Search results for query: fcb*

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  1. unix-guy

    FCB1010 Behringer Setup Issues

    Just FYI, this forum is focused on Fractal Audio amp and effect modeling processors. There are many here who have used an FCB-1010 but primarily for controlling Fractal hardware. I have not used an FCB in quite a while, so probably not much help. Did you buy it new or used? If used, possibly...
  2. C

    FCB1010 Behringer Setup Issues

    Hey guys, I just bought the FCB1010 to control my guitar rig 7 software. I'm following a youtube video by Guitar School Live. I've followed every step he says in there, but when I, using the FCB1010 Manager application, try to send data to the FCB1010, nothing happens. It's like it's not...
  3. j20056

    Setting Initial Value of FC12 Expression Pedal Controller at Scene/Channel Level?

    This sounds like a very usable solution to what I'm trying to do, so I will look into it as I don't need a continuous adjustment. By the way, MIDI loop was my original solution, when I used the Behringer FCB1010 MIDI board and it worked perfectly. However, after switching to the FC-12, it no...
  4. j20056

    Setting Initial Value of FC12 Expression Pedal Controller at Scene/Channel Level?

    well I can always go back to one of my expression pedals being MIDI-based, but then I have to create a MIDI loop and with the FC12, it creates huge latency for my VooDoo Control Switcher when changing channels of my real amp via MIDI blocks. This is the topic of another post in this sub-forum. I...
  5. j20056

    Setting Initial Value of FC12 Expression Pedal Controller at Scene/Channel Level?

    New FC12 user. As I replaced my Behringer FCB1010 which was MIDI based, I was using MIDI based expression pedals linked to AxeFX3 controllers. For one of them controlling my wet/dry mix, I was able to send a MIDI message from a MIDI block back to the AxeFX3, as long as I had a MIDI loop and was...
  6. j20056

    FC12 with AxeFXiii MIDI Blocks

    I have an AxeFXiii used with a Boogie MarkV:25 via 4 cable method. I do not have a FC12, but I am considering buying one thence this message. Currently, I use a Behringer FCB1010 as part of a MIDI loop that includes the AxeFXiii and a Voodoo MIDI amp channel switcher. Switching the MarkV...
  7. j20056

    Setting Initial Value of Volume Modifier

    revisiting this... I removed the PC interface (FocusRite Clarett8+Pre) out of the MIDI loop and now the CC messages in the AxeFXiii MIDI block gets sent to the AxeFXiii. Since this can be done at the Scene level, I am all good to go. Only annoyance is that in that mode, I cannot use any MIDI...
  8. unix-guy

    FCB1010 how to make 1 stomp footswitch momentary

    Standard behavior for midi IAs is to send 0 for OFF and 127 for ON. Most devices expect this behavior. The Fractal products do have a global Toggle setting that would allow this to work. I'm not sure what you mean by "momentary" in this case, as midi CCs aren't stateful.
  9. D

    FCB1010 how to make 1 stomp footswitch momentary

    So for all that are still struggling with this, as i was up until 10 minutes ago, here what 100% no doubt, all the time works for me in using the fcb1010 to turn on/off effects with one click. Your results may vary based on equipment and equipment capability. I use the fcb1010 in conjunction...
  10. j20056

    FCB1010 users - Eureka Prom or Uno or Stock?

    I have used the FCB1010 stock model for a long time and yet I just discovered two tricks recently that basically enable stomp mode. Say a block is assigned to CC#30. What I do is set the patch to send two CC's to #30, respectively 127 and 0. In turn, it basically acts as a toggle for the block...
  11. Chromatizm

    Control Setlists and Songs with Behringer MIDI board

    Is there a way to have a Behringer FCB1010 to manage songs? This board has 10 buttons, so it would be awesome to have two of them to switch songs up and down, six more to switch sections, and two more to enable/disable things like drive blocks if needed. I check the MIDI section of the Setup...
  12. j20056

    Setting Initial Value of Volume Modifier

    I am going to try and take the MIDI connection to the computer (via Focusrite interface) out of the MIDI loop to see what happens. The FCB1010 has a parameter for MIDI merge (assuming it works).
  13. j20056

    Setting Initial Value of Volume Modifier

    Looked at Uno2. Are you using it? Seems powerful and I like the programming language. Unsure it would solve my issue though.
  14. GlennO

