Pitch Block Alternatives


for those (fm9) that like to use a pitch block for quick tuning changes from E to Eb, do you just forgo using it for other fx (harmonies, etc)?
Rosh, thx for responding. ive been watching your GREAT videos.

so my understanding is that the pitch block should be immediately after the input block when using as a virtual capo. but ive noticed many other presets use it after the cab for things like harmonies. really like the idea of channels and really need to drill this concept into my head because i always forget about it potentially quadrupling a block's potential application. but im wondering about those other uses if i have to locate the block at the very beginning of my signal chain. any thoughts?
Rosh, thx for responding. ive been watching your GREAT videos.

so my understanding is that the pitch block should be immediately after the input block when using as a virtual capo. but ive noticed many other presets use it after the cab for things like harmonies. really like the idea of channels and really need to drill this concept into my head because i always forget about it potentially quadrupling a block's potential application. but im wondering about those other uses if i have to locate the block at the very beginning of my signal chain. any thoughts?
I usually put the block at the beginning of the signal path so it tracks better and there's no artifacts or warping. So, with harmonies and such it will also track and respond together. At the beginning with the virtual capo or harmonies in other channels, you'll probably have good results.

Easy to A/B test by swapping the placement in your preset.

Thanks for the kind words about the videos, I hope they're helpful
just thinking...can i use harmonies AND vitual capo at the same time with the Channels solution and only 1 pitch block in the fm9?
IMHO, Using it for harmonies before the Amp/Cab doesn't work very good at all. Instead of sounding like two guitars, it sounds like one guitar playing two (or more?) notes.

Checkout my Holiday Gift of Tone preset 'Moke's Magical Moving Pitch Block' for some ideas on how a block can changes it's order in the signal chain on a per-scene basis.

But if you need the Capo function a lot, you may want to look at adding an external pedal for that duty.
moke, any pedal youd recommend? realllly wish virtual capo was a global setting and didnt consume the pitch block.
moke, any pedal youd recommend? realllly wish virtual capo was a global setting and didnt consume the pitch block.
I used to use the Morpheus Droptune (Line6 Vetta days). Tried the EHX Pitchfork and the Digitech Drop at Guitar Center later, and though both of those were better.

It depends on what features you may want. Do you want to midi control anything? Do you also want a Whammy function (Whammy DT)?
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I was shocked that the FM9 didn't have two Pitch blocks. The Plex-Delay block can do a good 'Detune' affect, and a poor 'Capo' effect, in a pinch.
no need for midi or whammy now or anticipated in the future
You really need to try a couple out for yourself. Try playing some more complex chords with a clean tone, maj7s, min7s, 9s, 13s, flat 5s, etc... and see how smooth they stay while sustaining.
It is set to scene ignore for tuning down a half step. On other scenes, its a whammy, an octave divider, and a POG. I've since added a Drop Pedal, so that I can be tuned down AND still use the other pitch effects.
You can set the detector source to input 1 (or 2 or 3), so it shouldn't matter where you put the block as far as tracking.
So then you could essentially use it as your capo , whammy , Micropitch and harmonizer by putting it after the cab and there would be no difference?
So then you could essentially use it as your capo , whammy , Micropitch and harmonizer by putting it after the cab and there would be no difference?
As far as tracking, it "shouldn't" matter where it is if set to input 1. I haven't experimented with it so that's not a guarantee.

As for how it sounds in different places in the chain, try it, and let us know. :)
Honestly I think some of the pitch block effects can be pretty cool. If you can’t have multiple guitars tuned different or keep one guitar in the tuning you need, just get the digitech drop to handle your virtual capo needs. Then just sell it if and when the FM9 ever gets two pitch blocks or virtual capo gets its own block.
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