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  1. moshwitz

    Axe-Fx II Firmware 18.01 Released

  2. moshwitz

    My MFC-101 didn't come with labels?

    Sup? Yep :D There are a couple users here that sell them and a few online elsewhere also.. MOSHON DAVE
  3. moshwitz

    Digitech 2120 dying...

    SUP? :D Hello,,My name is Dave and I'm a recovering Digiholic:lol Here was one of my old rigs... Yep lots of us around,,I still have one in my rec console,,,but,,,since I had an Ultra, and now I have an AXE-II,, I think I have maybe turned it on ,,,maybe Twice since 2009..:shock Kinda never...
  4. moshwitz

    Cab-Lab 3 Launched!

    Sup? :) I'd Really like to know something about this also, as I asked in my previous post cause my NIC is faulty on my DAW motherboard, so i'd have to do it from my internet computer, or have to buy a NIC card..... and there are a couple Cab packs I'd like to get also, but was holding off till...
  5. moshwitz

    Cab-Lab 3 Launched!

    Sup? :D My LAN port on my MOBO is toast. If you have an offline DAW, can you still get it activated? or am I gonna have to buy a Nic card or something? Thanks MOSHON DAVE
  6. moshwitz

    Who is this guy?!!!

    Sup?:) Here you go :D MOSHON DAVE
  7. moshwitz

    21st Century Pickups for the Modern Guitar Player

    SUP? :D From what I get from it all, it's more like an EQ thing not a programmable thing as it's just preamp/ filter pots, but no brain/cpu. You take the full spectrum and tweak the EQ filters to get the tailored response your looking for. Not too far off from the IR ex. take a full...
  8. moshwitz

    Cab Pack 8 does brootalz metalz!

    Sup? :D Diggin it Clark! MOSHON DAVE
  9. moshwitz

    Announcing MFC-Edit - Official editor for the MFC-101

    Sup? :D Damn. msbrown66.5 posts in and every one a bag of dicks:roll MOSHON DAVE
  10. moshwitz

    FW 18 and G3 technology tone alteration Thread.

    Sup:D Ummm,, Pretty Sure he did,,,,,right here---VVVV:devilish: MOSHON DAVE
  11. moshwitz

    A little dizzy....

    Sup?:D OK,,,I threw on a mastering comp and raised the levels, and exported to MP3. I think it gels a little better now too. What'cha think? :pride: MOSHON DAVE
  12. moshwitz

    Brutal Heavy Clip(The Brootalz with Cab Lab 7 )

    sup? :D Sweet.. what are you using for bass? and what kit in Superior? MOSHON DAVE
  13. moshwitz

    A little dizzy....

    Sup? :mrgreen Thanks brother..:eagerness: yeah,,,it will have vocals,,,it has 2 solo's also... once again,,,this butched up a little and is just my outline,,and as a matter of fact its to loud here and it is the totally wrong tone to sit right an gel with the rest of this ,it will get...
  14. moshwitz

    A little dizzy....

    Sup? :mrgreen I had this posted on another forum as they are used to my butchery:lol , but thought I'd post it here too even though it's pretty rough and still evolving, any feedback would be great;) Alright,,try this on for size and tell me what you think.... It's not the final thing by...
  15. moshwitz

    Clark Kent's JP Matches

    Sup? :mrgreen Thanks Clark. :) MOSHON DAVE
  16. moshwitz

    Clark Kent's JP Matches

    when I open the .RAR I get 16 files CK IR About To CK IR About To Crash.syx CK IR About To Crash_XL.syx CK IR Beyond This CK IR Beyond This Life.syx CK IR Beyond This Life_XL.syx CK IR Constant CK IR Constant Motion.syx CK IR Constant Motion_XL.syx CK IR Damage...
  17. moshwitz

    Clark Kent's JP Matches

    Yeah,I got that part :mrgreen I got all 5 saved as presets just like that,,,,,what are the other 10 .syx files for? I get the ones for the XL (xl-Syx),,, then that leaves 5 .syx files. what are they for? MOSHON DAVE
  18. moshwitz

    Clark Kent's JP Matches

    Sup?:mrgreen OK,,Thanks. But what are all the extra .syx. for? MOSHON DAVE
  19. moshwitz

    Clark Kent's JP Matches

    Sup? :mrgreen Thanks for the share Clark:cheerful: I have a question though. The .rar extracts with the JP match preset, then an .Syx + XL-.Syx + .IR of each song. Obviously the IR, is the .IR,,,,the XL-.Syx is for the XL. and I'm guessing the .syx is for the Axe-II, but when I try...
  20. moshwitz

    Faster than yeeeah you know a shark

    Sup? :) Classic,,,love it. MOSHON DAVE
  21. moshwitz

    New video with Ultra.