    Setting Initial Value of Volume Modifier

    You can't simply connect to a midi input and expect that will be merged into the output. The midi device needs to be capable of merging. As I mentioned above, if it doesn't have that capability, then you'll need to use a merger.
  15. unix-guy

    Setting Initial Value of Volume Modifier

    You might want to consider the UnO replacement prom for the FCB... Or the more recent UnO2. They add a lot of capability to the FCB1010 for a small investment.
  16. j20056

    Setting Initial Value of Volume Modifier

    Thanks @GlennO. I cannot seem to get your first suggestion to work, adsding the CC into9 the MIDI block does nothing. It seems that the message is sent but it is not received at the end of the chain. My MIDI chain is as follows: FocusRite MIDI out -> AxeFX In -> AxeFX Out -> Behringer FCB1010 In...
  17. jimfist

    The FM9 Sells itself at the gig

    Quick background....9 years ago I sold my AxeFXII to our lead guitarist singer. It's served him very well, although by current standards the programming using his Behringer FCB1010 is very, very awkward, to the point where we'd be hard pressed today to remember exactly where to begin. Last...
  18. j20056

    Sets and Songs - Only works with FC6/12?

    I wanted to confirm that the Sets and Songs capability only works with a FC6/12 controller? I don't inte3nd to buy one of those as I am controlling my AxeFxIII with a simpler (but powerful) Behringer FCB1010. Just wanted to confirm.
  19. j20056

    Amp channel switching & effect on/off with AxFx 3 via midi?

    Bullets #2 and #3 are wotkjing 100% when I send the MIDI CC's from the Behringer FCB1010. So the conclusion is that the AxeFX MIDI block doesn't send anything, or it sends it in the wrong place. I was just going to ask about a utility to check what MIDI message is actually being sent but you are...
  20. unix-guy

    Amp channel switching & effect on/off with AxFx 3 via midi?

    The "Midi block" is actually called the "Scene midi block" specifically because it sends midi per scene. I think maybe you're not understanding how it works. The values assigned can be different per scene. If the Test button isn't working then something is wrong somewhere in the setup. Note...
  21. j20056

    Amp channel switching & effect on/off with AxFx 3 via midi?

    I have the same issue with a MarkV:25, also using a VooDoo Control. From what I see, a MIDI block seems to work at the Scene level. So I would setup the correct MIDI messages for a given scene and it should work? But I have a question: How did you get the VooDoo Control to work? I have it in my...
  22. Joshua_L

    Midi and FM3

    I don't own a FB1010 but I use an airstep. To use control ha yes sorry. I used cs midi with a external switch ! And thanks for the external control tip!
  23. Chromatizm

    Midi and FM3

    Wow, thank you! Does this require loopback or it works with a single cable?
  24. mr_fender

    Midi and FM3

    CS switches cannot be trigged by MIDI messages, only by switches on Fractal devices. A loopback lets you send CS MIDI commands back to the FM3 itself. You'd connect a MIDI cable from the FM3's MIDI OUT back to the FCB1010's MIDI IN and then turn on MIDI Thru on FCB1010. You still won't be...
  25. j20056

    Somehow arcane MIDI issues

    Got it to work. On #1, using the default AxeFX MIDI ports still receives the MIDI from the FCB1010 connected as described. On #2, I used the standard MIDI (via MIDI Merge adapter) into the MIDI chain and the pedals are now seen by the AxeFX. I do need the AxeFX connected to the FocusRite via...
  26. GlennO

    Somehow arcane MIDI issues

    It's theoretically possible to connect Axe-Edit to the Axe-FX/FM* over MIDI DIN, but it has never worked very well for me. It just leads to problems like you're seeing. Use USB instead...that's how it's intended to work. This begs the question of why Axe-Edit allows you to choose those unusable...
  27. C

    Somehow arcane MIDI issues

    this is for communication from the Axe to the Editor. it is not for controlling any other devices. the Axe3 requires the USB connection for editing, that's why presets are disappearing.
  28. j20056

    Somehow arcane MIDI issues

    New AxeFX-III user here. I use my AxeFX-III as part of a rig that includes a FocusRite Clarett+8Pre (which also provides a MIDI interface via USB connection to my computer), a Behringer FCB1010 MIDI floorboard and an Eventide H9000R. The AxeFX-III is connected to the MIDI chain via regular MIDI...
  29. Chewie5150

    FCB1010 users - Eureka Prom or Uno or Stock?

