Wish OUT Switch (+ stereo to 2 x mono splitter)


Need for a complementary function of the M-PLEX, a "switch" that allows me to select - instead of the input row - the output row to which send 1 x-PLEX input.
It could be nice this could act also as a stereo to 2 mono splitter, this could simplify e.g. to use stereo INPUTs as double mono ones.
There are workarounds adding blocks (e.g. Volume, filters...) and playing with their Bypass Mode, but I'm bored to consume other "CPU and space expensive", and numerically limited blocks (e.g. max Volumes are 4) to do very simple wiring on/off things like this.
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A dedicated block like this would be very useful, and has been requested before.

But there are so many available ways to accomplish this with the existing blocks already in your preset, with no CPU cost, that I wouldn't hold your breath.
It was requested in 2018...
so I think there's no hope.
Yes, I'm already doing similar thinks using other blocks and workarounds, and the same for other things I need. But blocks are limited, they occupy space in the grid and those workaround often use CPU for nothing than... wiring !?!
I'm new in Fractal World, I admit it, but I'm finding too many very simple and intuitive things left clearly missing.
I'm becoming not happy.
The last of them is that I can't merge MIDI THRU with AF3 commands. So I must add an external merger box to join two AF3 channels. Buuuuuh !
It seems Fractal needs some fresh air from outside real world users.
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