    Sup? :) Sweet. MOSHON DAVE
  22. moshwitz

    Looking for metal, metal and more metal presets/patches

    Sup? :mrgreen See if you like this one, I've done slight tweaks for different songs, but it's a good place to start. It also works good into a power amp and 4x12 if you run it out before the cab sim. I...
  23. moshwitz

    The "Clark Kent" Personality

    Sup? I'm an ENTJ. fairly right for the most part. I've only seen one other listed here that is ENTJ also.. I do find it interesting I'm orig. from Chicago..and SVL,,location is MOSHON DAVE
  24. moshwitz

    Is this train on the right track?

    Sup? :) It was sugested to me that I bring the Kicks up, and that the bass was getting a little lost, so I brought the Kicks up a few db's on the kick compressor and the bass up a couple db's also. Have a listen and see if this is better/ too loud/ not enough,,or??? etc. I have a thought...
  25. moshwitz

    Is this train on the right track?

    Sup? :) I was dickin around this morning writing this riff and worked this up. I'm just trying to get the starting point of the mix laid out. The clip is short, The riffin is a little sloppy and loose, but they are just scratch tracks for now,,, but how does the overall mix sound? I have...
  26. moshwitz

    Latin Rock Guitar shredding, well kind off

    Sup? :) sweet,, I dig it. MOSHON DAVE
  27. moshwitz

    The Hiest

    The Heist Sup? I had made a couple reference vids for an old friend who wanted them,but mainly for myself, cause I found a box recently with a bunch of old shit I had recorded( on tape :o) and kinda forgot about, and some of the solos and little intricate parts seemed to have slipped away...
  28. moshwitz

    new EPIC video

    Sup? Sweet ;) MOSHON DAVE
  29. moshwitz

    Death by Diatomaceous Earth in Eflat

    Sup? :) Sweet and tasty. MOSHON DAVE
  30. moshwitz

    Tone Matches for Standand/Ultra

    Sup? Well, my Accept patch and IR were done on FW11. so are the patches I put up in the rec. section for (Anthem for a broken world), and (Old...
  31. moshwitz

    Tone Matches for Standand/Ultra

    Sup? :) First off, thanks to songtan13 ,,,for getting this thread rolling and kicking out some cool matches. I posted some time ago looking for a match, then watched Clark Kents' video tutorial and learned what's up and been cooking a few matches myself and they are working great for me...
  32. moshwitz

    UFO - Doctor doctor - fun fun fun

    Sup? :-) I Love me some UFO.....right on brother. MOSHON DAVE
  33. moshwitz

    Becker style arpeggios

    SUP? :) Shit yeah brother,,,I dig it. MOSHON DAVE
  34. moshwitz

    Anthem for a Broken World

    Sup? Thanks:mrgreen Its the Bogner Red sim with a stereo cab with a V30+ T75. its the same for the Old school clip but Here is the patch here too. Let me know if it works for you. MOSHON DAVE
  35. moshwitz

    A little old school Metal action

    Sup? :) Thanks for the kind words,,:mrgreen I kinda forgot about posting this a little, till I posted the Anthem clip. Anyway here is the preset for it and anthem..enjoy and let me know if it works for you :) MOSHON DAVE
  36. moshwitz

    Anthem for a Broken World

    SUP? :mrgreen Well with all the talk about the world ending:roll I thought I might as well post up this tune I've been chunking out. I have a some parts of lyrics I think will go with it, and the solo will go in the section after the break, when I get around to it,,, if we're all still...
  37. moshwitz

    Tone Matches for Standand/Ultra

    Sup? I updated to the newest axe-edit, and everything works fine now, except there are a few IR's that make my ultra freeze up and I have to turn it off and on, then restart axe edit. but I'm keeping track of what they are. Your kickin ass brother ;) MOSHON DAVE
  38. moshwitz