    No judgement mate...its a trip seeing really old threads revived. I remember these ones....I also had a fcb1010 which was a great low cost midi controller but i never used it stock. I had both the Uno and Eureka. From memory the Eureka was more useful for me. For the cost of the mods it was...
  30. J

    FCB1010 users - Eureka Prom or Uno or Stock?

    I know this chain is old, but your problem is exactly the sane as mine with the new unit I just bought. I can program the presets, but after a couple minutes they revert back to factory presets, obliterating any changes that I just made. Did you have any progress with this?
  31. M3KVII

    MeloAudio Midi Commander

    Hey man I clicked the link and it lead to a 404 error. Do you happen to have the link for the firmware update? Also I can get it into the axe fx mode, and switch presets abcd, but I would like to use the top buttons to trigger individual pedals within my effects chain. Is that something...
  32. mr_fender

    Confirmed Midi/Remote: Just selection of scene increment/decrement is possible with external switch & Stand-in switches: "External Switch" isn't possible w/o FC

    You would need a MIDI controller of some kind in order to send MIDI message to the Axe III. There's lots of options out there depending on your budget. If you search around the MIDI section here on the forum you should find some options there. I used a Behringer FCB1010 with my Axe II years...
  33. S

    I need this control after seemingly using all of them up..

    As far as MIDI, yes. I'm using a Roland FS-7 in Exp 1 and an expression pedal in exp 2. I just put that in place if it was viable and I was missing something. Good to know. Thanks.
  34. B

    I need this control after seemingly using all of them up..

    Is the FCB-1010 the only controller you're using? The Control Switch modifying rotary speed isn't going to be something you can control directly via MIDI. What are you envisioning stepping on to switch the rotary speed--a switch on the FCB1010? P.S. Delay input gain works the same way with a...
  35. S

    I need this control after seemingly using all of them up..

    I am one week into Axe iii and may be in the smaller group of people who are gonna need the upper limits of control capability. The reason is I'm a guy trying to play and sing some heavy lift material (for me, anyway) so performance will fall apart if I have to tap dance. Being the front of a 3...
  36. Deadpool_25

    How to fit FM9 into a 19" compatible/hybrid enclosure ?

    That's ridiculously cool.
  37. BobXX

    How to fit FM9 into a 19" compatible/hybrid enclosure ?

    OK guys, no way to find it in the market, so I did by myself. I'm not a mechanical engineer (I'm an electronic one... :blush:) , but I tried to invent something by myself. TARGET: lightest and as much compact as possible with all the devices I needed in my backup unit. Here's a rackmount...
  38. S

    Is it possible to create a single FCB1010 uno preset for Axe Fx 3 live to do this?

    Thanks for this - it's a great option! If I'm only playing as an opener I will do this as it'd expedite set up/tear down as well. I will need the FCB for all my normal set of presets for cover tunes.
  39. unix-guy

    Is it possible to create a single FCB1010 uno preset for Axe Fx 3 live to do this?

    Another option would be to literally just connect a 2-button switch via a TRS to (dual) TS cable to a couple pedal jacks on the back of the Axe Fx. Then no FCB required ;)
  40. unix-guy

    Is it possible to create a single FCB1010 uno preset for Axe Fx 3 live to do this?

    The Axe Fx has assignable CC#s for both Preset Increment and Scene Increment (and Decrement for both as well). You can set the CC# you want to use for each and then set the FCB switch to send that CC with a data value of 127 for both ON and OFF. The LED lights on the switches will be confusing...
  41. S

    Is it possible to create a single FCB1010 uno preset for Axe Fx 3 live to do this?

