudo master volume control. And the resulting lower voltage cause the tubes to...
  75. Moke

    Is momentary control over gliss pitch shift possible?

    Yes, But use one of the 'Whammy' models. The others will change the pitch in half-steps chromatically (except the 'Diatonic' and 'Custom Shifter' models if the 'Glide' parameter is set just right). If you also assign that switch to the Bypass of the Pitch block as well, it will cut off...
  76. Moke

    Variac parameter question???

    Hahaha. Sorry. Yes, a lower percentage of a given virtual voltage would be lower.
  77. Moke

    How to change volume level in the same amp but in two different scenes

    Since we are talking about the FM9 here, I was thinking it was about the FM3. I didn't include the one that I would most likely use in this situation.. Two Amp blocks... Copy your Amp settings to a second Amp block placed in a Parallel path around Amp 1. Set both amp blocks to 'Mute' when...
  78. Moke

    How to change volume level in the same amp but in two different scenes

    I have a Wish for a new Volume block model, or new block type, specifically for this purpose.
  79. Moke

    How to change volume level in the same amp but in two different scenes

    I use them all of the time. Sometimes before the Amp for per-scene 'gain' increases and/or decreases, and possible pre-EQ changes. And after the Amp for per-scene 'volume' increases and/or decreases, and possible post-EQ changes. And they can change channels for different values (and/or EQ) for...
  80. Moke

    How to change volume level in the same amp but in two different scenes

    Changing Amp channels... Easy to setup, easy to edit. But you will have a gap. Scene Controller... Not as easy to setup, or edit. But no gap. And you can use some 'Damping' to smoothly morph the level. Using the 'Scene Level' faders in the Output block... No setup (it's always there), easy to...
  81. Moke

    MIDI Messages from AFIII/FM9 to Marshall JVM-410H

    According to that chart. Sending a value of '0' on CC #16 would switch to 'Clean Green' Sending a value of '2' on CC #16 would switch to 'Clean Red' Sending a value of '0' on CC #19 would switch to 'OD2 Green' Sending a value of '0' on CC #17 would switch to 'Crunch Green' etc....
  82. Moke

    MIDI Messages from AFIII/FM9 to Marshall JVM-410H

    That's what it looks like. And make sure to set those CC messages on the same midi channel as the JVM.
  83. Moke

    MIDI Messages from AFIII/FM9 to Marshall JVM-410H

    Took less than a minute to find on the old Google machine.. Not sure if it is correct?
  84. Moke

    Anyone Build an AxeFx III Combo Amp?

    Yes I did. But don't use it anymore. Equators are back on my desk. I needed more rack space to add our XR-18. So I went with a mixer style rack with front and top spaces. No room for any on-board speakers. Here are a couple of pics of it though. Made of Baltic Birch plywood. 8-space with a...
  85. Moke

    Double Verb Silverface Preset Lost - Need To Reinstall

    Hopefully you learned that you should make full backups every now and then.;)
  86. Moke

    FM9 BPM Tempo LED/Light

    Are you are looking for something completely independent that you could place in a different location, like maybe by your drummer?
  87. Moke

    FM9 BPM Tempo LED/Light

    Assign one of the switches as 'Tap Tempo'. It is way more visible than that little green Tempo LED on the front panel.
  88. Moke

    Wish 8 channel volume block

    A spare 'Output' block placed after the Amp/Cab and before any Delays and Reverbs works pretty well for this. I have a wish for my version of a permanent solution for this. I will look it up and post a link. Found it...
  89. Moke

    Wish 8 channel volume block

    The Multiplexer blocks in the FM3 have 4 channels, and in the FM9 and Axe-Fx III they have 6 channels.
  90. Moke

    Is there an automatic gap when setting a CS to a scene, because that's what I'm finding.

    With the limited number of switches on the FM3, 'Hold' functions are pretty important. So your options are... Practice timing your switch releases to get the scene (or whatever Tap function) to fire off at the desired time. Remove the 'Hold' function on any switch that you want to activate when...
  91. Moke

    Is there an automatic gap when setting a CS to a scene, because that's what I'm finding.

    If you have a 'Hold' function on your scene switch(s), the scene won't change until you release the switch.
  92. Moke

    For the Love of God tone

    Wow, this was an old thread. Thanks @Stonetone!
  93. Moke

    [WISH] Solve the Popping at Whammy (pitch block) bypass

    The newest pitch detection algorithms in the FM9 and Axe-Fx III are so fast that I am inclined to just leaving the Whammy engaged in presets with the Whammy models. This faster/lower latency is so fast that it actually causes phase issues when trying to 'cross fade'. The older algorithms had...
  94. Moke

    Question before buying FM3

    The routing (and controller) options in the Fractal world are like no others. For the most part, If you can imagine it, you can do it. Example...
  95. Moke

    Question before buying FM3

    Gotcha You could use a 'Filter' block for a post amp volume boost with the added ability to add a bit of tone shaping, mid boost, cut some lows, etc.. Drive blocks can be pretty CPU hungry. The Filter blocks use very little CPU. Replacing the second Drive with a Filter allows for raising the...
  96. Moke

    Question before buying FM3

    Curious what the 'White Drive' placed after the Amp is referring to? B.T.W. I would put the Cab before all of the Post effects to keep them stereo (if needed). Unless you plan on sending a separate output to a physical Amp/Cab without the Cab sims via Out 2.
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