    Tone Matches for Standand/Ultra

    Sup? :) I just seen these today( been gone for awhile) Mighty righteous of you brother. Thanks for keeping the I just got to get the Ir's to load now I have to see what vers. of axe edit I'm using. I'll try to get some guitar only clips but is there Anything you can do with this...
  39. moshwitz

    A little old school Metal action

    Sup? :) Thanks Guys, It's the Euro Red sim, and a stereo cab with stock T75+ V30's. MOSHON DAVE
  40. moshwitz

    A little old school Metal action

    Sup? :) Its been awhile since I've posted so I thought I'd lay a tune I'm working up on ya:mrgreen I still have to write the solo's(it will be obvious where they and finish writing+record the vocals for it one day but it's coming along. guitars and bass are axe-ultra direct Let me...
  41. moshwitz


    thanks :) MOSHON DAVE
  42. moshwitz

    Auralex Gramma Pad?

    Sup? How loud are you when you are programing at home compaired to how loud you are live? MOSHON DAVE
  43. moshwitz

    "Tone Matching" Preview

    Sup? :) Outstanding. :o MOSHON DAVE
  44. moshwitz

    Dan Spitz | Anthrax | Red Lamb | and the Axe Fx

    Sup? Right on Spitz:mrgreen. MOSHON DAVE
  45. moshwitz

    What Are Your Favorite Amp Sims? (Post-FW11 Version)

    Sup? :) Bogner Red + v30/ T75 mix. its so addicting:D MOSHON DAVE
  46. moshwitz

    Bogner Red clip

    Sup? I was dicking around today playing with a patch in my Axe-fx and thought I'd post this clip up for shits and giggles....:lol SoundClick artist: MOSHWITZ - page with MP3 music downloads No real mixing, just 2 tracks, L+R with the Bogner Red sim with a couple of Gt-75 and V-30 cab sims...
  47. moshwitz

    Back in the day

    Sup? I was feeling a little nostalgic for days gone by, and was noodling and recording:mrgreen SoundClick artist: MOSHWITZ - page with MP3 music downloads MOSHON DAVE
  48. moshwitz

    Sup? :) Just thought I'd say Hey. Nice to see another Axe owner around H'ville. MOSHON DAVE

    Sup? :) Just thought I'd say Hey. Nice to see another Axe owner around H'ville. MOSHON DAVE
  49. moshwitz

    7 String Soldano Metal Patch

    Sup? :) That sounds great,,and thanks for sharing those patches. the SLO is one I usually pass up( currently hooked on the Bogner RED) and I just picked up a 5 string bass so I've been lookiing for some good Bass patches too. I'll give these a whirl later. BTW,,,one more Chi-town boy.....I...
  50. moshwitz

    Vid of Steve Vai and Axe Fx

  51. moshwitz

    Will I ditch my ENGL Invader for an Ultra

    Sup? (other than a 2120 for posterity) The only thing that remains is my Ultra :D MOSHON DAVE
  52. moshwitz

    Axe thru Studio Monitors: What are you using?

    Sup? JBL LSR4328P here. They sound great. MOSHON DAVE
  53. moshwitz

    I LOVE fate!!!!

    Sup? Enjoy :) MOSHON DAVE
  54. moshwitz

    Axe-FX Ultra v11 clip (Diezel sim)

    Sup? Chunky and tight :) care to share that ? MOSHON DAVE
  55. moshwitz

    Axe-FX II Clip - Fender Twin; Trainwreck; Soldano; VHT

    Sup? Good stuff right there :) MOSHON DAVE
  56. moshwitz

    Introducing the Axe-Fx II

    Sup? As I just posted in the other thread Hell yeah Cliff that looks Awesome. I'm keeping my ultra but buying this when I can. Way to step things up,,You rock MOSHON DAVE
  57. moshwitz

    Countdown 0.5...

    Sup? SUN 10:48 pm Anyway,,,, COOOOOOOLLLLL. Axe-FX II Hell yeah that is awesome Well.. I'm not gonna sell my Ultra,,,But I am gonna sell a few guitars that I don't regularly play and I'm Buying this when I can. BTW,,,Cant really tell a difference after loading 11,,,,cause it still sounds...
  58. moshwitz

    Countdown 0.5...