    I'm getting an Axe Fx3 mk 2 delivered this week. I'm playing and singing a show where I need to simplify my FCB1010 uno rig to work like this so i don't have to look down (yeah, it's a very heavy lift for me) - Plug in a 1 button switch to FCB 1010 to increment up 1 preset per press. Make #1...
  42. BobXX

    Wish 10 scenes per preset, instead of 8

    External foot controllers tipically arrange their footpedals by 10, not by 8. E.g. I have 4 different footcontrollers that have 10 pedals numbers (FC-200 and FCB1010) or 5x2 (GCF-50) plus a RF MIDI controller (by 10). Since to limit the sound switching gap is necessary to stay within the same...
  43. D

    Footswitch and Expression pedal recommendations

    Hey! So have been on the waitlist for the ev-1 and ev-2 as well. So I didn't feel like waiting anymore so I found an expression pedal on amazon. It's the Paint audio. It works great and it's half the price at $70. You could get 2 for the price of 1. I am very skeptical when it comes to gear, but...
  44. unix-guy

    How much have you saved by switching to FAS?

    Hmmm... Over the last 10 years... Direct Fractal purchases: Axe Fx II mkII Axe Fx II XL+ Axe Fx III FM9 FM9 Turbo FM3 FC-12 MFC-101 EV-2 x 2 Related purchases: Behringer FCB-1010 Gordius Big Little Giant 5-6 Mission Engineering EP-1s Temple Audio Duo boards x 3 Temple Audio modules...
  45. C

    Footswitch and Expression pedal recommendations

    Hi all! Having had fun with my new Axe-FX II I'm now started to think about getting: an expression pedal for toying with Wahmmy effects and Wah-Wah a footswith to control the looper, without getting my hands of the guitar. I saw that the Behringer FCB1010 is a popular controller with...
  46. mistermikev

    Behringer FCB 1010 - my setup

    so... I rarely use my footswitch... and I set it up a while back... recently working on finger drumming a lot so wanted to add a bank for that and that led me down a rabbit hole of figuring out how the various editors work... just so I could ensure I have a backup. Figured I'd share in case it...
  47. N

    New user... and question about Foot Controller :)

    Yes, the Behringer FCB-1010 with the UnO or EurekaProm PROM will be my next purchase. Want to take advantage of and expression pedal to change parameteres on the fly, use the looper, etc. :)
  48. N

    New user... and question about Foot Controller :)

    Thanks all! I actually didn't knew about the Behringer FCB-1010 and the UnO or EurekaProm PROM chip. Guess this is will be the way to go, since the Behringer FCB-1010 is so cheap. :)
  49. godwentpunk

    Back to the grind

    It's been about 6 years since I've had a gig and I have one coming up in November so I've been shaking off the cobwebs and am just now starting to look at my old setup. I run the AFX2 in a loop on my Marshall JVM (via FCB1010) however, I did a silly thing and upgraded my AFX before I really put...
  50. unix-guy

    DMX Control via MIDI Block

    Maybe consider upgrading to the UnO or EurekaProm chips to get better programming capability. The Control Center for UnO is pretty nice.
  51. Sevenmodes

    DMX Control via MIDI Block

    I second DMXIS… our band tried a couple of other solutions, but it works great. We use a Behringer FCB1010, mostly because our lead singer and I split duty on light changes, so we set the board between us. Even as much of a pain as the FCB1010 is to program, the DMXIS software makes it pretty...
  52. unix-guy

    3 Stand-in Switches PLUS Expression pedal with toe switch?

    Ha! Well, I had both (still have the FCB) saved didn't even realize that... Good to know :)
  53. B

    3 Stand-in Switches PLUS Expression pedal with toe switch? FCB-1010 w/ Uno firmware etc.
  54. unix-guy

    New user... and question about Foot Controller :)

    The EtherCon (RJ45) port only works with the MFC-101. Not to worry, you have midi DIN ports you can use with any standard midi controller. A good, inexpensive midi controller that works well and will get you 2 built-in expression pedals would be the Behringer FCB-1010. However, you'd really...
  55. paranoid

    Ultra/FCB1010 saving volume to preset

    You would send the cc # to what ever midi # external 2 is since that's what you have selected in the modifier. The cc# you use would be between 0 and 128. You'd have to play with them to get it where you want it. Or leave it set has min max like you have in the modifier now and just send 0 and...
  56. paranoid

    Ultra/FCB1010 saving volume to preset

    Fcb1010 can send multiple midi messages per switch press, but when I had mine I set it up so the upper switches in each bank selected presets, and the bottom switches were set up for turning effects on and off. It's a lot simpler to remember what switches do when they are the same for every...
  57. paranoid