    Sup? Just out of curiosity,,,what is the Exact birthday of Fractal Audio? MOSHON DAVE
  59. moshwitz

    Countdown 0.5...

    Wasting time and unwinding..:lol Hell yeah, I don't see why some guys are getting uptight about the motives of the countdown or if their resale vale will go down( did you buy it just to flip it?) or if cliff is getting off on watching us squirm around whats coming. I personally like this...
  60. moshwitz

    Countdown 0.5...

  61. moshwitz


    Sup? Thanks for the support guys :) The Power came back on yesterday,, so no more candlelight and generator power. The gas stations and groceries are back up and running so things are starting to get back to normal. Boy is this place a mess. I actually played my guitar today though and...
  62. moshwitz


    I walked to the other end of the roof and snapped this pic of the corner store that is just caddy corner from their house
  63. moshwitz


    After we cut away some trees
  64. moshwitz


    There were a couple of houses and Chicken houses here
  65. moshwitz


    This is from my Cell during ( sorry it sucks) and as I got up the road Same spot ..the next day with my camera
  66. moshwitz


    OK, I'm gonna C+P this post as I have a couple places I checked in on... Anyway, Here we go, These are from my folks camera right after it went through.. You can still kinda see the son of a bitch over the house in this one Moms car is under there on the left..
  67. moshwitz


    Sup? Thanks again guys. I'm trying to get a couple pics uploaded now. Shredi.... thanks for the giggle,, i needed that. BTW,,I remember watching that on the TV. 12 years today MOF. MOSHON DAVE
  68. moshwitz


    Sup? I'm Alive,,, I live in the Hulaco/ Ryan area if north Alabama,,and WE GOT FUKIN HAMMMMMMMMERERD. by the EF4 tornado that grinded through here on WED. Here is a vid that I found... It was raining then the dime sized hail started,,,,When the Baseball sized hail stopped and...
  69. moshwitz

    New Amp Model Preview

    Sup? :) Awesome sound,,,,,PLEASE tell me that this PRESET will also be included,,,,Please please please:mrgreen MOSHON DAVE
  70. moshwitz

    Lace Alumitones,any users?

    Sup? I have a deathbucker,,,and posted this on another forum some time ago so, I just C+P'ed it here cause I type sloooooowwww:lol It is a very full range and HOT as fuck P'up. I have one in one of my Jackson Warriors. Since I have grown tired of the EMG's I have played since they...
  71. moshwitz

    jason becker's perpetual burn cover. axe fx ultra

    Sup? Cool stuff MOSHON DAVE
  72. moshwitz


    Sup? Thanks guys:mrgreen Yeah, its just quad tracked( sloppily..:oops) then a little comp on the 2 bus. BIGGY....Sup brother,,,I haven't been doing much as my DAW is on its last leg and kinda on the fritz. so i have been just kinda lurking and reading. I have a couple of guitars and things I...
  73. moshwitz

    ART X-15 Ultrafoot MIDI Foot Controller

    Sup? Gotta love the X-15.. I have like 4 around here somewhere...they are my favorite old pedal boards..great work horses.... old pic its next to the desk now that I revamp the room a little ,,,I really need to hook it up and program it. MOSHON DAVE
  74. moshwitz


    Sup? Was dickin around with a patch I'm working on with Uber+metal cab and 5150+german cab all blended and thought I'd sling a little tape. :) MOSHON DAVE
  75. moshwitz

    Thinking about buying an axe-fx...would you do it again?

    Sup? YES in a freaking heart beat. I still say this is single handedly the best piece of gear I have ever bought for guitar.....Period. MOSHON DAVE
  76. moshwitz

    Happy Birthday Cliff!

    HBD Cliff,,,and many more :mrgreen: MOSHON DAVE
  77. moshwitz

    2010 LA Amp Fest

    Sup? I'd like to watch the vid of that when its done,,should be cool as hell. MOSHON DAVE
  78. moshwitz

    Dual amp, phase switch problems

    SUP? wow, I wouldn't have thought of that either as you said you split the signal After the 1st EQ which is after the Comp. didn't think it would effect it down the line like that. MOSHON DAVE
  79. moshwitz

    Dual amp, phase switch problems

    Sup? Have you tried placing a mixer block before the delay? MOSHON DAVE
  80. moshwitz

    Dual amp, phase switch problems

    Sup? Do you want to 1) Switch, 2) Blend, or 3) Morf Between the 2 amps+ cabs? MOSHON DAVE
  81. moshwitz

    Please Bear With Us For a Short While

    Re: Please Bare With Us For a Short While Sup? OUTSTANDING CLIFF :D Congrats,,You deserve it brother. And once again thank you for your fine product, support, and integrity. MOSHON DAVE
  82. moshwitz

    hmm.... non-axe-related phenomenon. Any suggestions?