    Ultra/FCB1010 saving volume to preset

    Been a long time since I had the ultra with an fcb, but I think that you will only be able to do this by sending the midi value to what ever midi cc you are controlling the volume with along with the pc change. Not the expression pedal. I think this would probably be easier to save the preset at...
  58. S

    Ultra/FCB1010 saving volume to preset

    I use the 2nd pedal of a FCB1010 to control changes in Amp Drive on my Ultra. Parameters of control run from 65% to 85%. I want to save the preset so when it loads it's at 85% for a preset, and at 65% for another. Can this be done? Thanks much!
  59. H

    Eurekaprom 3.2 expression pedal fcb 1010 with Axe Ultra

    Hei guys Can somebody can explane me how can make work the expression pedal for wha and volume with fcb 1010 I just check the midi connection and work but i dont undestandan how make work in my chain effect THANKS SO MUCH
  60. Carl

    FCB1010 Re-house project

    Just doing my own re-housing, minor errata in the above: Bottom row, 14 - SW 1-2-3-4-*5-*6- TOP row, 13-SW 1-2-3-4-*5-*6- Cheers
  61. Z

    AXE FX II XL+ and Wah expression pedal settings

    Hoping someone can help have an ax fx II xl+ with quantum 9.04 and a behringer FCB1010 with the Eureka prom, the wah off is currently toe down and want to change it to toe up. Does anyone know how to change this been trying to see if there is an easy way to swap the midi settings in the ax fx...
  62. paranoid

    Control DAW from FCB1010 through Axe FX 2 XL+

    Does your piano have midi? What are you trying to control while recording? I had in the past used a midi uno to connect an fcb to my laptop to control things in studio one. But I think this could be done through the axe fx as an interface. Not sure though of the programing of eureka chip...
  63. S

    Control DAW from FCB1010 through Axe FX 2 XL+

    Hey - prefacing this as being a hobbyist musician! I have Cubase as my DAW Axe FX 2 XL+ plugged into laptop using USB Have FCB1010 with Eureka chip plugged into Axe FX using MIDI cables I want to record some orchestra stuff through my DAW, but don't have an expression wheel as I record on a...
  64. BobXX

    Wish TOGGLE parameters/2scenes/2channel with 1 momentary MIDI switch (e.g. Solos)

    [ Edit: added printscreen of GT-PRO editor ] I know I'm a high demanding guitarists (and sometimes a "pain in the... axe" :) ). Here there are two guitar digital multieffects that did it 15 years ago (GX-700) and more recently the GT-PRO, the ones (I have two GT-PRO actually) I'm substituting...
  65. BobXX

    Wish TOGGLE parameters/2scenes/2channel with 1 momentary MIDI switch (e.g. Solos)

    [ Edit: added user's Manual extract of vintage GX-700 and printscreen of GT-PRO editor ] [ Edited and corrrected after suggestions from Unix-guy, Thank you for your contributes ! ] I need to decide - differently in each preset (I assume in modifiers panel) - the temporary or toggle action from...
  66. Kwerky

    Any Tinybox users here?

    Oops. Completely forgot about this thread I started. I'm using it to control a host of devices in addition to the AxeFX. I've purchased a TinyBox and in the process of programming it. It doesn't have the full scope of commands and function the Little Giants did, but I couldn't find anything...
  67. N

    Is it possible to adjust FM-3 settings with an external MIDI controller?

    Thanks for your reply. I was really posting questions regarding midi CC knob type controllers and not midi foot switches. But I assume it would work the same. Will be on a hunt for such a midi knob controller that will have at least a 4x4 (16 knobs) or a 4x3 (12 knobs) that has the midi din...
  68. lauke-lux

    Is it possible to adjust FM-3 settings with an external MIDI controller?

    I used an fcb 1010 over 5 pin connector with ace fx 2. You have 16 external controllers that you can in your midi controller affect to any cc you want. I never ever had a patch using more than 5-6 external controllers so what the heck? So of course this will work via the regular 5 point midi...
  69. Ledvedder

    Live preset ideas?

    Why didn't I think of heel down on my volume pedal for volume? That's a brilliant idea! Which drive pedals do you use for your edge, crunch, and lead tones with the Vibroverb?
  70. Roland

    Live preset ideas?

    Less is definitely more. I’ve been using Fractal since 2009. It’s been so tempting to delve into all the Amps, Cabs and FX blocks. When I have spare time I try out ideas people like Cooper Carter and Leon Todd, try out Amps that I’d never own in the physical world, and experiment with FX new...
  71. Rolomorales

    Help to programming MFC MK3 to control Axe3 !!!

    Thanks for your feedback...Unfortunately I live in Cuba NOW :cry: ....and right know I don't have any contract overseas and nothing to let me buy a proper Fc6 or Fc12 or even a FCB1010...I saw the video of the MFC + Axe3 from @Morphosis...Thanks again for your suggestion ;)
  72. Axelman8

    Help to programming MFC MK3 to control Axe3 !!!

    Hey there My experience is that the MFC does not work well to control the AxeFXIII. Low budget solution. Buy a FCB1010 with or without a UNO chip. Cheers
  73. lauke-lux

    This is the Saddest Picture I've Seen All Year

    Except the part of Xavier suggesting scenes came from Gordius (genious ! :D) I can only confirm your experience; By the time i guess I got close to expert level with theFCB1010 and with the editor where you can actually monitor the midi data flow in HEX code it's a great way to get acquainted...
  74. lauke-lux

    Can the Meloaudio Midi Commander do this?

    Can't find their website anymore effectively, sounds like the site is down, on Harley Benton's site they do not propose any downloads as far as I can see. Maybe some of the other users on the forum or that posted in this thread can PM you the FW and updating FW. Or if you're good in IT you can...
  75. unix-guy

    This is the Saddest Picture I've Seen All Year

    I just found the email exchange from 2013: Edit: To be fair, he did say "Fractal" and not "Cliff". I guess I took that as implied...
  76. A

    This is the Saddest Picture I've Seen All Year

    Not that you need defending, but yeah, that guy's claim seems a bit preposterous. I really wished that Scenes were a thing when I had my Standard and had to bang out CC settings via the footswitches on my el cheapo Peak FCB4N MIDI controller; the concept of a "preset within a preset" is hardly...
  77. FractalAudio

    This is the Saddest Picture I've Seen All Year

    Since I've never used or even seen a Gordius that's quite the accusation.
  78. unix-guy

    This is the Saddest Picture I've Seen All Year

    When I needed something better than the Ground Control for Axe Fx II, I started looking and found the Gordius stuff... But finding one for sale was a challenge. I learned about the UnO chip and found an FCB-1010 with one installed for under $100. I didn't think I'd like the switches or the...
  79. D

    This is the Saddest Picture I've Seen All Year

    Agree, got rid of mine a while ago. Interesting project, but involving the FCB makes it a hard pass for me.
  80. lauke-lux

    This is the Saddest Picture I've Seen All Year

    Everything comes to an end someday. I still have an LG2 in excellent condition and with a new display. Not using it actually having an FM3 with a Voes MX5 added, but waiting for the day I can find and pay me an Axe Fx 3, or maybe if my band will be playing more often (actually 5-6 gigs a year 😂)...
  81. Roy J

    Let's see those FM9 rigs!

    What are the covers on the switches?
  82. raccoon

    Let's see those FM9 rigs!

    My actual "rig". This is a case I've used with my former floorboards for Johnson JMP-250 or as case for FCB-1010 or Line6 stuff I've got. I bought an aluminium sheet where the devices are mounted with velcro. I've attached schort XLR cables, short USB extender (at the moment on top of AKG...
  83. dbarrow

    Axe-FX III preset change issues with RM Mastermind GT22

    That all makes sense. I was trying to find out exactly how and what was being sent from the Mastermind GT22 to the Axe-FX III to cause the presets to revert or shift down to the 0-127 range. Yek fixed this for me, but I am not sure what he did, what specific bbutton commands he changed etc. I am...
  84. ConstantM

    Axe-FX III preset change issues with RM Mastermind GT22

    i dont know if this is what you are looking for but for PC higher than 128 you need to send the bank number as well via midi through the CC0 command together with the PC. for example to access preset number 352 which is 3rd bank 96th preset you send PC 96 and CC0 with a value of 3 (or 2 - i'm...
  85. H

    My Axe FX III Mark V Setup

    Basically what I'm doing is I have 3 scenes Rhythm, Lead, and Clean. I stay on Mark IIc+ mode for rhythm and lead. Clean I use the JC120 Amp with poweramp modeling off in the effects loop bypassing the real pre amp of Mark V. Then I use a FCB1010 to change scenes go to the tuner. Also programmed...
  86. H

    Axe FX III 4cm Mark V 35 Opinions?