    Sup? Intonation out maybe? Upon thinking about this and listening to the clip a few more times,,, does your guitar do this with any other gear? how are you recording direct....S/pdif from the axe?,,analog out of the axe into,,,?? what kind of interface? is there anything else on that AC...
  83. moshwitz

    Anybody here that has Superior Drummer 2.0?

    yep.... :mrgreen: ? MOSHON DAVE
  84. moshwitz

    Request 4 more Diezel & Engl Amps in the upcoming versions

    Re: Request 4 more Diezel & Engl Amps in the upcoming versio Sup? :mrgreen: That would be the case. A few people, including myself have sent in our Engl Schems. and were told they were wrong. I would Really love to have a 4th chan. Savage 120 sim. MOSHON DAVE
  85. moshwitz

    New "Accept - Blood of Nations" tone

    Sup? I'll be damned if I forgot to save the patch I was working on,,Yours sounds better anyway :lol: I do remember using the full OD with the HVtube also,,,so that is kinda cool that we both were hearing the same kinda thing with this :mrgreen: MOSHON DAVE
  86. moshwitz

    The Axe Was Better than I expected

    Sup? Great post brother :mrgreen: and its cool to see another JCF'er around too ;) I'm glad your getting on good with your unit, I love my ultra, its absolutely tits. I can't ever remember digging a piece of gear so much. MOSHON DAVE
  87. moshwitz

    New "Accept - Blood of Nations" tone

    Sup? Yeah I love this new album,,great stuff. I have been working on this tone also I'll try to get a clip and patch posted up tomorrow. MOSHON DAVE
  88. moshwitz

  89. moshwitz


    Not if it is from ALLY OOP :lol: MOSHON DAVE
  90. moshwitz

    Dan Spitz / Anthrax and now DeuxMonkey

    Sup? That's awesome Dan, I cant wait to hear the new tunes. I've been a fan since the beginning . Please,,at some point, post a patch or two, and maybe explain why you might have shaped it a certain way. I would love to read your insight on the Axe. MOSHON DAVE
  91. moshwitz

    Lace Alumitone Deathbucker

    Sup? I just ordered one through AMS as I'm wanting to replace an EMG in a neckthru Jackson Warrior with it and was wondering if anyone has had any experience with them? MOSHON...
  92. moshwitz

    Post Your Rig!

    Sup? snapped a couple quick and dirty pics of my current home rig :) sorry they are so dark my current camera blows chunks,, MOSHON DAVE
  93. moshwitz

    Clark Kent: New Mathal

    SUP? :mrgreen: Cool tone on the chugga parts..I dig it can't wait to get my ultra back :cry: MOSHON DAVE
  94. moshwitz

    V10 Ultra .... come and get it!

    :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: My ultra hasn't returned from its trip back to the Fractal...
  95. moshwitz

    A little UBERMOSH

    Sup? :shock: Holy thread resurrection Batman!!!! :lol: Thanks for all the great comps guys,, I really appreciate it :D Nope,, Not an error with your PC ,, and I wish I would have come up with that,, That little trick is from the man Cliff himself. Thanks man Thanks man,,Yes I did the...
  96. moshwitz

    good results direct into computer?

    Sup? Yeah, It works great into the computer brother All these clips were made direct in ;) MOSHON DAVE
  97. moshwitz

    Amp sim requests

    SUP? +1000000,,,for the Framus Cobra...this is about the only amp I would want next to my Savage 120. MOSHON DAVE
  98. moshwitz

    song test mix for our upcoming CD

    Sup? I had a chance to work on this some last night and have addressed the issues that have been noted here and a couple other places. I had tried to be kinda conservative with the vocals before as they were not exactly the best examples that could have been given to me, and sometimes(to me...
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