    Got FCB1010 programmed to change scenes presets control wah and control volume. Works well once you set it up. Thanks for your input :-)
  87. H

    Help Axe FX III Bypassing Amp Blocks

    Yes tried midi learn and tried like 4 different pedals programmed to 4 different cc and nothing. However I can Use PC mapping on Axe FX to set to my preset scene 1-3 PC 125 126 127 I mapped to the same preset but different scenes and it worked. Just cant get cc to work. Basically still can...
  88. mr_fender

    Help Axe FX III Bypassing Amp Blocks

    If you have a MIDI interface to connect to, you can use a MIDI monitor program to verify what your FCB1010 is actually sending. Something is likely not programmed correctly on it. Did you try using MIDI Learn to set the Scene Select CC number?
  89. GlennO

    Help Axe FX III Bypassing Amp Blocks

    Do not assign the CC by selecting a CC number on the front panel. Always assign the CC with midi learn. That way you avoid the kind of problem you’re encountering.
  90. H

    Help Axe FX III Bypassing Amp Blocks

    yeah i did several times its weird its almost like i can change presets with PC msgs but when i try CC msgs it doesnt work its driving me up the wall. watched several videos and i know im programming it correctly on the FCB1010 it just doesnt make since. Im trying now to figure out PC Mapping so...
  91. C

    Help Axe FX III Bypassing Amp Blocks

    You need to set CC#34 in the Setup > MIDI > Other page for Scene select (I think it’s the “other”page.)
  92. H

    Help Axe FX III Bypassing Amp Blocks

    Thanks a lot now if i can figure out why even when i put CC 34 and 0 thru 7 value on the FCB1010 why it doesnt change scenes then ill be set. Thanks for all the help.
  93. C

    Help Axe FX III Bypassing Amp Blocks

    Yes MIDI light stays on when the Edit program is running. You most likely had the Amp Bypass midi entry set to something, but without having seen it myself it’s hard to guess what was causing it to constantly change.
  94. H

    Help Axe FX III Bypassing Amp Blocks

    So the parameter reset worked the amp block is no longer bypassing. Now is the midi light supposed to stay on when your usb is hooked to PC? When i unplug FCB1010 the light for midi in stays on. Also still cant get scene changes to work it will switch presets but not scenes so weird. Like PC...
  95. Bioloop

    Help Axe FX III Bypassing Amp Blocks

    Yeah, I never did get the FCB1010 to do what I wanted. I sold it and went with an FC12 and life is good. You may need to use a backup of your global settings, I think.. “someone will correct me if I’m wrong “ to restore if something has been changed while all that has been going on.
  96. H

    Help Axe FX III Bypassing Amp Blocks

    Tried everything unhooked something is going on I think. Ever since I got an FCB1010. I cant get it working midi wise. If I change in midi menu on axe from effects toggle to value it stops flashing. But it wont let me manually bypass I have no clue. I'm wondering if the midi port is damaged.
  97. H

    FCB1010 Scene Change Issue???

    How do you use midi learn? Just enable it and press the switch on the FCB?
  98. GlennO

    FCB1010 Scene Change Issue???

    Always assign the CC in the Axe-FX by using midi learn. That way you know everything is configured and communicating properly.
  99. mr_fender

    FCB1010 Scene Change Issue???

    I had an FCB1010 for a while back when I got my Axe II, but I haven't messed with one in quite a while. They can be tricky to program. If you've got a MIDI interface you can use with your computer, I highly recommend getting an editor if you don't already have one. Makes it a ton easier to...
  100. H

    FCB1010 Scene Change Issue???

    Yeah I checked that too made sure none are overlapping. Only thing I can think of is maybe the FCB is set to different midi channel. It's been driving me nuts. Just basically want scene change mostly. Other stuff is nice like volume or tuner but need the scene change.
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